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    A Day at my Old Job

    by , 02-23-2011 at 08:16 AM (934 Views)
    Yesterday I was thinking about my old work place. Not in depth, it was only for a few minutes.

    I arrived at my old job in the morning, went up the elevator, went to my old desk which was now on the other side of the building and merged with my supervisors cube. My PC was old and funky. I remember that the work load was unusually light and my old supervisor was watching Rango (a movie coming out March 4th that I have no interest in).

    I adjusted his mounted TV screen so he could see it at the perfect angle. He nodded with approval. At lunch time I made my way back to the elevator, which now I had a difficult time finding. Directly in front of the elevator was a sofa with various people working around it. Sitting there wearing a similar outfit to mine was my ex girlfriend who I met working there. She didn't react to seeing me at first. She looked calm and detached as she worked. Then a smile came across her face and she said my first and last name in a state of surprise.

    I felt nothing inside seeing her, even though she looked very attractive and we were wearing the same colored outfit. I stepped around her and the sofa to get onto the elevator only to discover it was the freight elevator and it was filled with junk. I stepped back around, walked to the other side of the building and a group of people were pleasantly surprised to see me. I was met with a few: "Your back!"

    Finally I manged to exit the building and ended up going to lunch on board a large elegant boat. There were more employees there, and food, but I only clearly remember the boat was docked on a lake next to a green field. I left to return to work. When I got back to my desk I was 9-minutes late. My supervisor looked disappointed. I checked my cell phone and I had two missed calls from my Mother.

    As ordinary as this dream was, it is the first stable lengthy dream I recall in months.

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    1. MrDreamsX's Avatar
      51-weeks later to the day, I started working at my old job location.

      Not the one the dream was about, but the red shirt in this dream (and the next two entries) is a shirt from the company I'm working for again now... There is even a restaurant that is a docked ship across the street that I knew about but never dined at.
    2. MrDreamsX's Avatar
      Similar "dream location near future job location" dream: Lava, Tsunami, Smoke
      Updated 03-13-2013 at 01:21 AM by MrDreamsX