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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    1. Construction (LD) 2. Enfeeble (LD) 3. Sink (LD)

    by , 07-09-2024 at 01:47 PM (63 Views)
    1. Construction
    I become aware as a scene of an outdoor area with large orange shelves on either side of me forms. The central, concrete walkway is quite wide and about one hundred meters long with people bustling in the center. I need to engage. I pick up momentum, running into the scene and the dream soon feels more stable. I notice that the shelves are made of metal bars, similar to what you'd see in a construction store. Hmm...dream control time. I go to fly up, but the dream resists. Strange... I go once again and drift up to an upper shelf to the right. I then float across the upper shelves a couple more times before noticing a figure in the central walkway. I should interact. I float down to him.
    "Hey! What's going on"
    He looks at me and give a big smile and a nod. I just decide to move on. I look down at my hand, breathing and grounding.
    I float farther down to the right and notice that there's some type of outdoor shop, which open up even farther down to the right. I notice many stuffed items around, as though a portion is for kids. I notice safari-type stuffed animals on a small round table in the center. I extend my arm to turn one of the animals to life. It doesn't respond. I float forward and begin to wake up.

    2. Enfeeble
    I'm aware as a scene forms in a dim room. I'm sitting at some type of conference table and some type of important, yet ominous business man is sitting to my right. I need to engage. I feel as though I can't begin engaging yet. I continue to listen to the man talk and feel like I need to distract him. I turn to my left, look at a worker and set the intent to make him weak and collapse. The man hunches over, and falls to the floor. The boss seems to be concerned and focuses on the worker. I begin to wake up.

    3. Sink
    I'm aware in Meadow main house, toward the top of the stairs. I begin walking down, ready to begin some control. I begin flying toward the upper window, yet the dream gently pulls me down. I decide to just phase through the thick glass of the front door and walk out into the dark night. It's a bit dark here...I could just teleport, but I don't feel like going to void right now... I simply turn and phase back in, where there's more light. Once inside, I go for full transformation into a phoenix as I make my way through the central hallway, yet it doesn't click accurately. I decide to go for some basic summoning and eating before moving on. I'll get some ice cream - I've been having a lot of chocolate in dreams lately. I open the freezer and bright light comes out. I reflect on the quality of my awareness, gazing into the bottom of the freezer. This isn't too different from waking life...it feels so stable... I don't want to engage any other DCs, so I decide to do it quietly. I notice a large tub of strawberry ice cream on the bottom, so I pull it out and place it on the counter. As I look more closely, the container seems to morph: it's now a plastic container and as I scrutinize the contents it seems as though the package inside becomes smaller and simply white. I'll just get something else. I look back in the freezer and see a round cake to the right and half of a long, narrow cake to the left. It looks like it's chocolate and custard, so I gab that. I take a big chunk into my hand as I walk across the room, considering what control to do next. I could do mass TK, but I should do something else...turn some music on?I take a bite of the cake, yet a very strong taste of garlicy, buttery salmon explodes in my mouth. Whoa!! It's unexpected and I feel like I need to get the taste out immediately. I spit it out into the sink, but it persists. I begin rinsing my mouth out. I stop for a moment and look at my hand, stabilizing. I reflect once again on how stable and focused my awareness feels. I turn away from the sink to continue. I wake up.
    LeaoLouro and Saizaphod like this.

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    Updated 07-09-2024 at 06:30 PM by 50425



    1. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      That's one hell of a cake! I've never eaten in dreams, but it seems to definitely be something worth trying out.
      Saizaphod likes this.