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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    Tuesday, August 31, 2010

    by , 08-31-2010 at 04:32 PM (441 Views)
    My first CAN-WILD attempt...

    Alright. It's official: my sleep schedule is just too inconsistent these days to be able to keep up with LD's the way I used to. It's time to figure out new ways of going lucid that don't require attention from all my waking hours, since those have become filled with other matters. It's time...for CAN-WILD!

    I'm going to be putting all of my lucid dreaming effort into this one, and documenting what I can in this DJ. Entries will be inconsistent depending on what days I work early in the mornings (which I can't use to LD) and days that I work later on in the day (which I can use to LD). So bear with me.

    I tried the method using the flash-based timer found on this tutorial. I'm definitely on the right track, but no lucids yet. I just need to tweak my timer settings...but I can do that beneficially now, thanks to some things that I learned/observed over the past night.

    First thing: It takes me much longer than 10 minutes to fall asleep after I've already gotten about 5 hours in. Therefore, the first timer beeped while I was still very much awake. I think I should kill off the WBTB which was used to set/start the timer and instead set the first timer to go off automatically after about 5 hours, so I don't have to get up and do anything. This way I can fall back asleep very quickly.

    Second thing: The first dream I did have was very vivid and coherent, never mind it was far from realistic, and the clarity and coherence decreased with each dream that followed. I was part of a human settlement on a distant planet where aliens were trying to eradicate us. We could hear them coming...all of our houses were fragile, as we'd been forced to construct them ourselves. There was no way we'd be protected from the oncoming attack. Everyone grabbed what weapons they had and I organized as good of a defense grid as I could (I guess I was their leader or something). Then, when I went to look for my own weapon, all that was left was a sniper rifle.

    "I don't know how to use this! Oh, great..."

    There was no time to figure something else out, though. Just then, against the red sky, we saw the first wave of aliens flying in towards us.

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    My vision went blurry a second and I lost balance. Then a blast went off somewhere and I was drawn back into the dream. Only something was different now...I wasn't sure why, but I knew I had total control over things. So with a grin I looked through that sniper scope and began to take down aliens with perfect precision. Some where barely visible in the distance, and yet I still would hit them square in the head.

    The battle was long and intense, and eventually I had to put down the sniper and switch to hand-to-hand combat, but of course I dominated all opponents who dared get close to me then. When the battle was over, and we'd only lost two people as compared to the 10,000 aliens, I was considered a war-hero.

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    This time I woke all the way up, but it was momentary. Before long, I was in another dream. But after a few minutes, the alarm went off again and I woke up. Then back into another dream. And so on this went for about 5 different dreams.

    Third thing: Each of these was basically a DEILD, only I was not lucid, so there was very little coherence by the end of all this. My dreams were mixing together in odd ways which resulted in one totally bizarre mish-mash of weirdness and people and places and things to the point that even if I had gone lucid, the dream probably would have just shattered, because it was not stable as it was.

    Conclusions: The alarm should go off automatically from the start, and trend towards increasing time between alarms as time goes on rather than decrease the time between alarms.

    Should be interesting to see how this works out

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