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    The Monster

    by , 04-27-2015 at 02:56 AM (284 Views)
    1. I was outside of a huge facility. My dad and my friend John were with me. The entire outside of this facility was constructed of concrete. The sky was covered by huge thunderstorm clouds and rain was falling extremely heavy along with lightning. There is so much rain that the concrete I am standing on looks shiny and shows my reflection. Me, my dad, and John are all just walking around this facility and just chilling. Suddenly we all hear an extremely loud growl that doesn't sound human at all. I walk around a corner and sprinting towards me I see a giant 10 foot tall monster. This monster has gray skin, two bull horns, and red eyes, and its naked. This monsters legs are huge too, like he loved doing leg day. It looked as though he could easily squat at least a ton.
    I immediately turn around because I do not want to be killed by this thing, and I start sprinting towards my dad and John. I turn the corner I came around before and start yelling at them, "He's coming, he's coming!!" in the hope that they realize that I wouldn't be running away from something if it weren't good. We are run the opposite direction of this beast, but he is catching up fast. All the while the thunderstorm above us is still going super strong. We turn another corner of the facility and we find a door to the inside. We open this door and run inside and close the door behind us. In this room, there are machines and all sorts of utilities everywhere. The lights are off and there is no other light in this room except for a red glow coming from two corners of this room.
    We wait silently, but this monster isn't stupid. We can hear his giant footsteps quickly getting nearer. Right as the sound of the monsters footsteps get to the door of the facility, they stop. "Whew, that was a close one" I think to myself. But the monster isn't stupid. Suddenly he rips off the door to the room we are all in from the outside. Somehow we run out the door past the monster without him catching us. It's as though extreme luck was with us at that moment. Now the chase continues and we sprint away from the monster once more, except this time, the monster has someone else by his side: A small yellow hairless alien that runs on all fours like a monkey does.
    Somehow, the monster and the alien catch up fast and they catch me. The monster grabs my body and kills me instantly. I then wake up in waking life.

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