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    Beyond the Horizon

    There is a city of glass filled with silence.

    1. Road Trip

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:29 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was in a car with someone I met recently, and some other random guy. We were coming back from the beach, and we got to my house. They started doing something in the backyard. I was in the laundry.

      How uneventful.
      Tags: aaron, car
    2. Primary school race

      by , 12-19-2010 at 01:35 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was at my primary school, again, but the students and teachers were from my high school. I was sitting at a random spot where other people were.

      Everyone was involved in what they were doing; some were eating, others were running around etc.

      There was a lot of random stuff happening too, like some of the students having small cars to race around the school.

      I found myself sitting up on a balcony, but on the outside of the railing. A teacher came up and told me off, and as I was getting down, some other teachers were there telling the first teacher that what he did wasn't fair.
    3. Fragment

      by , 12-18-2010 at 06:43 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Primary school, again.
    4. Thank you DreamViews!

      by , 12-16-2010 at 04:02 PM (Beyond the Horizon)

      Thanks for making my day even better! I hope I stay here for another year
      side notes
    5. On the Phone to limitless

      by , 12-15-2010 at 02:19 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was making a long-distance call from Sydney, Australia all the way to Canada, from my mobile.

      Even though it was going to be ridiculously expensive, it didn't matter because I was enjoying talking to limitless :3

      Updated 12-15-2010 at 02:28 PM by 34314

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. School Hall Mountain - Fragment

      by , 12-15-2010 at 02:16 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was in my school hall, and there was some sort of tall mountain, like those ones in zoos for the goats to walk on.
      The mountain wasn't the focus of the dream though.

      I could remember feeling intimidated by everyone in the hall so I went and hid up high near the ceiling where it was all dark.
    7. 3rd Lucid - I'm part of the community now :3 - DILD

      by , 12-15-2010 at 05:12 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I tried FILDing but I fell asleep.

      I was in my primary school staff room (for the 100th time) and I looked at my hands and did a fingercount. Everything was normal.

      Something made me look at my hand again, it was still normal, but I said "This is a dream". I went outside the room to a balcony and remembered the snowball Task of the Month, so I tried to pick up some snow from nowhere, but when I threw it, nothing came out of my hand.

      I went down the stairs to a grass quadrangle, and I made snow appear on the grass, I picked it up and made it into a ball and threw it at someone. Ive never felt real snow before so it felt like the ice in a freezer.

      I remember flying up suddenly really high into space, and passing the moon which may have had shared dreamers on it.

      My cousin and his dad were there doing something strange.
      I only remember when they start wearing werid masks and making a really weird, freaky, almost satanic laughing noise/chant. There were suddenly a whole bunch of people doing the same thing. I started to get scared at it was night suddenly, so I yelled "Disappear!" along with an appropriate arm movement (that's how I control) and they vanished.

      I yelled "Daytime!" and moved my arms like I was sending the moon down past the horizon and pulling the sun up. It was still dim so I yelled "Brighter. Brighter! BRIGHTER!!" until it was normal daytime.

      I remembered that I had to get to Whoville for the other task. The quadrangle had four walls around the outside, so when I spun to another place, the walls were still there so I made them disappear one by one.

      As I was doing this a teacher from my high school was there and said "You look like a crazy person when you do that." I said "Well, I'm dreaming so it doesn't matter. This is a dream.

      Then I started losing lucidity as I was waking up, because random half-naked manga girls were walking around the grassy hills I was standing in, and unicorns from Charlie the Unicorn were appearing. Nearby my dad said "What are you watching?"

      I woke up to an alarm in another room

      I don't even read manga/watch erotic anime FWIW

      Updated 12-15-2010 at 05:25 AM by 34314 (Remembered something)

      lucid , nightmare , task of the month
    8. FILD - Finger Induced Lucid Dream - FIRST TIME

      by , 12-14-2010 at 02:19 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I just finished reading the FILD technique thread and was eager to try it.

      I woke up sometime early in the morning, about 7:00 (it's holidays ) and started doing the movements. Then I remembered I had to RC after a minute. As I went to pinch my nose, it was like I had another arm. Since I was lying on my side, I shouldn't have been able to move my left arm.

      I could breathe through my nose, and I thought Wow, it actually worked!. I then woke up because I didn't stabilize.

      I tried it again, and this time I kept breathing through my plugged nose so I would be more in the dream. I got up and stood in my room for a second, then I spun around and I was half-taken to the place in my imagination that I've always wanted to go. I could see it, but I could see my room at the same time.

      I don't remember after that.
      Tags: fild, room, wild
    9. iPad

      by , 12-13-2010 at 02:21 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      All I could remember was that I came home and there was an iPad sitting on the coffee table.
      All I could think was "What an unbelievably HUGE WASTE OF MONEY!!! GRRRRR" rage

      I also remember randomly being in a bushy place with a friend and some people were driving a car.
      Tags: ipad, simon
    10. My first lucid dream.

      by , 12-09-2010 at 12:19 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      Towards the end of my sleep, I kept getting plonked right in the middle of annoying situations. The second last one was at my primary school and I was still doing work experience. Our class had to get on a bus for an excursion, but the class was split into 3 and one of the groups thought I was an actual teacher and just got on the bus.

      I got on too, and the bus drove off. I was trying to decide whether I should have waited for the teacher, because I could get into serious trouble. I eventually decided to tell the bus driver to stop, but a teacher randomly appeared on the bus and said "It's okay, I'm a teacher."

      I sat back down and some kids were talking about Gold Class cinemas. I said "You can put your seat all the way back in Gold Class."

      Immediately my dream cut to me sitting in a Gold Class cinema, but I had come with nobody. So, rather than waste the $50 on seeing the movie with no one else, I decided to go back out and get a ticket refund before half an hour into the movie. The beginning of the movie had the Columbia logo where there is a lady holding a torch. As I was walking towards the door, I thought "Why do I keep ending up right in the middle of situations? I must be dreaming."

      Unlike the other lucid moments I've had, this realisation came on slowly, so I didn't wake up. All I did, because I was so happy, is rub my hands. It felt so real, but this time I knew it was still just a dream.

      I proceeded to walk outside the cinema, rubbing my hands the whole time, as I was just about to change the scene...

      Someone turned on the shower in the room next to me, waking me up.
    11. Non-sexual Megan Fox dream

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:33 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was at my primary school, and I was talking to Megan Fox about Michael Bay. "So you're not going to be in Transformers 3?" I said.
      "Yeah, Michael Bay said I'm not to be in it."
      "He's a douche. Both the Transformers movies have no storyline, just special effects. Oh, and good acting "
      "Hey thanks =D. The story was so bad because we only had 3 days to write it before filming."

      Then I 'saw' the team with Megan trying to rush out a script and storyline.

      She also pointed at my Transformers jacket. Many people have been doing this IRL recently.
    12. Disturbing Fragment

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:22 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I dreamt that my whole grade was in the main school hall, and we were forced to watch some electrical safety video.

      It was supposed to convey its message by being shocking and violent. Like those drink driving ads.

      It showed a baby next to some water that was touching something electrical, so when the baby touched the water it started to spaz out and get electrocuted. Then another baby next to the first one placed its hand on the other baby and was getting electrocuted too.

      It was awful.
      nightmare , non-lucid
    13. Liquid chocolate; Premonition?

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:08 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      This morning I didn't really remember my dreams. That is, until Photography class first period.

      We watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The new one with Johnny Depp in it.

      Then I remembered that I dreamt about a giant chocolate fondue.


    14. In the car again

      by , 12-06-2010 at 10:33 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I had a nap this afternoon to give me more chances of becoming lucid

      I was with school friends. I wish I remembered why, because I would have become lucid. IRL I've found that I'm out of the house more often at night.

      So I'm in the car with my friend Simon, he's driving, even though he's only a learner at the moment IRL. The dream was set 3 hours after I was dreaming it, so it was Monday night with school in the morning. I was expecting to be taken home, but he drove past my turn off. He said "Let's just crash at my sister's place. Her husband will be there." his sister is 19 lol

      The road was very similar to where we should have been IRL.

      I said I'll call my dad to make sure it's okay, but as I got my phone out, I dreamt that I woke up.

      In my FA, I immediately tried to call Simon to ask whether he just had the same dream. I could see that he was doing the same, somehow.

      Then I slowly woke up for real, and didn't move because I believed he was still trying to call me and that my phone would ring.

      Then I snapped out of it and called him, he said he was in a car coming back from the shops. He wasn't driving.

      I will update after speaking to him tomorrow.
    15. Don't wake up or we will die!

      by , 12-02-2010 at 07:14 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I don't remember the beginning of the dream, but the first thing I DO remember is saying to LostInLA "Okay, I'm going to wake up now." Suddenly everyone around us stopped and stared for a while suddenly turned towards us and started to come after us both.

      I presume it was because they think that if I wake up, they will all die.

      We were being chased through a kind of miniature city, as in a previous dream. Eventually we got to a balcony. It was cloudy and overcast, raining, and about 5 in the afternoon because it was half-dark.

      I was cornered against the railing while my friend ran off another direction. 20 metres (65 feet) below me was a carpark, so I jumped off and tried to land on a car, instead hitting the ground, hard.

      I thought "Wow I should be dead," feeling all broken etc. The car I was facing had a silhouette of the driver's seat, but then it changed into a person and so I threw a nearby glass bottle at the window, quickly stood up, and saw a car drive up to me. The car was covered in advertisements for Xbox Kinect and was bright green and pink, compared to the gloomy grey everywhere else.

      I got in and LostInLA was in the back. I don't know who the driver was, but we drove away. There was conversation, but I don't remember what was said. Something like "Where can we go? The whole world is gone!"

      We turned down a small street which turned out to be a dead end. It was a place where you can launch a boat into the water. In a previous dream, we had driven over this water in a car, because we were going fast enough, and there were no zombies lol. I said "The water is too rough to drive over," and suddenly there was a possessed baby in front of the car, so we started to drive to the left, there the dead end extended to...
      And then I woke up D=
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