Basic TOTM Completed: Where a DC is from
, 02-19-2019 at 08:04 PM (594 Views)
I become lucid walking down my driveway. I fly a little bit to the bottom, then remember that I wanted to do the TOTM: "Ask a DC where he or she is from."
I'm at the bottom of the driveway now, and I think that I could go to the house to the left that I had visited recently in a dream.
I walk to the house and knock on the door. I can see that the family is all sitting at a table and eating dinner together. (I think there are less kids than last time, but still a lot.) The whole area of the house here is like a screen-in porch, so I can see everything easily. The mother comes to the door, and she is less happy to see me than usual. I apologize for interrupting dinner and tell her I'll leave in a moment, but I was just wondering if she could tell me where they were from.
She says, "A dinosaur."
Her husband speaks up from behind her and says something about a pterodactyl. I thank them and leave. I want to do the Advanced TOTM, "Walk on the ceiling," so I decide to go to the houses past the cul-de-sac and do that, but I wake up.