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    by , 08-10-2012 at 01:17 PM (360 Views)
    Still not much going on in the matter of a dream life right now. Waking life is getting in the way lol.

    Dream One: I'm at the Cabin at the lake with a bunch of other people. It's got to be a party or something. I decide to walk down to the water, but when I follow the path to the water I end up at my moms old house instead. I go inside, and there are a lot of people there too. I turn left and go into the living room where my husband is talking to my friend L. They're talking about anime, and L is saying he likes bleach. I'm pretty sure in waking life he's never seen it lol. I start agreeing that I like Bleach as well and we talk for a bit about how bad ass Ichigo is. Then I get up to go to the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom though I decide I need to do laundry not use the bathroom. I open the bathroom door and it's dark inside, but when I go to turn on the light I hear someone say Woah! Some how L has gone from being in the living room to being in the bathroom and is completely naked. I try to apologize, but he tells me to turn the light on and get a better look. I laugh and shake my head not daring to turn the light on now that he's told me to, and then grab the laundry and duck out quickly and embarrassedly. I duck into a room that I seem to think is mine even though I never lived in that house with mom. I take off my clothes and put them in the laundry basket and grab a pretty dress with rainbow stripes. I throw on the dress and grab a bandana off the dresser next to me. I start trying to figure out how I'm going to wear it, wrapped up as a head band or folded in half to cover most of my head. As I look in the mirror trying to figure out what looks best, I find that my hair looks like it's shrinking. It's like it's growing in reverse, getting shorter instead of longer and at a really quick rate. Then I lean in closer and my face is getting dark and I have a five O'clock shadow coming in. I rub my hand on my face and freak out that I have a beard coming in! I watch as my face starts to morph and look more and more like my husband. I start to flip out and panic, thinking to myself that I don't want people to see me like this, looking like a guy. Then I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I start telling myself over and over to calm down, there is no way that I am growing a beard. I do not look like my husband and I do not have facial hair. This will go away. It works, and my face is back to normal when I open my eyes, though I haven't realized it was a dream. Then L walks in, and tells me that my dress is the tackiest and ugliest dress he has ever seen and he loves it. I make a sarcastic crack about how sweet that was, and then I wake up.

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    non-lucid , nightmare
