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    Movie theater, Hair color 06/05/2013

    by , 06-06-2013 at 03:39 AM (589 Views)
    I dreamed that I was at the movie theater with PW, but we both got different tickets. She got the wrong ticket for some reason, and I felt like it was my fault. I offered to pay for her new ticket.

    I dreamed that I had long hair down to my belly button. It didn't feel like a dramatic change since my dream self still have long hair. I first had long magenta hair, but when I looked in the mirror again it was lilac color. I kept on feeling the length of my hair. I pushed my hair up, and tried to smooth the back. My hair turned in to rainbow color. This flamboyant guy that looked animate-ish, told me that I'm not joining a girl gang, but will join his instead. He said we need to take a group picture with everyone. I remember him having really long individual eyelashes. I woke up not disappointed, but really happy about the hair colors.
    AURON likes this.

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    1. AURON's Avatar
      LOL those hair dreams. The one thing that should trigger lucidity, but I miss it every time. I'll sit in the mirror playing with my dream afro like, "man I need a haircut". Maybe you can play around with your hair colors in a lucid.
    2. Pastelpeach's Avatar
      LOL those hair dreams. The one thing that should trigger lucidity, but I miss it every time. I'll sit in the mirror playing with my dream afro like, "man I need a haircut". Maybe you can play around with your hair colors in a lucid.

      Afro sounds awesome ha I love hair dreams, it's so fun but I'm never lucid for them. I'm now getting back to keeping a dream journal, so hopefully I'll have lucids again!