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    NapTime in the Library

    by , 05-04-2016 at 05:09 AM (361 Views)
    I was in Accounting class, and it looked really really similar to the way it does in waking life. The carpet and walls were the same as well as the general set up of the room. There were still 4 main rows of connecting desks with computers on them and Mr. Wittenberg's desk was still in the same middle spot in front of the class. I wasn't sitting in my normal seat though. I was sitting one seat to the right of my normal seat, where my friend Nathan sits. I remember the whole class was playing some sort of game. The game was to try to get as many tickets as possible by doing something, and I assumed whoever got the most tickets got some sort of reward or something. I somehow quickly racked up tickets and soon there were tickets scattered all over my desk. I somehow counted them and came to conclude that I had a little over 500 tickets. I looked around to see how many tickets everyone else had, and no one else had anywhere near as many as I did. I knew for sure I had the most.
    I got the attention of Mr. Wittenberg, who was standing next to the printer to the almost immediate right of me. He was standing there waiting for the winner. "Mr. Wittenberg, you have a winner" I told him as I gestured towards all of the tickets scattered on my desk. "How many do you have Cory?" he asked. "About 500, but they're scattered everywhere. Can I just give you one ticket and you can right the number 500 on the ticket so I won't have to give you all of these tickets?" I asked. "Sure" he said. I picked up one ticket off of my desk and handed it to him. Just as I gave it to him he was about to write down the number 500 on it, but he stopped just before his red pen touched the surface of the ticket and gave the ticket back to me. "What? Why didn't you write on it?" I asked. By the look on his face, his was messing with me and had never actually planned to write 500 on it. "I'm not writing 500 on it" he said with no explanation as to why.
    I then realized at that point that it was pointless to keep trying to get him to do so, as I knew I was getting no reward for having the most tickets in the class. Suddenly the entire layout of the classroom changed and all of the 4 rows of desks had been turned to the right 90 degrees, so now everyone was facing where the printers were at. I was also sitting in a different seat now, and the lights in the classroom seemed about 50% dimmer than they were before. I looked to my right and saw that Ava was sitting right next to me. In waking life Ava sits in the desk directly to the left of me. All of the computers on the row I was on were on and the screens were on the desktop. They all had the same desktop layout, a blue sky background with the Windows logo on it. I reached down to my backpack and unzipped it to get something. While doing this I realized how close Ava's chair was to mine. As I felt around in my backpack for whatever I was looking for, I suddenly got a strong feeling that Ava was looking at me.
    I stop feeling around in my backpack and sit upright once more. The feeling is still there. I look over at Ava just to see if she is looking at me, and she is. She's giving me a deep look; the kind of look someone gives you when they're deeply in love with you. I look into her eyes. Her eyes are a vivid blue and it looks as though she has entire galaxies inside of them. I am struck in awe and we end up looking into each others eyes for several seconds. I get this intense feeling of love when suddenly I find myself in a library. In this library, the floor is covered with a brownish-tan carpet and the walls are an even lighter tan. All around the library there are books(shocker) and the books are inside of nice polished wooden bookshelves. All throughout the library there are also all types of furnishings such as desks, tables, chairs, and all that other stuff of the same polished wooden style. It looked really nice and really gave the library a genuinely calm and solitude-like atmosphere and vibe to it.
    I walk towards the back of the library. Not far in front of me I can see a few rows of brown desks and behind these rows of desks are brown tables with matching chairs. As I approach the rows of desks I see a teacher. "Ah, you decided to show up to retake your test huh. Maybe this time you won't plagiarize and get a zero again" the teacher says. The teacher has short brown curly hair and is wearing old lady shaped glasses. She looks to be in her late 40s or early 50s. This teacher reminds me of my reading teacher from 5th grade; I can't remember her name at the moment, but I think it was Mrs. Galownia? I then "remember" that I was in fact supposed to retake a test. The test was over Italy. I was supposed to label at least 3 cities on a blank map of Italy. "Ah shit, I was supposed to study before retaking this, but I never even cheated on this test" I thought to myself as I approached the teacher. "Sit down in one of the desks and I'll give you the test shortly" she said. To the left of the teacher I saw a huge blank map of Italy. I had a feeling that I was going to do good on this test retake as I know a fair amount about Italy.
    I sit down in the first row of desks. To my right are 2 or 3 students already in the process of retaking the test. Only seconds after sitting down the teacher says "You know what, never mind. You're not retaking the test today. If you want to retake the test come back sometime this week wearing the tuxedo you'll be wearing to prom". "What the fuck" I thought to myself as I let out a sigh, "I want to get this shit over with now". I didn't think of how odd it was that I had to wear my tuxedo to be retaking a test, but nonetheless I accepted it. I then got up and started making my way out of the library. About halfway to the door I stop and think. "I'm going to prove to her that I didn't cheat or plagiarize on the test. This makes no sense. If they want to give me a zero and say I cheated, they're going to have to prove it" I thought to myself. I turn around and walk back to the teacher. "I didn't cheat on the test" I tell her. "Talk about that with your AP" she said "He's over in that office" she continued as she pointed to an office to the right of us.
    Just then a man opened the office door, came out, locked it behind him, and started walking away. "Shit, he must be off now" I said under my breath. This AP had short black hair, but was far into his balding stage. He was wearing a fully blue shirt with the OakRidge symbol on it and was also wearing light blue regular fitted jeans and black work shoes. Suddenly I hear a voice from behind me "Cory get him and tell him you didn't cheat on the test". I instantly recognize the voice; it's Thomas. I start walking towards the AP and he starts walking faster. "Sir" I yell out to him. He just ignores me. I call to him a few more times and he still ignores me. The AP then walks out of the library and starts talking with a group of people in the middle of the hallway. I realize that this group of people are all of the APs in the school. I notice Mr. Que first out of all of them. As they talk I overhear the word "nigga" at least 7 or 8 times in their conversation. As the AP from the library first talked to them Mr. Que said "What's up my nigga". The AP from the library then said "Not much my nigga Que", and the rest of their conversation continued with "nigga" for the rest of the time I listened.
    After that I turned around and saw Thomas standing there. I gave him the "Oh well, I tried" look and shrugged. Thomas and I then walked back behind the 3 rows of desks where I was sitting earlier. We came the area where all of the round wooden tables were. Thomas went and sat on the opposite side of the table nearest to us. Instead of sitting, I crouched down next to my friend Spencer on the opposite side from Thomas. I hadn't seen Spencer in years; since 8th grade to be exact. "Dude I haven't seen you in forever" I told him. "Yeah it's been a while" he replied. He seemed really tired, and it looked like he was about to take a nap right there in his seat. Just then I looked around at all of the other tables around us. Each table was filled with students, and there were even students laying on the ground. I then realized that all of these students were sleeping, and I figured it was nap time or something. Each student had a tan blanket(the same one's from my dream yesterday) and were soundly asleep.
    On the walls surrounding this area we were all in, there were small night lights that glowed orange in color. I didn't see a purpose for them seeing that the lights were still on in the library. I focus back on the table I'm crouched next too. I notice how quite it is now. Suddenly my friend Austin comes and sits down to the left of Thomas. Thomas, Austin, and I started talking. I kept talking to Spencer, ignoring the fact that he was trying to sleep. Every minute or so I would say something to him and it would wake him up just as he was on the verge of sleep. Suddenly Austin and Thomas started talking really loud. They were talking so loud that some of the students around us woke up and were Shhhhhing them. At one point they got even louder and I eventually told them "Shhhhhh" with a lot of emphasis behind it so they'd finally be quiet. After that we sat in silence for a minute or so, just listening. Suddenly we heard a sound from outside.
    The sound was very ambient as though as it was coming from far in the distance, and it sounded like a pig squealing very loudly as though it was in distress. Austin and Thomas looked at me with wide eyes. "Dude, they're slaughtering pigs out there!" Austin said in a loud whisper. "They probably are" I agreed. I then "remembered" how the "hotel" that we were all in had gotten really bad reviews online and how I even saw a documentary about all of the bad things this hotel does to animals(I have no idea how I went from knowing I was in a school to suddenly "remembering" I was in a hotel because I was still in the school). Thomas then started talking about this girl he's had a crush on for about a week or two now. I remember being annoyed because he never stops talking about her and it seems like she's the only thing he literally ever talks about.
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