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    2-20-12 Nap

    by , 02-21-2012 at 12:29 AM (529 Views)
    I took a nap this after noon since my husband was home and I had gotten up early to take my grandma to the doctor. At the Doctors office my grandma and I had a conversation about a dream she had about fixing up her house. I told her the dream sounded awesome, but her was so old, I really hoped that she would consider selling it when she had paid off enough of it that she could sell it and break even on what she still owes. I'm pretty positive that's where the begging of this dream came from, lol. (yeah, my husband and I live with my grandmother. She wasn't able to make her house payments on her own, but was unwilling to move out bc she still owed more than the house was worth and didn't want her credit ruined. We moved in to help her pay her bills and fix the house because it's from the 40s and whoever built it and lived in it before us took every shortcut they could :/ plus it's old, so age is wearing it down as well. We dislike this house, so every now and then we all want to find something better, it just never gets past the planning stages before Grandma changes her mind.)

    I dream that I am at the computer, looking at houses online. I see one that is priced really cheap and looks to be perfect for our family. I'm looking at a picture of this house online, and suddenly I'm sucked into the computer, and Grandma and the kids and I are standing right there in front of the house. We go up to knock on the door and see if we can tour it, but then notice a big "SOLD" sign in the yard. There are several other houses nearby for sale though. We decide to check some of them out. We walk past one that's brick and the doorways are shaped like Nintendo characters (I recognized Toad and Mario) but we don't go look at it because it's obvious it's outside of our price range. We see another smaller house that's green and walk up to it. Grandma tries the door and it's unlocked, so we go inside to look at it. Immediately I realize someone must still live there because it had all the signs of a well lived in house. Dishes in the sink., bills on the table, etc. I tell Grandma we shouldn't be in there, and she says nonsense, the door was unlocked so people interested in the house can look around and decide what they think. There's a paper on display on the counter that talks about the house, and lists the estimated monthly payment for the house. The amount is $1,226. I think to myself that is about how much we're putting into the house we're in right now, and this house is much newer and won't need all the repairs the one we live in does on a monthly basis. My little girl runs past me carrying my My Little Pony figurines (yes, I happen to watch the show with her. My husband doesn't want her to have "all those little pieces to scatter around" so I bought pony figures for myself, and just give them to her to play with one at a time to get around his rule ~_^) I chase after her down the hall and into a child's bedroom. There's a toy box in there, and my son who followed us imediatly dumps it over spilling out all the toys to play with. I start feeling really exasperated thinking they are making such a mess and it's not their toys and we shouldn't be there, and what will happen when the owners get home and find strangers in their house?! I'm trying to clean up, and I realize that every single pony we own is in the floor as well. I think to myself there is no way my daughter carried that many ponies in all by herself because I can't carry them all myself, and I'm mush bigger than her. I order the children to clean up because these are not their toys. We start cleaning up but I'm torn, wondering if all these ponies are ours, or is only a couple are, and how am I going to tell our ponies from someone else's ponies? I don't even know which ones she brought. I grab the big ponies and carry them to the car. Then I notice an old man and an old woman talking to my grandmother. It's their house, and they're happy to have someone looking at it as they have been trying to sell it for a long time. They tell me not to worry about the mess, and that I have lovely children. I thank them, but tell them I don't feel like my kids need to learn that it's OK to play with other peoples toys without asking first, that's why they are in trouble. Then I ask if the older couple know if the toy box in the child's room should have pony toys in it or not? They assure me that oh no, they only have a grandson, he doesn't play with my little pony toys. So I know all the ponies belong to my daughter. I collect the last of them (several tiny McDonald's Happy Meal pony toys) and throw them in the back of our "car" that has suddenly become a black SUV. Then I step out back to see what the back of the house looks like as Grandma is showing the kids off to the older couple. The back of the house shows it's three levels, and on a lake. Suddenly the dream zooms out as if I am on the lake looking at the house, then the dream shifts and feels like a different dream.

    Part Two, same dream, or not?: I'm on the lake where my dad's family has a lake cabin. I'm on a boat of some kind, not sure if it's a jet ski or a pontoon, and I'm at the damn. Instead of the usual big open area of water, the area around the damn is roped off and there are several floating stalls in the roped off area. It's like an on water flea market, and totally awesome I jump off the boat and swim forwards towards the floating flea market. I get there and I see two visions, what the flea market looks like now, and what it probably looks like when it's full, as if I'm remembering it somehow. Then the full market part faded and it was back to being half empty. I swim up to a stall that looks familiar. It's a tattoo stand of some kind, offering beachy fare tattoos. Not the permanent kind, but the Henna ones, as well as all kinds of t-shirts and necklaces and stuff you'd expect to see at the beach, not in the middle of the lake in the middle of nowhere, lol. There's a guy with blond hair smiling at me from the floating booth. He squats down while I pull myself up onto the floating platform. He's really happy to see me, and I'm really happy to see him. During the dream I don't think about his name or anything. I'm sure I've known him forever, and I'm just so glad to be there and hang out with him that nothing else matters. I'm pretty sure looking back, he was K. He looked like him, maybe with frizzier hair and curlier, but the lake tends to do that to hair He asks me if I came to help him run the shop, and I tell him not today, I'm still not good enough at Drawing to trust myself to do Henna tattoos. He laughs and tells me that as long as I wipe off my mistakes quickly, the henna won't stain the skin, it takes a while for it to bond. I'm still uncomfortable with the idea. He asks me if I'll at least go for a swim with him before I leave. I'm so happy he asked, because I would love to go for a swim with him and get away from the hustle and bustle of the floating market. He yells at a guy in the stall next to him to watch his stuff for him while he takes a break. The man in the other stall says sure, no problem. The blond guy takes off his shoes and I take off my life jacket, realize I'm still wearing it from the time I was on the boat. I feel considerably freer and more comfortable without that life jacket! We dive into the water and start swimming away from the market. Not back to my boat, but towards that direction. We stop about three hundred feet or so away, and I think to myself I'm not even tired after swimming all that way! We start treading water, and talking about the floating stand. I have this memory of being the one who suggested he showcase his talents in a henna tattoo stand, and then the T-shirts and such were my fare. I remember that I'm the one who made them, and that seems like a me thing to do, I'm pretty creative and crafty, I just don't have the pencil control for drawing. He's telling me he doesn't think he can run the stand next week, and I really should come and manage it for him. Then he hints that if I do, he'll come visit me just like I come visit him. I'm not really comfortable with the idea, but I say I'll think about it. I don't realize at the time that's what he's saying, because we're heading back towards the floating market, but then on my way to the floating market everything changes. The sun is suddenly rising instead of being high in the sky, and I'm wearing a life jacket again. I realize I'm going to open the market stall. I climb up on the float and take off my jacket. There's a string, and pulling on it reveals that I have another smaller float with a merch bundle tied to it that I was towing along with me. I start to unpack, and I feel sad. The stall just feels lonely without him there. I wake up.

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    Updated 06-14-2016 at 12:04 AM by 53224

