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    Lucid Dreams

    1. [Dream #15 - 2/2/2016] Office [Lucid]

      by , 02-02-2016 at 02:15 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      An image depicting of an office set up

      I was in this office kind of area, with white walling, a window leading out to the outside and light shinning in and there was a green plant in-front of me. I remember being like, "Oh, I'm dreaming!" And telling myself over and over again to calm down and not get too excited because I would wake up out of it.

      But I ended up finding myself stuck in stationary position whilst standing up and I couldn't move all I could do was see what was around me. I tried my hardest to move but sadly I couldn't. But I guess this was a start in lucidity and a foundation to hopefully be able to control dreams and finally be able to do what I want and spend time with those I love.

      Notes: None to note.

      Date — 2/2/2016

      Went to bed — Cannot recall...

      Woke up — 7:00AM

      *Time logged — 7:05AM

      Total sleep — +3 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — Meh


      *Daytime — RC

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The Obvious

      Perceived Length — 2 Minutes

      Emotions — Excited

      Awareness — Yes, very

      Updated 02-02-2016 at 11:43 PM by 89722

      lucid , memorable
    2. [Dream #2 - Year 2012] My Encounter with a Shadow Person? - First Lucid Dream Experience

      by , 01-14-2016 at 12:48 AM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      This happened more so randomly and unintentional but I'll talk about it.

      The most vivid lucid dream (if you want to consider it a dream) I had was after I had awoken and went back to sleep one night. I couldn't distinguish if my eyes were still close or open but, I remember laying on-top my mattress in my room. Everything looked the same, and the placement of a couple of furniture pieces were exactly where they were in the waking world. I sadly couldn't move but I could see with my eyes. I looked over the blackened silhouettes of my computer chair paired with another item and eventually from those black shapes emerged a creature.

      Completely black and half my height, shared very similar aspects of the heartless from Kingdom Hearts, particularly the shadows. His hair almost resembled that of a straw hat with a kind of point on top. He had a yellow smiley face logo, similar to the one Impmon from Digimon has, on his chest. He approached me slowly towering me, sporting a wide grin with ground sharp teeth. Through various ways he exploited himself, I knew right away wanted to have sex with me. I wanted to engage in the act with him but again, I couldn't move due to being in a paralyzed state. Eventually before I could do more about it, I was snapped back to the waking world. The perception still did not change from me coming back but the figure vanished from view.

      It was disappointing that I couldn't continue on in the moment, and I was ecstatic about it. About meeting someone/something that normally one wouldn't see in this physical world. But I enjoyed the intensity and vividness of the event nevertheless. I also drew a picture of the creature afterwords but I can't find it at the moment, though I could easily create a new one.

      • Notes — Before I started attempting lucid dreaming, I was more focused on astral projecting. The methods I learned from reading up on WILD and MILD are practically the same methods I used when I was taught astral projection from a former college friend. Excluding the part where I imagine my spirit body detaching from my physical. This event happened unintentionally, but I feel that the habit of ding a routinely MILD - WILD
      seeped into myself doing it automatically without having any thought of doing so.

      Encountering the Shadow creature and wanting to engage is sexual intercourse with him, in my opinion, exhibits a lot of myself and how sexual open I am as a person, especially when it comes to different species. Being that I wasn't at all scared as most people would when being face-to-face with such a being, could explain the fact that in the waking world I do not have fears the ghosts, shadow people, demons, types of fears that exist. Thus, could be why I had such a positive synergy with this creature.

      Date — Somewhere around the year 2012

      Went to bed — N/A

      Woke up — N/A

      *Time logged — N/A

      Total sleep — N/A

      Stress level throughout the day — N/A

      Techniques/Practices — I been doing methods of MILD and WILD for a bit before this event occurred.

      *Daytime — N/A

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — NA

      Dream Signs — My bed, my room (being that it wasn't shown to be altered in any way), the exact same placement of furniture

      Perceived Length — 5 minutes

      Emotions — Curious, Happy

      Awareness — Hard to say. I was aware that such an event doesn't normally occur in my world (the waking world), but it wasn't much of an importance in my mind to really focus on.

      Updated 01-25-2016 at 04:27 PM by 89722

      lucid , memorable