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    Beyond the Horizon

    There is a city of glass filled with silence.

    1. Dream highschool again

      by , 10-09-2010 at 04:46 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Wow I just remembered a whole long dream I had! I was at a new school! I think I've been here before. I remember all the other kids were being rowdy and stuff in the hallway and suddenly they were all in their classes when the bell rang. I was wonderin around the hallways aimlessly lost.

      There was a very distinct feeling throughout the whole dream, but I don't know what the feeling is. I saw some classrooms and decided to go into one. All the students turned to look at me and I backed out as it wasn't my classroom.

      I found my classroom, and saw some people from my old (real life) school there. One said to me "This teacher used to teach at our old school!" And apparently this teacher was very nice. There was a lot of detail and more to remember, but it's gone from me.
      Tags: lost, school
    2. 3rd Lucid moment

      by , 10-08-2010 at 02:48 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was out in my street at daytime, with random people. I'm not sure what we were doing, but it involved some huge guy who looked weird. I was with my school friends.

      Suddenly the scene changed to night time, which I hate in dreams because it's dark. I went towards my street light and I became lucid. I instantly woke myself up because I didn't want to stay there any longer.

      The end
      Tags: night
      lucid , nightmare
    3. Bus to maths

      by , 10-08-2010 at 02:40 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      After the previous dream about my mum being crazy, I was now waiting for a bus to go to Maths class two days before school starts for the term. It was bus 711. I was being told by my mum when it comes, and I got on it. I remember feeling so bored because I would be on it for hours. I looked around and I saw one of my friends thank goodness.

      I went over to Simon and he showed me his new iPod. He showed me his conversation with his girlfriend. Then he showed me a music video that one of our friend's friend made to the song Tik Tok by Ke$ha. It was very vivid and clear.

      The end.
    4. Mum with Alzheimer's

      by , 10-08-2010 at 02:19 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was in a room in some sort of house with my mum, dad and some random guy. My mum was talking but she wasn't making any sense and she was being all irrational. The random guy took my ipod for a second, unlocked it with the password, and tried to take a photo of my mum for some reason.

      The end
    5. Weird commercial

      by , 10-07-2010 at 01:41 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was at a beach, and, according to a voiceover, I was in Parramatta, which isn't near any beaches IRL. The voiceover talked about how you can use this awesome new car, a four-wheel-drive, to reach a better beach around the corner. I stood there while the car went off around the corner. I decided to follow it.

      I slipped on some mud (this being the crap beach) and eventually got up onto some metal staircases in the cliffside. I saw a couple halfway up watching their laptop. It was Windows 7 and they were looking at their files which were on their home computer (I have been seeing so many ads for it).

      At the top was the car, which had two girls and their dad. The car had a section infront of the dashboard where I sat. The dad said something about how I shouldn't be seen with them. We drove back down to the bottom. I got out and got my stuff, I'm not sure exactly what I had. Then they all said bye and drove away. I tried to see what the number plate was so I could contact them again someday, but when I looked, the car was a person running away, and there was no number plate on their legs

      The end.
    6. Almost hit by a car

      by , 10-07-2010 at 01:11 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      So, I was in a van being taken somewhere with a few others as if we had done something wrong. Then we stopped next to a busy road. The drivers said we can take a break. I decided to cross the road for a walk. It was nighttime.

      So I crossed halfway and stopped at the pedestrian island, and watched all the cars zooming past. I prayed that God would protect me. All of a sudden a car spun out of control and was skidding towards me! I bolted away yelling while other cars had to stop for me. The skidding car hit a little pole right where I was standing.

      I walked back and saw police already there giving the driver a breath test, and the police said "You can make a statement unless you have to get back really quickly," he was referring to the people who were driving me at the beginning. I went back to them

      The end.
    7. Deja vu again

      by , 09-24-2010 at 01:58 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I just remembered that I dreamt about the 6-part mini tv series called "The Prisoner" it's like Inception but tv form.

      It was frantic in the dream, and the only part I remember was running up the stairs of number 2's house (the people are called numbers) to try and save someone.

      Ian Mckellen, (Gandalf, Dumbledor) is in the tv show, he plays number 2, and he was stopping me from saving the person in my dream.
    8. The Simpsons infected

      by , 09-24-2010 at 12:42 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I'm watching the recording of two tourists in Japan visiting. It was night. I thought about how all the shops on this street were getting advertising from the video.

      I was there suddenly. Normal people were walking around. Then out of nowhere there were these weird people wearing blue gliding through the air 15m above us and bouncing on the ground. They kept going up and down bouncing everywhere. People got scared.

      I was suddenly holding the video camera and I aimed it around everywhere. When they touched someone they turned half into rockets then came back together and infected other people.

      The Simpsons where there too. I started running down the street past everyone. People were arguing about cereal.

      I went to the side and saw a huge drop off with a beach below. We were on a cliff.

      Somehow the story in my dream changed for a few seconds and we were scouting a location for Channel 7 filming something. I had just come from a camp in my dream.
      "Yes! See that beach?"
      Just before this scene there was something about a cinema, but I forget There was also something about an ocean.
      Just before the huge cliff drop there was a little square dug out of the edge so I climbed down into it. It was full of logs so I kind of slipped and grabbed onto the edge. I was hanging down with the beach below me about 30m away. I tried desperately to get back up.

      Someone from a tv show on Channel 7 was there, but he wasn't real. I did have anything to grab onto to pull myself up so I grabbed onto this guy's shirt. It kind of ripped off and I heard a VoiceOver saying "You can see (blah blah) without his shirt on at 8:30 Tuesday on Channel 7" like an ad.

      Suddenly there were two girls above me as I was still on the edge. They were arguing about cereal. I wanted them to help me but they said "Wow, carrots? They're for wimpy fat people" the other said "Yeh, and same with Special K!" (a kind of cereal which I don't eat)

      I had a bag of Special K so I threw it up at them but they made me go further down the cliff. I tried to see where I could land, but there was just rocks underneath me. I also had the legs of Bart from the Simpsons.

      They kept lowering me down and I could see Maggie hanging next to me. Then I dropped onto the beach finally, which was now only 3 metres down. Homer and Marge were suddenly there. I was facing the cliff, but not standing near it. Homer and Marge were in front of me and then 'infected' Maggie who suddenly flew/rocketed away into the distance. "Homer said something like "Ahh, she really flies fast doesn't she?"

      The end.

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 12:45 AM by 34314

    9. Zombies and police

      by , 09-24-2010 at 12:33 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Then I had a dream about zombies.
      I was in this house and it was night, and there may have been other people. I can't remember all of it, but halfway through I'm on my own in the house, but with the police from the last dream who were in their car. Their car was on top of the stove. I went up to it and the woman inside woke up and suddenly got really big teeth and roared.
      The guy inside the car fell out the other side, dead.

      The woman came down and I smacked her in the face. She stumbled backwards into the dead guy who was a zombie too. He woke up and... *memory gap*

      The end

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 01:09 AM by 34314

    10. On my driveway

      by , 09-24-2010 at 12:30 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      It was night time on my driveway. My mum is watering plants and my dad is in the car with me. I say "Nah, this isn't a dream."
      My dad says "How do you know? It could be,"
      "No its not," and I think about how you know when you're awake when you really are awake.

      Then police come up our driveway and say some things to us like we were in trouble.


      Updated 09-24-2010 at 01:09 AM by 34314

      Tags: car, dad, mum, night, police
    11. Dried-up Permanent Marker

      by , 09-22-2010 at 10:30 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I don't remember much
      I was talking with a friend, I don't remember who, and they were using a black marker on a page, pressing really hard. I took it and wrote with it but it was too dried up. I started pressing really hard and it made the awful squeaking noise and feeling in my hand and I shivered in disgust as I would do IRL.
      I remembered that ^^^ because someone at school was using a highlighter, and when I remembered, I thought it was from the day before. I had to really think and check that it was a dream that I remembered.

      Next dream
      I met up with my friend James who I haven't seen for a while. I saw his sister and said "Hey!" and she ignored me, so I yelled out and she said "Oh hi Kevin!"
      The end :3
      Tags: james, marker, paper, suzy
    12. Crazy Layered Dream!!

      by , 09-21-2010 at 12:06 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I went to bed after listening to some new songs, and the weirdest dream I have ever had.

      In a room in a warehouse with LostInLA and other church friends. I knew I was in a dream, but I wasn't lucid; it was part of the story. Me and LostInLA wanted to have a shared dream, so we lay on these reclined chairs and took a pill each. I bit into mine and tried to swallow the liquid inside it. As I did something was wrong; people said "No Kevin!"
      I think I took the wrong pill.

      I went into a dream, I felt like it was my own mind. I was walking around in my dream. It was a normal place and the dream was very stable and deserted. I was thinking about how I would be in this dream for ages because dreamtime is faster and I was supposedly two layers down.

      I was walking up this road toward the spot where I had my first lucid moment. I looked behind me and the sun was setting until it was night.
      *MEMORY GAP*

      I looked up and It was morning in my dream and I made my way towards where I entered this dream. I saw some stairs which I climbed. At the top there was a doctor's office. I asked the receptionist if I could sit here because I was tired of just walking around. She said yes.

      There were two other people waiting for the doctor. My church friend Rachael came out of the doctors office and I said "What are you doing here?" I thought it was just my dream. She said something like "I've been here since I got sick."
      *MEMORY GAP*

      I realized I was dreaming FOR REAL sometime later. Everything was white and I yelled "Increase clarity now!" three times and rubbed my hands, but again, it felt like I was doing it for real in my bed and that it was too late.

      I think that lucid dreaming feels so real that I think I'm really doing the reality check. Grr...

      I woke up into the first dream, after everyone was crowded around me shaking me to wake me up.

      Later, I showed LostInLA my cast coming off; I pulled my arm out of it and it was all sticky and gross. She was like "Ewwww..."

      I woke up.

      There was much more than that though. Something about a bus.

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 01:09 AM by 34314

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    13. Boring, Realistic Dreams :/

      by , 09-19-2010 at 11:33 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I'm in a street near my house with my dad, and it's the dream version of the street. We get on a bus and sit down with our tickets. The whole time there was an uneasy feeling about the place.


      I'm at my school, and everything is normal, but we have a substitute teacher who has us all practising drums on the tables. I'm walking to where I normally go for lunch, but my friend said it's only period 3 so I run back and see my maths teacher getting someone in trouble.

      The end.

      I'm in the shopping centre up my road and I'm with people. We pass an optometrist who is the mum of someone from years ago in RL. We walk past Gloria Jeans cafe which had been renovated to have a cover over the tables.

      I wake up

    14. Lost at Sea

      by , 09-16-2010 at 08:58 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Forgot to remember my dreams again.
      I was with a few people looking at a map, when they pointed to a spot and I was suddenly in a boat in the ocean where the person pointed. I was like "Okay guys, this is good" then it got really REALLY cold and I could see icebergs in the moonlight and they said "You're going into the Arctic Circle!"

      Memory gap.
      I wake up
    15. Cast again

      by , 09-15-2010 at 01:37 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Getting my cast off tomorrow so no more dreaming about it!!

      I was at school I think, and someone was like "Dude just take the cast off if it smells."
      I said "I can't, that's why I've been complaining"
      "You CAN take it off though"
      "No, I can't"
      "YES YOU CAN!!"
      "I can't!!! LOOK"
      I proceed to pull on my cast, which slips right off my arm.

      I wake up, with the cast still on

      Updated 09-23-2010 at 07:12 AM by 34314

      Tags: argue, cast, school
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