1. I was in a minecraft dungeon following a parkour session that was built by my brother. He has a weekly show where he streams our efforts. There is a killer's killer that tells others how to complete it. If you follow the path that forks right, you delve deepest and get lost. 2. There is a trail that can be followed to a very cool park. Easy and straight-forward to follow through. My friend and I go through and encounter a lone man. The man shines a light but never sees anything. He walks over to us but we manage to slip away into the darkness. We encountered another group later as well as another man with a light. 3. Hanging out behind an expensive SUV. There is a massive pop-out TV and huge subwoofers. Real-estate is brought up and this boy talks about how much he owns. It turns out that his dad had bought him everything he has and he is actually broke. I sat down and watched everyone swim in their respective properties.
1. I spent a day at the disc golf course with a bunch of buddies. We spent our time bombing discs on hole three with ease. I hit the pin nearly every time, and it was always followed by a choir of oh's. 2. I was at a party for my cousin. We were riding go-karts around having races. Some kids were playing with animals at this barn and other's were skating. I saw my cousin and asked him if he still skated but he didn't respond. Shortly after, a Louis CK tour bus pulled into the parking lot. 3. On a mission with Will Smith as a pilot. His commander told him that he needed to abort above a power plant. He did and managed to make it into the nearby water. While he was gone, Reed Timmer took his wife. They got into a fight and Will Smith was stabbed several times. 4. A man and I were hiding in the woods and the USA military was searching for us. They landed nearby and his co-partner jumped us. He hopped on him and began to strangle him. He killed him and then offered me food. Shortly after, a sniper had pinned us down but we managed to call in an air strike on his position. 5. Went to a research facility. They mentioned that technology should power technology. They gave us tricyles that run on railroad tracks and told us to race. We raced down a hill with several jumps and gaps, and came to a finish shortly after. We arrived at a circus that was fully powered due to our racing.
Updated 08-03-2012 at 06:47 PM by 29488
1. I spent my time on a beach, attempting to escape the world. One day a zombie wandered too close and I had to move onwards. I lead a group of friends away and we locked ourselves into a bathroom. We managed to find food and we began to eat. We remained stuck in the bathroom for ever.
1. Spent my time driving between Dad and Mom's house. There was severe inclement weather. My sister said she would be there, and when I got to her apartment I texted her bf about smoking a bowl. He said he doesn't do herpes or anal. A man jumped a car into a sign with numbers all over it. I left and browsed the nearby sex vendors. 2. I was on a bus that broke down outside a bank. I walked inside and began to torment all of the customers. I got into a conversation with the bank owner about leaving my money at his bank. I was unsure if I could trust him or not, but I patted his back and said that he's a great man. 3. At a presidential house for congress. The place was invaded by dozens of SWAT teams. They were swarming every bit of the house. I took off running on the balcony and jumped off. I bounced hundreds of feet into the air due to an airbag. In mid-air I realized that I shouldn't be this high, became lucid, and landed. I walked around the outside of the building and took off to fly, but immediately woke up.
Updated 08-03-2012 at 06:48 PM by 29488