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    Lynn's Lucids

    Secret Desires

    by , 01-13-2011 at 04:31 AM (634 Views)
    I met Mariah Carey in my dream. The song "Touch My Body" was in the backround. o.O! She was very, very nice. We talked alot and she made me laugh. [ Fragment ]
    Dream #1, Nap
    Our school is doing the Baby Think It Over program. (A baby simulator) and I chose the alternative assignment, in real life (the research paper, five pages!) But like in real life, in the dream I really, really wanted the baby, but it was too embarassing to carry around all day. Mrs. Smith showed us a a new "baby" she got and it was sooooo adorable. I fell in love with her. She was a white, little girl with big, brown eyes and a pink/white outfit. Her body was soooo small but cute. "Mrs. Smith, can I take home the baby, instead?" I asked as she said yes. "Yay! Can I have another copy of the permission slip, too since I lost it?" She said yes, but I knew she lost it because I turned it in, already! -__-
    Then, we were schedueling the baby and I woke up.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
