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    3-27-12, Lucid :)

    by , 03-27-2012 at 05:26 PM (421 Views)
    Going to do this a bit backwards and write the last dream of the night first since it was my lucid and my memory wasn't great last night. I had migraines and trouble sleeping, so I had aleve and benedryl in my system, generally mucking up any chance I had of remembering the stuff from the first part of the night.

    Dream Four: I'm at Walmart with my husband and my daughter. We're looking for that paper for preschoolers with the ABCs printed on it that you trace to learn how to draw your letters. For some reason we're looking in the pharmacy. We keep finding loose single sheets in the bins, and even a book that's been broken and ripped, but we can't find anything new and still in the package. I recall there being some stationary around the Electronics department so I tell my husband we should go back there and look. He grabs my hand and we start walking towards the electronics department. I think he's pulling the buggy with his other hand, then realize I don't hear my daughter and look back to see he's not. I freak out that he left her, and he says he'll go back and get her he's sorry, and to just go ahead and go look for the paper. I agree, and then walk towards electronics. I walk past the toy department and see my son with my mom picking out a toy, but keep walking on a mission. I find the paper, and then my husband and mom both show up with the kids in tow. Then either time skips or I'm missing the events, but the next thing I can remember I'm getting my Daughter out of the car. I'm in a garage, and our car is a black SUV. I set my daughter down and realize somethings off. I don't drive a black SUV, and we don't have a garage. I call out for my husband to get over here quick! He asks what's wrong, and I tell him, "This is a dream! I'm dreaming, or we're dreaming. I'm lucid!" I'm practically jumping with excitement. He shakes his head and just looks totally confused, so I just tell him to watch the kids. For some reason, after my daughter being lost earlier in the dream I just can't stand the idea of walking away from them even though I know they're only dream characters. I run out across the yard and onto the road. I notice that our house isn't even on our road anymore, instead it's about ten minutes away in the fields next to Drum's (a local restaurant). I want to fly, so I try hopping, skipping, and jumping, with no luck. I'm annoyed, but think it's ok, if I can't do one thing, I'll try something else! I think to myself, I'm going to pull a magic wand out of my pocket and then I won't have to worry about things not working, because I'll have magic! But there's nothing in my pockets I get this bright idea that I'm going to go into the house and get my daughter's toy magic wand, that'll work just as well in a dream. I go inside, and into the bedroom. I notice that the room is an exact mirror image of my room in waking life. I find it cool how everything is exactly opposite of usual. Then I feel fuzzy headed and think, "Crap! I'm waking up!" but then when I blink my eyes and "wake up" I realize I'm not in bed, I'm on the floor. I think for a moment that I must have fallen out of bed, but then I realize I can feel carpet on my cheek, and my house has hardwood floors. I'm still dreaming! I get up and the room has made a 3/4 turn shift so everything is the wrong way, but I don't much care, I've already marveled over the room, I just want to go do something cool! I grab the toy magic wand off the bookshelf, then head back outside. My husband is still in the garage with the kids, and I tell him again that I'm dreaming, and he still seems confused. I shrug and go back out to the road. The house is in a different spot again, but I don't pay much attention to it. Instead I decide that my belief in this being a dream is just not strong enough to let me do what I want, so I'm going to prove to myself it's a dream and push it to the extreme. I lay down in the road in front of a Semi. I close my eyes and listen to it getting closer and closer, waiting for it to hit me, but knowing it wouldn't. I look up a few times, and the truck never gets any closer, even though it appears to be moving. I decide to try now to bring something into the dream. Knowing a wand didn't work, I try bringing in Renji from Bleach by visualizing since I had accidentally brought him into my last lucid that way. I figure if I can do it on accident so easily, I shouldn't have any problem doing it on purpose. Fail I get up and go back inside remembering that I was going to get a toy wand earlier. I walk into the room, grab the toy wand off the books shelf, then walk towards the door and start feel fuzzy headed again. CRAP! I wake up, once again on the floor, this time though I know it's another false awakening because I feel for the carpet right away. Unfortunately, I don't have the wand anymore, instead I'm holding one of those Sugar crystal formations on a stick.

    I decide to go with it, the dreams jumping around so much, rather than fight it and wake up frustrated I'll just do what I can with what I'm given. I take my magic rock candy outside, but drop it in the grass as soon as I step off the porch. I shrug, and pick it up telling myself, "This is a dream, there's no dirt on this thing!" then I take a bite, so at least I can be happy that I've tasted food for the first time in a lucid if I wake up without having done anything else. It tasted like grass... then when I told myself over and over that no grass was on it because this is a dream, the grass taste went away and it tasted awesome, just like the real thing I take a moment to look at the road again. This time, instead of being in the middle of a pale green and yellow field with a straight road in front of us, the house is sitting on a hill with the darkest lushest grass I've ever seen, and the road zig zags in front of the house. Sort of like an s curve in the road, only with sharp corners instead of curves. I set off down the road to my left, suddenly thinking I've accomplished something cool, I ate in a lucid, so now I'm going to go looking for K since it's been a long time since I've done that or even seen him for sure in a non lucid. I notice some teenage kids in the road across the street from the house, so I start by asking them if they know K and can take me to him. One kid grins all creepy like the Cheshire cat, and he tells me his older brother knows K and could take me to him, I just have to come inside and wait for his brother to get home. His creepy unnatural smile bugs me, so I refuse saying I'll wait outside. He tells me that if I don't go inside his brother can't take me. I tell him thanks, if his brother changes his mind I'll be up the road, but I'm not stupid enough to go inside. Then I start thinking to myself that maybe I could get my husband to take me to him since hes a dream character too and in previous dreams he's known who K was. Then I decide that it's probably not a good idea, seeing as how K's been my love interest in many a dreams, and just because he was friend with K in one dream, doesn't mean his dream character is going to be happy to take his wife to find another man, lol. So instead I keep walking and thinking. Hm, I read a post about controlling your lucids like a video game, and I carrying my 3DS around with me everywhere, maybe I could use that somehow? I pull it out of my pocket with no problems (In waking life, I always carry it in my bag, it's way too big to fit in my pants pockets. I envy how guys pants have so many big pockets to carry stuff in!) then I open it up, and look for a lucid dream game. No luck. But then I realize if I'm in a dream, maybe I can send a message to K with the swap note app and it'll go to whatever electronic devices his dream self may be carrying. As I walk I open up swap note, but don't recognize anyone on my friends list. Then I realize, no wonder, I'm logged in as my daughters Mii! So, I log off and log in as my Mii (you really can't do that on a 3DS, there's no log ins or log outs, lol) then I scroll on my friends list with this idea of what I think K's Mii might look like. I don't see a Mii with the hair I thought his should have on it, but I do see one with a really odd hairstyle that I've never seen on a Mii before and decide that has to be K because it sticks out so much and is so different from all the others. I've only met K in dreams, and he always sticks out. He doesn't feel empty like other Dream Characters, instead he actually has an energy like feel, like real people in real life do. I start to send a message to that Mii, but I find that there's already a message written to him, and assume it's from a previous dream, maybe when I was non lucid I tried this before. The note tells him where I am, but it's the wrong place, so I'm trying to erase it to write the correct place and I can not get it to erase. I'm surprisingly laid back in my dreams, and when it doesn't work the way I want to, I decide to find a way around it. I'm going to send a message to someone else and ask them to forward it to him. I find a random Mii, a female, and send her a message that I'm looking for K and to please have him get in touch with me. Then My 3DS turns into a phone, and it's ringing. I put it up to my ear and it's the girl I had messaged. I'm still walking down the road and am coming up on a house i lived in about 6 years ago, and the girl starts going off on me. She's telling me that I need to leave K alone, that he's working really hard to take care of his family and he's under a lot of stress right now, the last thing he needs is me expecting him to take care of me too. I'm both hurt and pissed by her statements, and I storm towards (and eventually inside) the house I used to live in while I fuss right back at her. I try to defend myself by saying I understand he has his own things to do, and I don't want him to have to take care of me. I just want to see him, and if he's trying to take care of a family, I'd like to help him. Then I hang up on the girl because she just keeps going on and on, and I get the impression that she's trying to get me out of the picture because she's hung up on him too, lol. I'm inside my old house, and I am walking around inside it looking for K.
    My lucidity is slipping, but I don't notice it, instead I just accept the dream fact that this house is now home to a bunch of squatters with no where else to live. I think that if K is struggling to take care of a family (not sure if this point if we're talking wife and kids family, or brothers and sisters family, lol) that he's likely to be somewhere like this. I walk out the back door, and see some people, but none of them are K so I just wave and keep looking around. I go to the front yard and up the driveway, then I see a black SUV driving up the road. I walk up to the road where the SUV has stopped. A guy with blond hair, but short cut and his face looks failure but is definitely not K, gets out. An older woman walks off the porch and up to the SUV. She starts laying into the guy, telling him he has no right to be here. Somehow K comes up, and I ask if the guys knows him. The woman says she's K's mom, and that the guy is his older brother that she kicked out of the house at the age of 5. I'm shocked she'd do that to her kid, but she starts saying he was always surrounded by women, even pregnant ones, and she was sick of all the hussies around her house. The guy is trying to defend himself saying she's crazy and off her rocker and he did no such thing, she just makes this shit up to justify what a bitch she is. I'm just like, "Wow, age 5?! How is that even possible?!" Then I decide this conversation is none of my business even if they do know K, they're not going to take me to him if they're fighting. I turn around and start walking back down the driveway towards the house hoping I'll find some other clue to K's whereabouts. I notice there are tents going down the driveway, and some people poke their heads out and wave at me. I smile and wave back, but then wake up. I didn't open my eyes and hope to fall back asleep and do a DEILD but I'm too excited about the fact that I was lucid and actually did stuff that I couldn't fall back asleep. I tried getting up and going to the bathroom then laying back down, no luck. I spent about 45 minutes trying to fall back asleep before giving up and coming in here to type all that out, lol.

    Dream Three: I dreamed that I'm watching from third person as a man (whom I understand in the dream to be myself) is shot by another man in the back and killed. Then I spend most of the dream watching as the other man claims that I was trying to kill him so he killed me first. Some people can see my ghost and I tell them what really happened, but then some police see my ghost and try to arrest me. I wonder what it's like for a ghost in jail, because a ghost has no life to end a life sentence, I'd be there for eternity, and I don't like that idea.

    Dream Two: My notes say Skylanders, so I must have dreamed of that game.

    Dream One: My notes say "Another" which is an Anime on Crunchy Roll right now. I just finished it yesterday, and it was REALLY good but since it was Horror and pretty disturbing, I'm glad I didn't remember this dream after resting the whole night, lol. I figured I'd dream of it because it was on my mind a lot and I wanted to re-watch it and see all the little Clues I missed the first time around.

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    Updated 03-27-2012 at 07:17 PM by 53224

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
