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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    ARCHIVE: December 16, 2009

    by , 06-10-2010 at 08:20 PM (342 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
    11:47pm - Went to sleep with absolute determination to lucid dream. I really believed I would succeed, even though I had not done very many reality checks that day.

    The first dream I recall came in the form of a nature trail. At first we were in a building made of small yellow bricks with squares of green at random places in the walls. The floor was of concrete, and I remember seeing realistic reflections in it. Soon, that building pathway led outside to he nature trail. My family and I were all there, walking it. The path seemed to go on forever, going past trees and creeks and all sorts of plants. The lighting wasn't very realistic here, though. I don't recall any shadows, and the sun didn't shine through the leaves at all as it should have. Eventually we decided to turn back and head home. On the way back, the path itself maintained its integrity; it went the same directions at the same point in the path that it had before. The building we started at, however, was a different story. The colors had switched; now there were green bricks with little yellow squares at random points in the walls. I remarked at the change in the dream, but unfortunately my explanation was: "Oh, they must have painted it while we were gone." Soon after, I entered another dream.

    This one also had a lot of trees and other foliage, as well as a dirt road. My friends and I had gathered there and were talking and looking at pictures we'd taken of the jungle/forest, when suddenly someone sped by us and started shooting. I don't think he hit anyone, but we all got in our cars (which were suddenly there with us as if by magic ) and chased him down before he could do more damage. The dirt road was rough, but not realistically so. We easily sped through without ever once spinning out or having difficulty turning. That's not to say we were free from harm, though. Once I went off a jump, right behind the shooter and catching up, and on my way down, a branch hit the windshield and broke the glass. I felt little pieces pierce my skin, and it hurt when I moved, but I kept driving. Others behind me went through similar experiences, though their windshields remained intact. After a long chase like this, we drove into snowy territory, on a mountain (amazing how no one was even slightly cold). The shooter was gone, but there was a structure, and at the top was some huge, gold artifact. Everyone got out of their cars and began to climb the side of the structure. It wasn't too difficult, since only the support structure was left behind; the equivalent of modern beams in 5,000 year-old form. However, the structure was also straddling two sides of a huge snow-covered canyon below. We climbed with caution. Suddenly, the shooter came back, and this time he hit a friend of mine that was almost to reach the gold artifact. My friend fell off, but managed to land on the edge of the canyon rather than fall down in it. I rushed to the top, grabbed the gold, and then dove off the structure to the canyon edge. I rolled as I hit the ground and came up unhurt. The shooter was gone again. I started to pull glass shards out of me, but soon I woke up.

    It was still early. I had enough time to do a WBTB so I decided I would give it a shot. Unfortunately, I had only a vague idea of how to properly DO a WBTB, so I didn't get all the way out of bed, but remained fully awake for about 30 seconds and suppressed thoughts about the day ahead or anything but lucid dreaming. Oddly enough, though, that much actually helped! At least, I think it did. I began to feel very lightweight...not totally weightless as if I was WILDing, but very light, and it was like the logic part of my brain was partially shut off while remaining conscious. I considered WILDing then because it seemed the most likely time for it to work, but in the end decided I didn't want to endure the transition and went back to sleep, hoping for a DILD that I never got. Didn't even have any dream recall from this sleep period.

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