This is my first entry. I'm not going to write in this everyday, only some speciel dreams. I thinks dreams, especially some dreams, are personally. But I just wanna share some few dreams. Okay, I was in a room, and watched TV. There was a video about Africa in the TV. It made me sad. It was about a mother and her childrens. I didn't wanted to watch it again. It became evening, and I was sitting in my room. Suddently, my brother came in with a computer, and showed me the video on youtube. I didn't wanted to watch it! I wanted to wake up (I wasn't lucid, but in a strange way, I knew I was dreaming). I "woke up" in my bed, and thought a lot about it. It was a shame. I totally forgot to do a RC. I wrote it down in my dream journal. And then I woke up for real. I wanted to read (I thought it was real, it was so vivid!) but I couldn't find it! An interesting dream, hah? :3 Have nice dreams, Dreamers!