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    An Odd Dream

    by , 11-17-2016 at 06:33 AM (363 Views)
    1. I was inside of a large room. The lights were off but I could still see extremely well given the fact that there was still a good amount of natural light coming through the windows in front of me. The walls were white and the floor was covered in a nice looking soft white carpet. Most of the room was empty except for a few things here and there, and a TV that was in the corner of the room. Suddenly my friend Taylor walks into the room through the rooms double doorway. Immediately I notice how different she looks. "Oh my gosh, you look like a midget" I tell her(no offense to any midgets that might be reading this). "What the hell Cory!" she says jokingly as she laughs. The Taylor I know in waking life is about 5'6, but this Taylor looked barely 5 feet tall. Her head was also wider as well and some of her facial features were slightly different.
    Suddenly the TV in the corner of the room comes on and on the screen there is a random black car and a huge monster truck looking truck parked next to it. I unintentionally focus on the screen and suddenly find myself going into it. I was aware that this was happening, but I did not become lucid. Seconds later I am now standing next to the black car and monster truck that were on the TV screen I was looking at only moments before. I open the driver door to the small car and get inside. I don't remember starting the car, but that being said it worked perfectly fine. As I start driving I notice that Taylor is suddenly now in the passenger seat, and there are also two random girls in the backseat. I don't really care, so I keep on driving. I am driving towards the end of a cul-de-sac, and I notice that it is extremely packed. There are cars parked on each side of the road, and there is an island in the middle of this cul-de-sac with a rather extremely large tree coming out of it. At the end of this cul-de-sac I can see an opening where a fence seems to have fallen apart. Through this opening I see a field of grass and more houses in the distance.
    I remember exchanging some conversation with Taylor and the other girls in the car as they seemed rather unnerved. As I ever so slowly drive around the island to make a U-turn and get out of the cul-de-sac, I see a really tall old man start to approach the car. Given how slowly and cautiously I'm driving to avoid hitting any of the parked cars around me, this old man is catching up to us fast. The old man looks to be slightly above 6 feet in height, and he is wearing a white t-shirt with a green jacket over it, old faded blue jeans with holes in them, and old sneakers. At this point I hit the gas with immense focus as to not get into an accident or hit something. The old man starts running now, and I find myself going even faster to get away from him, all the while every female that is in the car with me is screaming. I make it past all of the parked cars and now I am just focused on getting around the large white monster truck that is parked in the middle of the street.
    I am now approaching this truck pretty quickly, so I think fast. I plan to slow down and drive around it; that simple. As I get about 30 feet in front of the truck, it suddenly turns on and the headlights come on as well. No one is driving it, but it is now accelerating straight at us as though it were alive in some way. Looking to avoid complete disaster, I look to my left and see an area of grass that I could drive into and I realize that I might be able to get out of the trucks path and still escape this dangerous neighborhood that I am in. Seconds later I enact on this plan. I drive into the grass just as the truck gets no farther than 5 feet in front of me, however, the truck seemed to anticipate this action and swerved right into the grass and ended up colliding into my car head on. At this point, I am now a point of consciousness, but I am still in the car. I hear a male voice say, "The car is totaled and no longer usable; you have failed".
    With that I end up coming back out of the TV and back into the same room I was in before. Suddenly I got the notion that I was late for work considering it seemed like quite a bit of time had passed so far, and I thought I had woken up. I walk out of the room and find myself in my room in my own house. Still, the lights are off but a source of natural light is making things easily visible. I quickly put on my work clothes and check my phone for the time. The clock on my phone reads "3:41 P.M". "Shit" I say to myself as I become anxious to get to work. I walk down the stairs and while doing so I look out the main window at the front of my house. Outside the sky is dark and there are literally pitch black storm clouds that are starting to fill the sky. As I walk into the living room I see that my father is watching the news. On the news, the new anchor is saying that "it is going to pour".
    After watching the news for those few sparing seconds, I then continue into the kitchen where I see that my dad has been preparing a meal. I see that he is making home made macaroni and cheese and something else that I recognized as the main part of the meal; I believe it was some sort of meat. The kitchen is filled with the strong aroma of what I knew was going to be delicious food, but I knew that I had to wait until I got home from work to eat it; that was, if there was any left. "Shit, tamara, noah, and devin will probably eat everything before I get home" I think to myself. Just as I am about to leave to go to work I see that more macaroni is being made. On the granite counter, my dad has placed the home made macaroni onto some sort of frying pan and I can see the mac and cheese literally scorching, but somehow it is not burning. The mac and cheese isn't even properly being fried as the frying pan is just dry except for the mac and cheese.
    I remember how I'm already late for work, so I hurry back to the front door and go outside. The sky has cleared up a little bit but it is still rather dark. Suddenly I just somehow end up at work. I don't recall driving there, I just sort of teleported somehow. I now find myself standing in the Toy's section of my job(I work at Walmart). As I am walking to my department, the Garden Center, I think to myself "Gah damn I might really be fired this time." I notice that almost all of the lights are off in the store currently, so it is rather dark. The only part of the store where the lights are on is the electronics area, and over there it is extremely bright. As I continue walking through the Toys section I see my co-worker Don. Just as I am about to talk to him a lady on one of the toy aisles to my left asks "Excuse me sir, can you help me?" I am rather annoyed, and I end up just ignoring her and walking over to electronics for some reason.
    As I get over to electronics, my eyes adjust to the bright light immediately, which is contrary to what I expected. This area is packed with people, and there is a really long line of people waiting to check out at the electronics cash register. I don't think that I really had an agenda on my mind at this moment as I ended up just looking around at stuff. One thing stood out to me in particular. As I walked through the line of people, I saw some sort of large pod type display setup that was holding a large amount of tumblers and other types of cups. These cups were not zoned very well though as almost all of them had fallen over and it looked a mess. As I got up to the display I looked into it and noticed that this pod-thing had sucked down extra cups into a clear storage compartment right below where the rest of the cups were laying. It was an interesting sight and I was fairly intrigued. I knelt down and tried pushing more cups down to get the pod to suck them into this other storage compartment. After about 2 or 3 failed attempts, I finally got the pod to suck a blue tumbler cup down.
    Suddenly it occurred to me that it was time for my lunch. I knew that I hadn't even been working that long at all, but I didn't care. Out of no where I teleport back to my house with no break in consciousness. The inside of my house is even darker than it was before and I can hear thunder outside and heavy rain coming down. As I glance out of one of the windows I see a few yellow bolts of lightning. I remember that I only have 1 hour for lunch, so I go into the kitchen with the hopes of eating some of the food my dad had made before I left for work earlier.

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