My First Lucid Dream
, 09-01-2013 at 09:07 PM (449 Views)
Today I had my first Lucid Dream, and it was amazing.
Me and my family were all in a mcdonalds. As i sat at a table by myself I realized two black employees(not being racist) walk past me. At this point I walked out a side door and realized this mcdonalds was a little bit back in a woodish/grassy area next to a house that was burning. No one seemed to care that the house was burning down. I then went up a hill and looked around. I noticed another big hill/mountain that had trees all over it. There were so many trees that the mountain/hill was like nightime. The trees were all different normal colors such as green, brown, and orange. They all were close to each other. As I looked at them the first time I confused them with a dark orange and black sky and I thought the world was going to end. But thats when I also recognized them as trees. After that I continued up the hill I was on and arrived at a flat grassy area. I thought to myself, "If this is a dream I will be able to change the weather." I tried to make it winter. I felt the coldness but then I lost focus on that and started thinking about flying. I then thought to myself, "If this is a dream, I will be able to fly." In my mind I already knew I was dreaming I just wanted to see if I could fly. I then jumped into the air and tried to fly, but I just fell back to the ground. I did this multiple times but I couldnt fly. My sister then came next to me and said "Come on Cory lets fly." She then started flying around in the air and I kept trying but I still couldnt fly. Kayla then started flying away. I called for her to come back but she didnt listen. Seeing this I thought to myself once more, "If this is a dream, then just thinking of my sister will make her come back." Once again, I already knew I was dreaming, I just wanted to try this out. I then thought about my sister and she came flying back.
Losing my attention on that I thought to myself again, "If this is a dream, I can think about Riley and she will appear." I already knew I was dreaming, I just wanted to try it out. (By the way, Riley is the girl Im trying to get.) I thought about Riley and sure enough, she appeared, but she appeared on the house that was burning next to mcdonalds. I then ran back, with my sister following me and went to get on top of the burning house, which was where she was. I climbed a ladder and got on top of the house. I realized I was only standing on a ledge. I went slowly but quickly to go save Riley. I then made my way to her and held her hand. I then turned around and my sister warned me that the house was starting to collapse. I also noticed that Riley had disappeared. I walked to the ledge that I first started on when I got on top of the house. I looked down and saw a green military tent and I think a few military guys. The ledge started falling. I held onto the ledge as it fell and I eventually hit the ground. I felt no pain, but only pressure. Upon hitting the ground my vision starting turning red and fading. I realized that the dream was fading. Quickly I started rubbing my hands together, but for some reason my hands were spazzing out and I couldnt rub them together right. I remember that spinning around would also help. So I started spinning. But I was too late and then dream ended. I woke up in my bed, energized, and amazed.