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    1. First taste of flight!

      , 02-10-2012 at 03:47 PM
      Had a really short lucid this morning. I woke up for about 20 minutes and decided to try another MILD as I was still pretty tired.

      I was in a big house, looking at the view from the window it made me think I was on the third or fourth floor. The impression I had of the house, even without seeing it from the outside was that it looked like a traditional childs doll house, big pointed triangular roof, white picket fence etc. The room I was approaching was clearly a childs room, all soft colours, soft toys and a crib in the corner.

      As I walked through the door, I suddenly became lucid. I have no idea what triggered it, leaning against the wall I randomly told myself 'I'm dreaming' and it worked. So I did an RC, pinching my nose again. I can never remember to do any others for some reason. So far I haven't needed it but I know I should try to use them.

      Anyway, I tried shouting 'dream stabilize' and 'clarify' because it didn't feel stable, it felt like I was really dizzy or drunk. Things were blurry and I had trouble walking straight. I'm not sure if that's common. The dream did get more stable after a bit and I began to think about what I wanted to do with my time here. The first thing I saw while looking around the room was a high window showing a bright blue summer sky. The window was really thin but spanning the width of the room. I wanted to fly out of it, not thinking I'd be able to do it, I just lept up, arms in front of me and aimed for the window. Slowly, I glided to the window, almost like I was on a rope. Unfortunately when I got to the window I began to lose control of the flight and went off to the right, nearly crashing into the wall. I gave up on it when I got back to the ground and went to explore the house.

      After that I don't remember what happened, I probably started to lose lucidity. As I said it wasn't very stable. But this is the motivation I needed, just experiencing the buzz you get from it has reinvigorated my focus. Hopefuly it'll lead to more success.
    2. Lucid dreaming... without the lucid.

      , 01-29-2012 at 05:07 PM
      I got back home late last night from the pub so I didn't think to attempt a MILD or anything. Immediately crashed into my bed and fell asleep. I did have an interesting dream though.

      This was the tail end of a longer dream, the parts before I only remember fragments of.

      I was sat in a car on a long motorway with walls either side, I had the impression this road was really high in the sky. There were 4 other people in the car with, none of which I can remember recognising. The road was desolate and abandoned, not a single other person in sight, there were empty cars littered about the place. Our car wasn't moving, we had stopped just before going into this dark tunnel when our engine had stopped. The tunnel was on a bit of a downhill slant so me and another man got out and gave the car a push until we started rolling, avoiding the empty cars on the way down.

      Emerging from the tunnel it was clear that the road had collapsed and if we couldn't stop the car we were heading straight off. The car stopped before the drop and everyone got out to peer over the edge. It was a small enclosed area of rubble and dark green water, everyone took an aversion to the water as if it was dangerous. Gradually we climbed down the drop and started making our way over the water, jumping on debris and wooden poles. The man leading the group across reached the end of the path of debris to find it lead nowhere.

      He turned to me as I reached the end and told me this was just a dream, that we could simply fly out of here. So we did, we flew through the wall enclosing the pool of water to find nothing, a vast grey empty space. As if you noclipped through a map in a videogame. He turned to me again and sounded concerned about the lack of anything out here, I think his words were 'There's no world.'

      I told him not to worry as I remembered that you can summon things in dreams and told him that I'd created a big grassy field. It appeared as I finished the sentence. We flew around exploring the infinite field.

      And that's all I remember, I wasn't actually lucid but had dreamt about being lucid. A strange experience. I kicked myself in the morning for not noticing it as a sign to become lucid.
    3. Intense luciditiy

      , 01-15-2012 at 07:36 PM
      This just happened to me as I was having a short recovery nap, I may have gotten pretty drunk last night lol. I decided to take a go at MILDing again seeing as I hadn't tried in a few days due to family visiting and stuff. This is what happened.

      I live on a big housing estate in a small town in rural england, the high street is about a 20 minutes walk from my house, a walk I make regularly.

      In the dream, I was at the bottom of the hill approaching the estate, it was a warm day with the sun shining bright in the sky. As I continued walking my usual path up the hill I suddenly came to realise that I couldn't remember how I had gotten there, why had I gone into town? Why was I going home? I think it was around then I became lucid as I toyed with the possibility that this could be a dream.

      My next thought was to do an RC, I really wasn't expecting it to work for some reason. The surroundings were so familiar, something I see so common that I just couldn't imagine why it would be a dream. So I pinched my nose, tried to breath... and I could. At this point the excited feeling came all at once over my body, I didn't wake up just yet. I turned around and the sun had filled the horizon, vague blurry outlines of rooftops and the churches steeple waved back and forth in front of me like a heatwave on hot tarmac. It felt like the earth was crashing into the sun. On my right a dark silhoutte of a man wearing a long trench coat came walking leisurely towards me, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

      And I woke up.

      Pretty intense right? I think it could easily have been inspired by one of my favourite films: Sunshine. Although I haven't watched it in a while, I've always been blown away by everything in that movie.
    4. Operation

      , 01-09-2012 at 04:14 PM
      I've been recalling more and more dream fragments since starting lucid dreaming and I do write them all down on paper but as most of them are just stuttered sentences of what I remember I don't feel like writing them all up on here too. But I had quite an interesting dream last night.

      I was sat in a large grassy field late at night, soft rain falling constantly. Although I knew it was a field, I couldn't really see it because it was full, to the brim, with people sat on the ground. We were all waiting for busses to leave, I think the notion was that I was leaving a festival. Me and a few friends were sat together on the wet ground trying to talk over the ambient sounds of a thousand other conversations.

      Somebody tapped me on the shoulder, I turned to face the person and they offered me some sweets but as I turned back there was now a small building amongst the crowd in front of me, it's door was open, shedding a yellow light across the crowd. A voice called for me from inside. I got up off the ground and made my way through all the seated people and entered the building. Once I was inside I realised the building was bigger than I had first though, the ceiling was low and the whole room was at a slight angle. The room I entered was a part of a surgery, complete with operating table but I could also see past that was a sort of living room type area with grand leather sofas and bookshelves. A few patients were sat around quietly, reading magazines/books, watching TV etc.

      I turned my attention to the person who had called me in, she was obviously a surgeon judging by her clothing. Then I realised it was a character from Being Human called Nina, who is a doctor on the show. She told me I had to have an operation as something was wrong with my breathing, I laid back onto the operating table and they put an oxygen mask over my face. My vision started going grey, everything around me was fading away until my vision was completely grey. As that was happening, I was thinking about how I could try and do a lucid dream while under the knife.

      The dream continued after that but I don't remember the rest as well. I woke up from the operation and went over to the leather sofas in the other room but that's about all I can recall.

      Thought that was interesting enough to share. It's very clear to me that the dream was inspired by the book I was reading before I fell asleep last night, Never Let Me Go. If you've read it, you'll know what I mean.
    5. Dream Fragments

      , 01-05-2012 at 06:55 PM
      Since I started this whole shindig, my dream recall has been getting better but no full dreams yet. So I figured I'd just write up all my little dreamlets in one post.

      Before I start my first dream.. I should tell you all right now, I am quite a big nerd. I love films, games, music, youtube. All of that. The reason is, this dream has a lot of references to those things. So yeah... I'm a nerd. XD

      #1 It started off with my watching an episode of Big Bang Theory (which in reality I don't like at all) Penny was talking about writing an essay about Jim Carrey but hadn't seen The Mask. Then I was suddenly in the world of The Mask, in the grand canyon, watching a drag race. The car that The Mask was driving went over a huge ramp in a very comic way and crashed into the floor turning into a big ball of flames. I was at the other end of the race track waiting with the other spectators for the race to finish when I bumped into Cpt Sparklez (a youtuber) who said he was hungry, so we drove into McDonalds. Literally drove into, like a drive-thru inside the store.

      #2 I was watching the film Stand By Me with one of my best friends younger brother at his house, although all their furniture had been replaced with fallen trees. That somehow morphed into me being in Stand By Me as a 10 year old with the cast of the film and another young kid who was apparently representing Johnny Depp. The only obvious thing to do in that situation was to beat him up, which we did..

      #3 This started off taking place in an estranged version of the Royal Albert Hall, it was a lot bigger and open roofed. Me and some bandmates were playing Pink Floyd songs, me being on drums. Turning to my left I noticed someone looking at me through a tiny window but they disappeared quite quickly. I realised that it was a girl I went to school with a few years ago and that she was sat on someones shoulders to look through this window at the concert. The concert turned into the after party where me, all the bandmates and someone famous (who I can't quite picture) were smoking some sort of drug.

      I don't remember any more of the party but I then woke up in a wardrobe covered in clothes, beer bottles etc. Getting up I realised my house had been wrecked from the party, my 6 year old cousin was waking me up, telling me it was time to go, I followed her to an airport terminal where we started listening to the radio with my Dad. For an unknown reason I changed my mind about going on holiday with them and left, trying to walk home only to find I didn't know the way. Getting lost in the woods near where my dad lives, I bumped into two friends from primary school who took me back to their house where they needed help laying cement in their front garden.
    6. My only lucid experiences to date

      , 01-03-2012 at 08:34 PM
      These two short dreams are the reason I discovered the science of lucid dreaming and in turn this website, so I thought I'd share them. I had actually gotten out of bed around 11am, had a shower, had some breakfast and messed around on my computer for about an hour before I started feeling kind of ill so decided to take a quick nap. Jumped back into bed, fully clothed around 2pm and fell asleep.

      Into my dream now. I was sat in a small, empty, italian restaurant. The furniture looked more like patio furniture than something fitting a restaurant, I was on my own sat at a table in the corner. I knew that my best friend had just left and my sister was in the bathroom even though I hadn't actually seen them in the dream. The waiter came over and started talking to me about the bill, it was around this point I started to became aware that I was dreaming. I remember that the conversation between me and the waiter was incoherent and continued without me being part of it. The waiter left, annoyed that I couldn't pay the bill. I was just looking around the room and noticed that it was impossible to see out the two big windows taking up one wall because it was too bright. It was like someone had covered the windows in a thin yellow curtain and pointed a bright spotlight at it. I didn't spend long looking around or thinking about my situation before trying to stand up. I became overwhelmed with a excited feeling that my my stomach tingle, similar to when you used to spin around as a kid, minus the nausea. I got half way to fully upright when I woke up.

      It didn't take long before I fell asleep again and this time I was sat in my computer chair, exactly as I am now. I was instantly aware of my dreaming state, the room was filled with a dull orange light, almost making my room look sepia. I could see perfectly clearly though, to my right my sister was knelt on the floor in front of my TV playing the xbox. I swiveled my chair round to face her back and thought for a second what I should do. I decided to try and touch her on the shoulder to see what would happen. As I leant forward it felt like the chair had been tipped up and I fell straight off through the floor, I think the falling sensation teamed with the same rush of excitement woke up me again.

      And that's it. Those dreams are the reason I am here and have suddenly discovered all the different techniques and possiblities that comes with lucid dreaming. As well as meeting some awesome people here. Look forward to writing about another lucid experience soon.