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    Morning of 2/15

    by , 02-15-2012 at 04:42 PM (270 Views)
    I only have a small fragment of a dream today. I usually don't dream before 8 am, and if I do I very rarely remember them. This morning my neighbor happened to be cutting trees at 8:30, so I was jolted awake and lost what very little dreaming I fit in. What I can remember is two bird like people, sort of like horror movies versions of the bird people in The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. They had people faces, but with big triangular beaks in the spot where their mouth and nose should have been. Their skin looked an odd color, kind of greenish almost. They had long hair that extended down nearly to their waists. instead of arms, they had long wings. One was taller than the other. The taller one had red feathers and hair, while the shorter one had brown. They were dressed in formless rectangular dresses with no sleeves. The material reminded me of this cheap thick off white fabric my mom used to use to make mock ups of patterns before she tried them with pretty fabrics only to find a flaw and have to make them over. I think the stuff is called muslin but I could be wrong. There was really pretty rainbow colored embroidery on them though in zigzag line and diamond patterns. They had a very creepy unnatural look and feel to them, like some of the puppet creatures in the 80s movie the Labyrinth. I also remember a man acting very odd. The sun reflected off from him to almost make him look like he was made of some sort of golden orange light, and he was standing with his legs spread like a bow legged cowboy. He started jumping from leg to leg, like I always imagined Rumpelstiltskin dances when he thinks the queen will never learn his name. I think the bird people were watching the man, but all I can remember are the two separate images, so they might have been a totally different part of the dream. They were creepy enough to be seered into my mind, I can see them in my mind like looking at a photograph even though I woke up two hours ago (though I've been trying to go back to sleep, I'm hoping when I go on about my day I'll forget them!)

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