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    Candy Tree

    by , 12-29-2010 at 03:50 AM (1584 Views)

    I had some lucids last night but I didn't get them into my long term memory. I only remember this little fragment where there was a beautiful snowscape, everything was crystal white and covered in snow. And I was flying past when I came upon this amazing tree. It had dark brown bark and huge pink flowers or fruits the size of regular balloons, and they even looked a little like balloons. I saw that some of them had fallen from the tree and were laying on the snow, deflated. The pink looked so pretty against the bluish white backdrop of the snow. I'm a little disappointed that I can't recall more. I know there was large open water involved, and I was swimming through cold water with other people. I remember things swimming past my legs and I was worried about creatures with teeth being in the water.

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    1. GMoney's Avatar
      You had a lucid but you can't remember it!? You must be really experienced at this, then! :)

      That's a really cool fragment, though. Sounds peaceful (except for things in the water with teeth, "lol").
    2. Caden's Avatar
      Love the pink and blue pic, thanks!
    3. nina's Avatar
      You're welcome!