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    1. The Skytower

      by , 01-19-2013 at 08:01 PM
      I was going skydiving with my mates, but it was somehow from the skytower. I was really scared, as I'm scared of heights.
      When we go to the top bit, I was somehow picked up by the wind and flung against one of the walls. I was so scared, I was shouting to my friends to give me a hand. Two of them stretched out their hands, and one after the other, as soon as I got close to grabbing their hand, they pulled it away and laughed.
      Then the wall I was flung against broke, so I was blown out into the open. At this point I became Lucid!
      (The feeling of falling is a dream sign for me) so I started to fly around. I flew down and just before I hit the ground I pulled up. Can't remember anything after that.
      lucid , nightmare
    2. Forgettance

      by , 01-13-2013 at 12:53 PM
      Lucid 1: I was at school next to the astro, did a nose plug RC, and it passed so I was like woo!!! Started talking to people asking them random questions. (FLIP! Forgot TotM! D Then the dream faded...

      Lucid 2: I was in my last year's English teacher's room, talking to her, and then I realized the classroom looked different, so I did the nose plug RC and it worked. Then I tried to do other RC's but they wouldn't work, so I was a bit confused, but then I just ended up talking to classmates and grabbing some random half-Russian half-English book? Then the dream faded.

      Happy that I had LD's but pissed that I didn't remember to do TotM!