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    March 8, 2018 Non-Lucid | beach and birthday party in the woods

    by , 03-09-2018 at 07:32 AM (327 Views)
    The dream scene was at the beach. There were houses on the shoreline that were gated off and had nice green lawns. There were pools on the other sides of the gates. I was riding along a boardwalk path thing on this unicycle that was 15-20 feet up in the air. There were groups of people on the beach in bathing suits and every time I passed a group they were looking up at me smiling. At some point I went over the gate and into a pool that was filled with some sort of plastic balls but they were really small. The guy who owned the house came out and started yelling at me but ended up saying "thanks for getting sugar in the pool."

    Another dream I was in this cabin far out in the woods. It was my birthday and there were friends from home and my accounting program that were celebrating with me. It was like a party but it was also a sleep over. I was keeping tabs on people hoping they were having fun. There was a pool outside. The inside was really open and clean. Near the end of the dream this guy with a pony tail was gathering everyone around. It was time to go so he was giving a speech for my birthday. He sat me down at the door and everyone was gathered around as he was talking. I remember he was sitting down in front of me and I was looking into his eyes which were wide and a faint green. I think he was also a girl at some point in the dream too.

    The dream opened up and people were leaving in cars, I think I went into the garage and went home. I went home and walked up to my neighbor's house where I saw my neighbor walking down the drive way. I said "hey Ms. Laurie" and we started talking about something that I can't quite remember, but it was controversial. I got behind their house and was scaling up the left side. It seemed like there was someone coming to kill people at the house.

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