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    Linsey's House, Apocalypse, Chilling With Dylan, HH, random WBTB

    by , 07-17-2014 at 04:02 PM (437 Views)
    1. I was inside of a pretty big house when it all started. I was just chilling when a guy in the house freaked out and said "theyre coming". Immediately I got up to see what was going on. I walked to the room where this guys voice came from, but before I got there I noticed blood oozing out of cracks in the wall. I continued into the room where the guy was screaming. I entered to seem him lying on the floor telling me, "dont worry about me or the food, just leave!". As I walked closer towards him i noticed some cabinets on the wall. I looked at these cabinets and noticed that each cabinet had an age on it, and they all belonged to the baker that was now on the ground yelling for us to leave. The first cabinet closest to the door had the age, I think, 30. As I passed that one, it continued going up, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41, and then it finally ended at 42. Also, all these cabinets had drawings on the, very wierd drawings, but I cant remember them. One had a drawing off an egg with legs. But anyways, I finally reached the Baker and looked at him on the floor. I turned to the cabinets and grabbed a cinnamon pastry. The Baker said it wasnt worth it and kept telling me to leave. I kept wondering why He was just lying on the floor, waiting to be killed by whatever was coming. Then I noticed He had an injured leg. The Baker was lying next a door entrance, and the door was gone. I looked inside but it was literally PURE black, I couldnt see anything. I turned around to leave and once I did I heard the Baker scream, I turned around to him getting pulled into the black darkness, which afterwards, several zombie/infected people emerged. I took a bite of the cinnamon pastry I grabbed earlier and walked out. I closed the door behind me. Everyone was freaking out and stuff, so I became a little freaked out and followed this group of people. Zombies started flowing in from everywhere and we ran into a room to hide. The zombies made it in the room. The lady I was with told me and the other dude next to me, "Come on, we need to get to the children's basement quick!" We followed her to the back room of the house which had a big cabinet that looked as though it could store 5 people in it. We got inside of it and locked the cabinet door and waited. Only seconds later a storm of more people and zombies came in. We opened our cabinet door for a second to get some more people in, and instead a soldier ran in with his gun. We closed the cabinet and locked it again. The rest of the people ran to our cabinet but could not get in because it was locked. The cabinet had a big window, but it was tinted to pure black, so no one could see us inside. While we watched the whole seen, the soldier that was with us started losing it and began shooting at me. Somehow I turned invisible and starting dodging his shots. He began shooting anywhere inside of the cabinet just to hit me. I slowed down time and dodged all of his bullets. After he was done shooting I took his gun from him and beat him to death. After waiting th rest of it out, and seeing everyone else getting killed by the zombies, we opened the cabinet door and walked out. Immediately I saw a screen, and it covered my entire field of vision. This Vision had Megan fox in it, standing next to the staircase of the house. I wrote on the walls of the staircase(I have no idea how) and I wrote "You can come now", but I quickly erased it after I realized what I was saying. I simply pressed the "back" button and it went away. I looked at megan fox to see what she was doing and it was like she was glitched because she was continuously dry humping a small table. I made her stop. After that, the vision stopped and I walked back into the living room, and everything returned back to normal. Everyone was socializing, and were starting to watch a movie they had just put on. I noticed my friends sister Emily among them. Out of no where my friend Dylan came up to me and said "lets go outside". And we did. Once we got outside of the house I immediately noticed it was storming and there was alot of lightning. We continued anyway. For some reason Dylan wanted to get on top of the roof of one of our neighbors houses. They had a wierd driveway. Their driveway curved like a swirl, and it led into their garage. But instead of a garage being there, it was their living room and it was separated from the driveway by a glass screen sliding door. Their car was in the driveway too. Me and Dylan didnt notice this until after we tried climbing onto their roof. In the middle of climbing up dylan said, "oh sh*t, dude they can see us". We climbed down and started running away. We ran back to what seemed to be dylan's house. We knocked and dylan's dad answered the door. We had a short conversation with him but I forgot about what it was about. He let us in, and somehow we became sitting down in an automatic couch that seats visitors as soon as they come in from the door. The couch led us from the door to the living room. And we started watching the movie as well. I got lost in that, and sometime after, my parents walked in a said we were going to main event/the zoo. Cant remember which one. I looked around and everyone else was gone. It was just me and my family. It was also pretty late to be going to the zoo, it was 8:00 pm in the dream. I thought nothing of it really and decided that I probably wasnt going to go with my family. My dad told me we were leaving in like 8 minutes. I just sat on the couch. I talked to my sister for a bit, but I dont remember what it was about. At this point, the dream ended.

    2. I was pool side at my friend Lindsey's house. I was just chilling when all of a sudden, Lindsey and all of her friends came over and sat down next to me. I got up to get something and Lindsey told me to stay, I noticed they were all checking me out, and I was shirtless. I sat back down and we talked. Soon though the pool session ended and people began to leave. All these weird dudes I didnt even know came up to me and started trying to start something. I got up, seeing what was about to happen. All the dudes were jealous. But in the end they decided to leave me alone and left. I left as well. It was dark outside and there were rain clouds above me. As I left the perimeter of the house, all those guys came back. This time however they just wanted to chill. We talked, and I talked specifically to this black dude that had dreads, and was really short. Thats all I remember.

    3. Earlier in the night I was falling asleep. I eventually entered the Dream World. When I got into my dream, 5 seconds in I realized I was dreaming and looked around. However, because I wasnt used to a simple transition into the Dream World, like what had just happened, it stunned me and the dream ended.

    4. This was yesterday, but I forgot to record it so here it is-
    I woke up around 2:00 AM, I realized it would be a good time to WBTB. I layed back down and let myself drift into sleep. As I was almost asleep and drifting into the dream world, I CLEARLY heard somebody whisper in my ear quite loud, "Its me". This freaked me out pretty bad, because I havent had Hypnagogic stuff in a while. But the voice sounded like a demon, so it kinda disturbed me. Any who I fell back asleep soon after, forgetting my attempt to WBTB.

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