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I become lucid walking down my driveway. I fly a little bit to the bottom, then remember that I wanted to do the TOTM: "Ask a DC where he or she is from."
I'm at the bottom of the driveway now, and I think that I could go to the house to the left that I had visited recently in a dream.
I walk to the house and knock on the door. I can see that the family is all sitting at a table and eating dinner together. (I think there are less kids than last time, but still a lot.) The whole area of the house here is like a screen-in porch, so I can see everything easily. The mother comes to the door, and she is less happy to see me than usual. I apologize for interrupting dinner and tell her I'll leave in a moment, but I was just wondering if she could tell me where they were from.
She says, "A dinosaur."
Her husband speaks up from behind her and says something about a pterodactyl. I thank them and leave. I want to do the Advanced TOTM, "Walk on the ceiling," so I decide to go to the houses past the cul-de-sac and do that, but I wake up.
I become lucid and remember the task, “Condense a color into a liquid, and drink it. Report the taste.” I look around for a good color to use. The walls are a deep red and I think about using that before I see a dark green Christmas ornament.
I pick it up and throw it on the ground, smashing it into pieces. I sit next to it and use my hands to further pulverize it (it’s not sharp at all) until it’s a fine dust. I turn to a DC and ask them to get me a cup. They walk away, but I decide not to wait. I turn to my other side and see a DC holding a small cup. I take it and put the ornament powder inside. I will it to become liquid and drink it. Some of it is still powdery, but there are liquid parts. It’s sickly sweet and I don’t enjoy it at all.
I'm walking around a house when I become aware that I'm dreaming. I remember the task, "Declare that clapping your hands always changes one fundamental rule of the world. Test it out until you have visible results."
I give my declaration and begin clapping while continuing to walk. At first, nothing happens. Then, I notice that every time I move, a trail is left behind for a few seconds before disappearing. I continue clapping and find I can walk through objects with no resistance.
I continue walking and walk into a bathroom and look into the mirror. Looking at my reflection, I begin losing lucidity as my appearance begins morphing into an increasingly frightening image.
I am in a huge orange room which I know is underground. I am with two other people sitting at a table, about to have a meal. Both of them realize they need to do something and they say that they will return soon. I sit alone at the table for a second, before it occurs to me to do an RC. I plug my nose and breath in, but it doesn't work. I try a couple more times with a little more success. However, I am confident this is a dream and ignore the false readings. I leave the building through a grate near the ceiling and climb out into my bedroom. I jump out of the window before seeing the men that were going to serve us at the table I was at earlier. I lose lucidity and begin to run from them, although I do not think they follow.
I am lucid in the foyer of a house. I enter into the next room over where a DC is sitting at the computer. I ask them to sing me a song. They do and it sounds very familiar, although I don’t think it exists in real life. The lyrics are sort of complicated and I can’t remember any of them. I walk into the kitchen to ask another DC in the hopes that they’d sing something I could remember when I woke up. I ask two more DCs. The first sings in Spanish and the second in English, but I can’t remember any lyrics now that I’m awake. Then I remember the other basic ToTM, to eat chocolate cake. I don’t remember how I get it (I either summon it or it was immediately handed to me), but I soon have a plate of chocolate cake in my hands and begin to eat it. It is very moist, more so than waking life cake.