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    Lucid on Purpose :)

    by , 01-08-2011 at 03:26 PM (846 Views)
    Last night, I knew I was going to have a lucid dream, because I kept telling myself I would. I have heard of nightmares turning into lucid dreams, but not the opposite. All I remember is the part when I became lucid to the part where I woke up. I have no idea what the dream before that was. "Wait, I'm dreaming!" I said even though I forgot how I figured this out. I suppose my dream mind is becoming more aware, because this happened on purpose, unlike my other lucid dreams. As soon as I knew I was dreaming, I flew. EVERYTIME I find out I am, I just fly, I don't know why! So, I said to myself that I can do anything I wanted. But, I better hurry before time runs out. (Side note, everytime I fly I turn into this other hot chick with blonde hair?) It's weird. So, I flew and things started to fade and fade. It was only vivid for about one nano second. Then, I fell. I kept falling and falling and falling into the darkeness of my old once reaccuring dream nightmare thing. The next thing I know, I can see my eyelids. I can't move or speak, or do anything. I just scream/cry because everytime I do, my mom wakes me up, as she did. The only good thing about this is that it is my first lucid dream I had not because of chance, but because of me Also, I had two other dreams but I don't feel like rewriting them here they take too long

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    1. Emiko's Avatar
      As soon as I knew I was dreaming, I flew. EVERYTIME I find out I am, I just fly, I don't know why!
      Me, too. For me, I think it's because flying is just so much fun, and so far, it's my favorite thing to do in a dream that I can't do in real life. Anyway, congrats on the intentional lucid!
    2. Lynn's Avatar
      Thank you
    3. Emiko's Avatar
      You're welcome!