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    Dream Space, The Final Frontier

    Magical Musical Fridges

    by , 09-17-2011 at 11:36 AM (487 Views)
    Loud Music
    I am helping my sister find an actor for a part in a movie. We're in a bedroom that I assume is hers. She has a boyfriend who is passed out/asleep on the other side of the bed from where she is sitting. Mandy is near an alarm clock while she goes through a list of actors. I don't recognize any of them. Then she finds one named Circe while we go through the C's. For some reason it is a male actor with that name. I think I recognize it, so I call the guy up. There is a poor connection with lots of static. I can barely hear him. The alarm clock is also a radio, there is loud music playing. I can't hear the actor to tell him about the job. I walk through the house, downstairs and even out onto the side porch. The house is apparently now my parent's old house. I can still hear the music very loudly from outside. It's overwhelming. I wake up. One of my lucid dreaming music sound tracks in playing too loudly in real life. I had noticed this track being too loud before, so I take the time to figure out how to set that track to a lower volumn.

    Too Many Fridges
    My family comes home from a long trip. We are loading many, many groceries into several large refridgerators. I spend a lot of time organizing things so that they are stored in the right fridges. I find it odd that there is a grocery store freezer in our home (the kind that are open on top, so that customers can just grab things out of them). The freezer also has a shelf unit (kind of like a hutch).

    Power Over Death
    I'm one of several magic-users in the downtown area of my old hometown. There was a horrible disaster. The buildings were tossed around like toys in the wind and many people have died. In the middle of the disaster, myself and two other mages figure that the St. James Hotel has been around for over a hundred years and should be safe to weather out the disaster in. It's some kind of storm?

    The other two mages are upset that their friend has died, a young Native American man. They are arguing over who should be attuned to an artifact that brings people back to life. Neither wants to trust the other fully. As they debate near their dead friend's body, I tell them, "I can bring people back to life just by touching them." It takes them a second to hear me and then they stop arguing. They stare at me, astonished for a second and ask me to repeat myself. I tell them again that I can bring people back from the dead, "But I won't do it if they've been gone too long and are decomposing or if they died from poison. If they died from poison and I bring them back, they will just suffer from the poison still in their bodies and die again."

    They decide to let me bring their friend back to life, so I begin working on a ritual with his body. Eventually I realize that the last part of the spell requires me to kiss the dead corpse, so I hesitate. It seems that the magic is taking a while and I'm not quite done with the spell by the time I wake up.

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