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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    July 23, 2020 Semi-lucid and non-lucid

    by , 07-24-2020 at 05:58 AM (328 Views)
    I can't remember the dream scene but at some point I was walking and the dream looked very real and the idea came about that this was a dream, and I thought 'no that can't be true... wait is it?' and then I realized it was a dream and the dream exploded into vividness. The dream was a bit dark so I shouted "clarity now!" but the dream sort of warped, it reacted but did not necessarily light up, I was at the KC pool and a girl stepped backwards into me and was leaning on me.

    At another point I went lucid again and was in a room on the floor looking up at someone on a bed, I started rubbing my hands together to try to get the dream to stabilize. I looked up at the person and said 3x3 is 9, 4x4 is 16 and they just sort of looked at me, the dream suddenly went very blurry and crashed.

    I was in my bed on my back looking up, I was in that in between state where my body was stiff but I could move, I felt my left kidney tensing up and it was very uncomfortable, this happened a few times and then it switched to SP, I was in my bed and the room went dark, I didn't think I was going into another lucid, I suddenly thought 'Okay so this is when I astral project... astral project!" and I tried to will myself into getting out of my body but it didn't budge.

    I also had a non-lucid earlier where I was in a house, everything felt off, it felt like I was alone there. My vision turned to an interactive overview map of a beach resort, my friends' faces were icons on different parts of the map, I felt like I hadn't been invited but then my face icon popped up at a location and I thought I had now been invited. Back in the house I needed to get ready, the upstairs seemed like an unfinished attic. A rat ran up to me and I thought that I didn't want to be sleeping and have a rat near me. I went downstairs and in my mind if felt like a very intricate basement that went deep into the ground, again it felt like I was alone, I went down into the basement through a hallway into a room and I could see a rat casually hop into the room and look at me. I felt strange and decided I needed to get out of there as the place felt haunted and I felt like it was going to be a struggle to find my way back upstairs, I walked backwards in order to keep my eye on the room, I could see another smaller room attached to the room lit up by itself.

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    lucid , non-lucid
