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    RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV)

    First successful WILD

    by , 06-01-2012 at 01:41 PM (536 Views)
    I wake up at 7:10 and attempt a WILD at 8 something. The dream:
    I am first laying in a bedroom that is not mine. I do not realize it is not my room in the dream though. I also think that I have managed an OBE not a lucid dream. Everything is motion blurred and seems to move in slow motion. Half of my vision is blocked by something. I try moving around in the room but its too hard. I close my eyes and hope for a new dream. I wait a few seconds and I experience a wave of vibrations. I decide it would be cool to enter a dream lifting weights. So in the darkness I move my arms as if I'm doing so. After a few seconds of this I am in the dream. I am in another room. It looks like an office of some sort. There is a lot of red. I am laying on a bed or couch lifting invisible weights. I am glad I'm still fully lucid. I get up and walk out of the room. I seem to be in the basement of some house. The floor planning is similar to one of my older houses in Kentucky. I see Hussien Hegazy from my class vacuuming. He is very absorbed in his floor cleaning. The vacuum has a bass guitar attached to it. Instead of the vacuum making a loud whooshing sound it plays breakdowns. DIGGUH DIGDIG DIGGUH. I love this! I walk up to him and say HEY! We shake hands.
    I ask him "Hey Hussein, how does it feel to be in a dream?"
    We then both go "YEAH!!" and high five each other hard.
    I begin to walk up a nearby set of stairs. Hussein follows. Now I am on the first floor. I look around. It looks much like a neighbors house I once visited. I then walk back down another flight of stairs yet I remain on the first floor. As I was walking down the stairs I think, Well since this is a dream, I should be able to just jump down the whole thing just fine. But it feels so real I think It'll hurt. So instead I jump down half. When I land i sort of slip and my heels bang against the last few stairs. It hurt. I think about how I just felt pain. I bang my heels some more against the floor. It hurts even more. I find it cool that I can feel pain in my dream. But now I sort of dread some experiences that will now be painful when I originally thought I wouldn't feel a thing. I see the front door to the house and I walk out now. Hussein is no longer with me. Outside is a suburban neighborhood. In front of the house are many men in suits. Some are lined up on each side of the driveway. There is also a line of men in the center of the driveway. Those men dont have heads. They are only suits standing. I dont know what to say to them.
    So I just say, HEY GUYS!"
    I start to walk to the street when a man asks me, "Wheres the money?"
    I reply with "What money?"
    He then says, "There is no money" in a very serious voice. I ignore him and keep walking to the street.
    There are tons of cars parked there so I jump over one to get to the street. Then next to the car I just jumped over is the man who asked for money that didn't exist. He pulls out a small leather bag. He unzips it, reaches in, and brings out two guns. One a pistol and the other a submachine gun. He tosses me the pistol. I think it is great that a DC handed me a gun, now the real fun begins. I am surprised to see the man point his gun at me. I worry that if I get shot the dream will end. I duck behind the car. I come back up and start to shoot at him. The gun, instead of firing bullets, launches these slow torpedo shaped objects. I miss him the first time but I am sure I hit him the last few shots. To my disadvantage, the gun is out of ammo. How lame, I think. I get sort of pissed at this point that I'm wasting my precious dream time with some annoying DC. I say to myself this is my dream and I should do whatever I want. I am about to will the dude out of existence when the dream ends.
    OpheliaBlue and paigeyemps like this.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. paigeyemps's Avatar
      wow! cool dream

      Congrats on the lucid!!
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Very cool dream! I like the part where you decide to move your arms like you're lifting weights during the vibrations stage. Even more cool was the fact that you entered the dream, and you were actually going through the motions of lifting weights, even though they were invisible. I wonder if that would work with piano?
    3. RommiH's Avatar
      Haha I did that to keep myself from having fearful thoughts.