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    by , 06-12-2012 at 03:00 AM (295 Views)
    I really should I have wrote this when I woke up not just before bed, lol. So I had dreams, very fuzzy fragmented ones at that, and now I'm about to go to bed and remembered I forgot to write them. Oops. I don't even remember what these notes mean

    Dream One (notes): Woods, Swim, Boats interview

    Dream Two: I dreamed that I went to put some sort of leave in conditioner in my hair, but instead accidentally put honey in my hair instead. I was trying to rub it out, and it just wasn't working since I put so much in. My hair was a huge sticky blob. It was awful! I remember it so clearly though, and thinking it was so real and that I was SUCH and idiot, ha ha.

    Dream Three (notes) Replacing plates, Kids meals

    Dream Four: This wasn't a fragment before, but all I can remember now is that I was looking for a birthday friend or my BFF's sister. I was at the mall looking at a book store, and noticed they had Harry Potter books on sale. I almost bought them for her, then wondered if she likes Harry potter as much as my BFF, and if she does if she doesn't already own the books. Then I realize the books look JUST like my books, missing the little paper sleeve and everything. I remind myself my books are on the shelf at home though, and leave. As I walk out, some random guy in a white apron and chef hat asks me if I'd like to order a chicken sandwich O.o

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