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    redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy

    Lots of false awakenings

    by , 06-24-2011 at 11:54 PM (602 Views)
    ~Had a ton of FAs last night, and only one made me lucid. That's also the only one I can remember. I "woke up" and could hear a loud ticking noise. Over in the corner of my room there was a big, rusty, red and green clock sitting on the floor. I did a reality check and WHEE I was lucid. There was a typewriter right next to the clock, which I immediately started playing with. (I want a typewriter so much!) Then I stood in the center of my room and tried to think of what to do. How about jump out the window? Yes, wonderful idea. For some reason I was afraid to just smash the glass out, so I carefully took apart the whole window. And then... blank. I don't know what happened next, but I'm sure there was more.

    ~I was walking down a trail with my two little sisters. All of a sudden, this big animal that looked like a sabertooth jaguar came up through the trees. There was a fence all along the trail, but the animal had a kind of human stature, and it started to climb over. My dad ran up behind us and saw it. He pulled out a knife and tried to keep the thing back while my sisters and I ran, but he couldn't stop it. It got over the fence and came after us, with my dad following, and I couldn't run very fast because I was carrying the smaller of my two sisters. Then we came to a dead end, a brick wall that must've been the back of a building. I stood in front of my sisters and turned so my back was to the jaguar thing, which was almost to us. I closed my eyes and felt the tips of its teeth on my back... and then it fell to the ground, dead. My dad had caught up and stabbed it. (That should've made me lucid. My dad couldn't run that fast in a million years. )

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    Updated 06-25-2011 at 04:34 AM by 23679

