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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Meeting the Gods

      by , 06-27-2010 at 08:52 PM (Hidden's Dream Journal)
      The first thing I remember is doing a RC. I had a FA, but I kept doing the nose RC, so I realized that I was actually still dreaming. unfortunately my eyes were closed, which is a recipe for disaster for me. I relaxed and tried to DEILD by pulling myself into my HH.

      Eventually I made it into a dream, where I was spinning around in dark water. There were a bunch of glowing red bubbles around me. I surfaced and found myself in a cavern, where there was a line of gods and their animals. I talked to a few of them, asking about their powers and whatnot. One of them, which had a raven on his shoulder, said that his raven served as an extra brain for him.
    2. 6/11-12/10 - Fragments

      by , 06-15-2010 at 07:17 AM (Hidden's Dream Journal)
      I was at my elementary school making noodles. I went off to some buildings on the side and talked with a random DC who told me about her past. I realized that she was a pedophile and ran back to the group. I tasted the noodles. They were good.

      Writing down dreams
      I had a false awakening and started writing down the dream I'd just had. When I woke up for real I could still remember the dream I'd been writing down, but I was too lazy to write it down for real.