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    My Dream Goals

    Huge Progress

    by , 05-16-2015 at 11:09 PM (840 Views)
    Although it is too unclear in memory to thoroughly journal it, last night I had a lucid dream that completed not 1, not 2, but THREE tasks that I had previously set. In the dream, I was outside (TOTNLD Go Outside), picked up and uprooted a very large tree (TOTM Develop a Supernatural Power), AND when picking it up and dropping it, sunk a couple feet into the ground due to the weight and threw tons of dirt into the air, respectively. (TOTW, Dig a Hole). On top of that, I almost completed half of my TOTY by almost being able to swing the tree over my back and onto a house (TOTY part 1 Commit a Crime with a Supernatural Power). Also, I would like to share my strategy for developing super strength in dreams, at least for the use of lifting a heavy object. I first grab the object (as for the tree, I had to hug it to grab a large enough part), close my eyes, try to lift, and then as soon as I feel a lifting sensation I open my eyes and due to momentum, I am now able to lift the object.

    Task 1: Pick up a tree again, Develop better clarity.
    Task 2: Punch someone out with no effort.
    Task 3: Destroy a large statue with my bare hands.

    JadeGreen and gab like this.

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    Updated 06-09-2015 at 09:09 PM by 70072

    lucid , memorable , task of the month , dream fragment , side notes


    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Sorry your recall was not better for your dream, but it's awesome that you managed to complete goals. Though, in the future, it's more fun to complete a goal if you can actually remember what happened while you worked to complete it, so you might want to work on your dream recall.

      Also, I would like to share my strategy for developing super strength in dreams, at least for the use of lifting a heavy object. I first grab the object (as for the tree, I had to hug it to grab a large enough part), close my eyes, and then as soon as I feel a lifting sensation I open my eyes and due to momentum, I am now able to lift the object.
      I remember way back when, my DG showed me a trick to breaking through a wall by kicking it from behind. It was supposed to be easy to do since you were not looking at/thinking about what you were doing.
      justme13 likes this.
    2. justme13's Avatar
      I know, that's why improving my recall and clarity is part of the next TOTNLD. Also, I'd like to say that I'm particularly excited to do my new TOTM.
    3. gab's Avatar
      Great Lucid!

      It's common not to remember all your lucids in great detail, if you had more than one like you did. What I find usefull is to retell my previous lucid or task just before starting another one. That way it commits to your memory even stronger.

      Lucid dreams are same as daytime events, and they are saved in our daytime memory. Non lucid dreams are not.

      While getting your recall better will help you with recalling your non-lucids, working on your daytime awareness will help you with having better awareness and clarity in your lucids. But I wouldn't worry too much, you seem to be doing great. Congrats!