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    Starting to Dream Journal again

    by , 07-10-2014 at 03:30 PM (431 Views)
    First time Ive recalled my dreams in a while so,

    1. I was in a mall hanging out with some friends of mine, two i specifically remembered to be my bros patrick and dylan. We passed by this group of stunningly gorgeous girls and decided that we were going to talk to them. While doing so I accidentally bumped my crotch area into one of the girls "butt"(for the sake of DV). She turned around and looked at me as though I had commited a horrible crime. I said, "Sorry I didnt mean to do that, it was an accident". Then, all of her friends decided to join in on the situation and gang up on me. We basically argued for about 5 minutes about whether or not what I did was an accident. After those 5 minutes I gave up on explaining myself and said "I really am sorry, my bad" , and then walked away with my friends. Seeing I was leaving my friends started running ahead of me and telling the entire world what I had just done(in the dream the girl I accidentally bumped was the hottest girl in our school). I ran to catch up with them and as I did so the dream scene turned into my school(yet I didnt become lucid) and i found myself now running to gain speed to jump over a chair. I got close to the chair and jumped but at that time somebody moved the chair and ended up making me trip and fall. After I got up, I heard some old man direct a friend of mine(Tristan) to put the chair i was jumping over away. I told tristan that I had that jump and asked why he moved the chair. I told him to leave it there next time and let me clear it. He said "ok, next week maybe." I was cool with that so we settled it.

    2. I was in my house, just chilling in my room, when out of no where I realized that a random car pulled up in my driveway. The blinds in my room where completely gone so I could see there directly. I lost interest for a moment but regained it when I saw two dudes that looked like secret military dudes on a mission. These 2 guys climbed up right onto my window and the just straight up busted it. While they were doing this I decided to video tape it and got my camera and did so. On camera I recorded the 2 guys getting ready to come in, but thats about it. Once they came in through the window, one of them put a gun to my chest. The other guy somehow disappeared and I was now pinned against a wall. Immediately I grabbed the guys gun from him and use it to knock him out. Right as he fell I went into my drawer and grabbed a knife I didnt even know I had. After that I noticed some random woman in my room blabbering about what had just happened. I told her to shut up because theres more of the secret agent dudes all around the house(I saw them enter). Regardless of what I just told her she kept on talking, and another woman some how got in the room too and so they just kept on going with their conversation. Luckily, the rest of the secret agent dudes disappeared. After the whole situation calmed down, I grabbed my camera and looked at what I had recorded. The camera had recorded exactly what I told it to and everything looked exactly how it was.

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