Non-Lucid Dreams
9/7/2013, 10:10-6:07 Remembered a few dreams in the morning, forgot most of them later on. Woke up at like 5:45. I was like, "Shit." Did same mantras as last time in meditation and for a bit in bed. Dream 1: I remember a single story hotel. It was shaped like an L. It had a water tower next to it, or maybe it didn't, I couldn't tell. I drove with my family on a two-laned highway. We found an exit and went that way. I eventually remember driving by myself and driving in the Sun's ray. I got pulled over by a cop. She made me stop On the left side of the road and her boots went clop. There was a town. The houses were all brown. I saw it and the dream went down.... Like my dream rap? Dream 2: Possibly a robot and a base. Maybe a tiger, too.
9/6/2013, 10:10-6:25 Regular Dream Lucid Dream Awake I went to sleep after meditating, repeating the mantras, "I remember that I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming," and, "I remember my dreams when I wake up." During meditation, I repeated those mantras, too. I took a drink of water, went to the bathroom, and went to bed with the air conditioner on. Dream 1: I remember a Sith base, and people running around it. I was watching from the ceiling, but it was really a camera dream, without me being in an actual body. I watched as the base was apparently under attack. I woke at 3:21 (with a reality check of course). My dog seemed to need to go outside, so I went out with him. It was cold out there. As he took a piss, I looked up at the stars, and tried to sort out any constellations I could find. None. I then got back inside, drank some more water, took another piss, and went back to bed at 3:26. I couldn't really sleep because I was thinking of too much about my dream from last night AND my dog was barking a lot. I eventually got frustrated and put him in my neighboring room, where my grandma was sleeping. I eventually got back to sleep. Dream 2: I remember playing Empire: Total War. That is all. Dream 3: This one was a false awakening. I went out of my room and started reading a book on the living room couch. Then I started noticing that the house was vibrating! I went downstairs into the basement and noticed that the house wasn't completely on the ground. It was lifted up slightly by a piece of wood. "That must explained the vibrations," I thought to myself. I probably thought the boiler was making the house vibrate, combined with the house lifted up slightly. (In real life, it probably was the train passing.) I eventually noticed the illogical sense behind this, and turned lucid. A sudden rush of energy and vibrations came over me. I heard a sound similar to a helicopter starting up as I turned lucid, too. I suddenly imagined the TARDIS (probably as a reality check). I suddenly saw the TARDIS levitating off the ground, and me, as a camera, rotating around it as I lifted off the ground. I then tried to do something else, but I "pressed the wrong button", and accidentally opened my real eyes. I woke up to the sound of my dog barking again.
9/5/2013, 10:00-6:00 Drank water before and after waking up. Didn't wake up at all in the night, except at 5:18, and stayed up till 5:21. Didn't go to sleep after that, though. I had a few dreams, and a few dream fragments: Dream 1: I remember being with a girl from school. T was her name. We were talking and hanging out at school. She had to go, and she kissed me on the cheek. She then kissed me on the lips. It felt amazing; I felt her lips on mine, and "sparks" almost flew! I then either walked or teleported home. I then started picturing having sex with her (lulz). I then thought about her fat, and that I didn't really like fat girls. In real life, she's not even really chubby. Anyway that's the dream. Dream 2: I was running around my town. I kept thinking in my mind that I had to find a nuke somewhere, and that if I didn't find it in time, the world would blow up. I think there was a countdown, too. I don't remember anything about the countdown, but I kept having this "countdown" feeling. Dream 3: There was a villain in a place. I felt like this dream had to do with Star Wars, in the time of the Old Republic. The guy was part of the Sith, and wore a strange costume, kind of like a Mandalorian outfit, or Boba Fett's armor. Anyway, he was sitting in a throne, listening to one of his commanders. The commander was telling him about something. The Sith guy kept saying no about it. The commander then told the villain he should be more open-minded. The Sith guy said, "maybe I should." That's all I remember. Dream 4: Something about a boardwalk next to an ocean. Not even sure if this was a dream. I "remembered" it after I got up. I also remember the songs "Holiday" by Green Day and "Bang a Gong" by T.Rex.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:47 AM by 58207
9/2/2013, 10:00-7:10 I woke up twice. From 3:26 to 3:30 I was up, and drank some water. I also woke at 4:55 till 4:59, and also drank some water then. I did a mantra the second time: "I realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming." I had three dreams and a possible dream fragment: Dream 1: (10:00-3:26) I moved into an apartment above the bagel shop in the town I live. It kind of looked like a hotel I went to once on vacation in Virginia. It was dark and a little dirty. Dad, Mom, and J were there. There was also music playing, too. I forgot the lyrics I heard. Dream 2: (3:30-4:55) I was at N's house. We were playing a Halo game. It didn't seem like anything I've played before, so it probably was an imagined Halo 5 game. I don't remember what we did. After going to N's, I apparently visualized the track at school and started running there. Dream 3: (4:59-7:10) I was in a giant city. The streets were vacant, though. I was being chased by the police and probably the military. I found many very awesome vehicles lying around the city. One was a "hover cycle", with a giant gun on the front! There was also a jeep, probably. I also eventually was able to hijack a tank from some guys, Mercenaries style! I remember skyscrapers around the area with the hover cycle and jeep, and residential suburb buildings around the place I hijacked the tank. The military and police were constantly shooting at me and following me, too. Dream 4: (probably 4:59-7:10) I remember something about a water park.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:48 AM by 58207
9/1/2013, 10:00-9:00 I got up once at like 4:25, and stayed up for 5 minutes. Then went to sleep for the rest of the night. Once again, no dreams remembered before I got up. I also used the mantra, "I remember dreams when I wake up." I got 1 dream and a fragment: Dream 1: I was at Downing school (the place I've been working for the last couple of weeks in real life). Me, I, J, and Jo were going out the back way to the right of the building. We past the "courtyard" in front of the field. We probably turned left at the next intersection. We kept going down that way until we found a courtyard next to a pretty big street. The courtyard looked nice, with grayish bricks laid on the ground. It had a light post around it, and it kind of looked like it belonged in Florence (it probably doesn't exist in real life, either).When we got there, I and J left. Then it was just me and Jo. I asked for her number, and she said she was too poor to hang out with me . Then, N showed up and Jo eventually left. The dream ends there. Dream 2: Something about electricity and lightning. I also had a few dreams and fragments that I forgot before I could do this, and these are the two that I remembered in the end. I slept upstate today.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:49 AM by 58207
8/30/2013, 10:20-6:59 I meditated twice before going to sleep. I wrote down some stuff that happened in my day journal. I did a mantra before falling asleep in bed, "I remember my dreams." Last, I also woke up at 3:55, and stayed up for 3 minutes till 3:58.I ended up with two pretty vivid dreams and one dream fragment. Dream 1: There was a pizza world and a color world floating through space. The color world had red, blue, green, and yellow "yarn" sown onto it. There was also a basement somewhere else in space (the basement of the universe? ). The controllers of these two worlds, and a few of their associates, were in this basement. It seemed as though the pizza world leader had the color world leader in chains attached to the ceiling. There was a single light bulb that kept swinging and was the only light source in the basement (might have been earthquakes or basement shaking?). The pizza world leader was interrogating the color world leader like a lawyer, with his hands behind his back, palm in palm. Every time the color world leader answered a question wrong, water was spilled on his face and the pizza world grew bigger. The pizza world leader was torturing the color world leader. This went on for a while until the pizza world took over the color world. The dream eventually ends with a bunch of pizza on the "camera". Dream 2: I remember going on a quad ride with my family. We used the two quads, and managed to fit four people on them. We went up into the woods, on some path. There were a few ditches and mountains and stuff. Eventually the path we were on ended, and we started heading back. I then fell off one of the quads, probably my brother, J's. I was then going to go on Dad's because J kept going and didn't stop for me. I was fine with that because J drives like a madman. Mom got off Dad's quad and said she'd walk. We kept going till we found J's quad trapped in a ditch. He tried to get out of it backwards, but flipped the quad over as we passed! The dream ends there. Dream 3: I remember looking at a Caucasian blonde girl. She had a cute skirt on, and her shirt might have been white (possibly Catholic school uniform?). She had no panties on, and was lifting her skirt up. I almost got to see her vagina, then the dream ends .
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:50 AM by 58207
8/29/2013, 10:15-6:10 Woke up once in the night at like 1:20. Didn't remember any dreams from before that. Tried to also, once again, stay up a couple extra minutes for a WBTB. Afterwards, I remember to dreams: Dream 1: I was in my house. I was in the kitchen, where my mom was. I remember I did something to her she didn't like, and she started screaming at me not to do it again. Dream 2: I remember South American city, and an island to the northwest of it (Hawaii?). People were going from the island to a South American city. It was like on coastal Columbia or Ecuador. This dream was entirely third person.
8/28/2013, 11:00-6:00 I had no dreams I remember in the beginning of the night. I woke up at around 3 and after that, I fell asleep and remembered some dreams: Dream 1: A South Park episode. Butters was being a detective with sunglasses and a cool black jacket. In the beginning, he also did some cool things to put them on. Sort of like the thing the Matrix people wore when they were going to take over the tower from the suit guys. (Love that scene ) So Butters went on his way, and he eventually found a real criminal. There was also an adult real special agent in the exact same outfit on the case, though. Butters in the end caught the bad guy, and him and the adult special agent were in a warehouse, where Jesus appeared out of thin air! He then gave a speech about why the bad guy did it and then said "You'll always be my special agent." The adult one asked "Me?", but Jesus said, "No, Butters." Butters was smiling and happy that Jesus said that. This is what Butters' costume looked like. Dream 2: This is more of a continuation of the last dream. Butters was doing more special agent stuff. He went after a new bad guy, but in a different uniform. He looked more like a cop this time, with beige shorts, beige shirt, sunglasses, and a star on the shirt. Another guy in the exact same uniform (adult, and an actual special agent, if you wouldn't have guessed) was already on the case. The exact same thing happened. Butters caught the criminal, and Jesus at the end said the exact same lines. Only this time, the background was an apartment building hallway. It was white-ish in color, and had a few lights. This is what Butters looked like this time. Dream 3: Spongebob was in a cage with a child. Some people were trying to see how well he would treat the child. There was a chart that had a bunch of categories to the right side of the "camera" (third person dream). So the people said to Spongebob to start, and Spongebob started BEATING up the kid. He bitch slapped him and then started punching him for no reason. He might have kicked him a few times. The thing to the right of the camera was going wild. It first said easy in green, then tough in orange, and so on every time he hit the poor kid. Spongebob was also screaming something to the kid every time he hit the kid. In the end, I remember him screaming "Emanstitution!". Whatever that means, I don't know. When he was done, he asked "How'd I do?". The person in the room said, "Look what I drew," And left. He apparently drew some messed up smiley faces with their mouths in spirals around their faces. They kind of looked like this: There was also a few triangles in the categories. That's about the dream. Some other stuff might have happened afterwards, but I forgot it.
8/26/2013 Dream 1: I was in a military-ish complex. I was hiding from other people and talking to a voice in my head. It kind of took me over at certain times. I was trying to blow up the complex with a propane tank (lol). At first, I was going to make it explode in a kitchen, but then the voice told me to move it to some gas tanks. I was hiding behind some pipes at one point, trying to plant the propane tank when some guys walked by. All of them left except one, who said to the others he'll catch up. Then, he went over to where I was and ducked down to stare right at me. His hair was long, brown and curly. We then had a sort of fight, and the dream ended.
8/24/2013 Dream 1: I was in a village; a tribal village. I walked around it's huts and stuff. It had a big fountain in the center of it that sort of looked like this: I also remember being in third person and watching as 22 of the tribesmen from the village have spears thrown at them from out of nowhere. They all die right there, next to the fountain, with the spears coming out of their chests. That's the dream. Dream 2: I remember a prison complex.
8/25/2013, 9:30-6:00 Notes: I finished reading a book about body language before going to sleep last night. Dream 1 : I was in town, walking around thinking about open body language. I was correcting people who had closed body language in the park area in front of the funeral home, and in front of the general store. I walked from the park area to in front of the general store. I most remember this conversation some old guy in a suit was having with some young guy in a suit. The old guy had his arms and legs crossed, and I think his coat was buttoned. He was also facing the young guy directly. I went over to him and told him he had to keep open body language if he wanted to be friendly with people. I uncrossed his arms and legs and told him about keeping his palms up. The old guy just continued his conversation with the guy, barely noticing me. There was also a lot of dialogue I forgot in the dream. Dream 2: I was at the Malverne middle school across the street from the high school. I think there was like a rock and roll festival going on there. Many guitars were inside the school. Also, when I went outside on the auditorium side, it was raining and there was a GIANT guitar on the area in front of the auditorium. Someone came up to me and said it was raining, so the guitar didn't work. The person pulled a string to show this, and the guitar didn't make any noise. I was watching the guitar for a while until suddenly, a nuke went off! To the southwest, I saw a mushroom cloud of fire rise from the ground. It wasn't an iconic mushroom cloud. It had too wide of a base and not enough top area. It sort of looked like this: After that, I ran back into the school, and the dream ended. Dream 3: A false awakening. I woke up in my bed in Malverne to my mom and dad talking in their room. My brother might have been there. That's all I remember. Dream 4: Another false awakening. This time, I woke up in a white house with white walls and everything pretty much white. When I got up, I remember my parents talking in their room again, wherever that was :/. I also remember saying something to them with an intercom next to my bed. Then, I got up and walked around for a while. That's all. Dream 5: I don't remember this one very much at all. I'm not even entirely sure it was a dream. I remember machinery: like gears and stuff; giant gears. I remember climbing up them and jumping and stuff up a mechanical tower.
8/18/2013 10:00-6:00 Dream 1: I remember something about a "John Oliver Show". Dream 2: I remember a river and a bunch of wooden water equipment, like a water wheel. I think the river flooded, too, and destroyed the equipment. Dream 3: I was dreaming about being a secret agent in a villa, trying to steal something. I was a woman, and I started dancing in a ballroom with some people. I was also running around on the roofs of the villa. I woke up from that dream into ANOTHER dream. I guess I had a dream within a dream (or a false awakening, but I actually remembered the dream from before). I was in my house on Long Island, and I woke up in the dining room, on a chair at the dining table. The rest of my family went through the front door, with shopping bags. I guess they just got home from shopping. I told them about the dream I just had. I then remember going into one of the cabinets and taking finding a box of sesame stick packages, from the shopping my family just got home from. They looked like little raisin boxes, but with two packs of two sesame sticks each. I took one out and ate it. That's the end of the dream.
8/17/2013 Dream 1: I was in a video game. It was a game that was kind of like a combination of CoD: MW3 and Mount and Blade. I was playing multiplayer with some people. I was an arab trying to kill other arabs on another team to get to a point on their side of the map. The map was also a desert-themed maze thing. Dream 2: My dad and I were on my computer at home. We were both listening to music on it. I was listening to music apparently made by Michael from Vsauce, who was pen-named something to do with feminism. My dad said "I don't like that music. Let's listen to something else." I then put on some rock, possibly Breaking Benjamin. Dream 3: I was in the school I go to. I was in Italian class, where I was talking to S. C., a girl from actual school in that class. She was flirting with me and stuff. We made a lot of eye contact and she looked cute. I also saw Ty in that class, who is also in the actual class in real life. I might have been talking to her, too. The period ended and I went to my next class. I went to a science class, probably biology. I didn't actually go into the room, I just looked into it. I went to my Global History class from last year. I found some teacher I didn't know about and some other students. One of them was Ka, from the real school. The teacher said school was over, and I thought it must have been a half day. The dream ends there.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:53 AM by 58207
Nov. 11, 2012 6:00-8:00 I was the drummer in a rock band. We were at a concert in a theater, where I was drunk. I played really well. When the music was over, I jumped into the crowd a FEW times (as in I got back onto the stage and did it again :/). When the crowd caught me, they'd bring me to the entrance of the theater, then I'd leave with some person who was in the band. The dream ended there.
Updated 11-11-2012 at 03:07 PM by 58207
Nov. 6, 2012 10:00pm-6:00am I was in the military. I was helping to escort a convoy through a desert, sometime in the future with many relatively highly-advanced weapons. They were very powerful weapons. The convoy was ambushed a while into the dream. Insurgent soldiers attacked us. Many people died, many vehicles were destroyed, but the convoy eventually made it. It was a long and hard battle, but the convoy barely made it out alive.