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    18th Nov 2013 Almost WILD and FA lucid

    by , 11-18-2013 at 02:40 PM (496 Views)
    Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

    Was doing WILD but got only as far as brief vivid HH/start of dream where i was in the chair in my room and there was a weird person to the right.

    Dream 1(fragments):

    I was playing some tactic multiplayer game where we were fighting enemies while grouping in squads.

    Dream 2:

    I slowly wake up and looking that i am in different room, realize that i am dreaming. Dad is in the chair near window, looking out of it, he disappears as i briefly look around. Then i think to phase through window again but then remember that i wanted to practice teleport more. I look around for clear wall surface suitable for phasethrough/teleport but dream shortly just ends.

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