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    31st Mar 2013 Doing WILD in the dream again, New Dreamscape, Transformation attempts, Wasp uberswarm

    by , 03-31-2013 at 05:42 AM (955 Views)
    Yay for another decent length lucid dream, and once again it's WILD from a dream.

    Only thing i can recall from non-lucid part is that i was at home and i was WILDing.
    I wake up and take off headphones, confirming that i am dreaming, i get up and the dream becomes very unstable, i start rubbing hands and dream becomes more stable, but still not fully stable, i go to balcony, on the way i imagine time of day changing and it rapidly changes to night then back to the day, i start touching the door frame and concentrating on that, dream fully stabilizes. I jump and and glide in the air, i start feeling wings but for some reason i have trouble moving vertically, which prevents me from flying through the doorway. I drop back to the floor and jump again, i feel wings again and this time flight works properly. I fly through the balcony doorway, but instead of balcony there are some other rooms, i quickly navigate through them and find true balcony doorway. I fly outside.
    I fly straight and then slightly to the right, i am flying even faster than previous time. Near trees i attempt to increase that speed even more, but end up zooming my view in instead somehow. Surprised, shortly i restore view back to normal and continue flying beyond trees. I reach different area, finally it's non-city dreamscape! There are hills, various trees and river. There are also bridges connected by cobble roads and DCs are roaming around. I decide to try to do transformation into a dragon again using method that worked before, with visualizing and shouting 'Dragon Form!', but once again i can only manage to transform hands, black scales appear on left hand and green on right hand, as well as claws, and fade out shortly. I do a couple more attempts while flying along the river, on the third attempt i have a bit more success, i get red scales on left hand and black on right hand, and this time they look more detailed, have more vivid feel and last longer. I fly around some more and eventually i get distra
    cted by some DCs and transformation disappears as well. I can't recall much for a while other that we went to assault some enemy DCs.
    Eventually we get into some sort of treehouse where enemy commander resided, the team beaten him up but all the fight destabilized the treehouse and it was barely balancing. After some balancing attempts it ends up completely upside down and everyone falls onto the ceiling. There are wasps. Lots of wasps. Hundreds of wasps. They sting me and somehow get into my mouth while i was trying to get up, i feel a bit of pain but not much.
    I suddenly remember what i was doing and fly out of the house, which falls. There are hills around and a few trees, and there are wasps absolutely everywhere, a whole swarm of them. I fly around while spitting out the wasps that got into my mouth, then i concentrate energy and imagine healing and pain goes away. I also try to breath fire at wasps, without transformation, but that fails too, though i think i ended up scaring them off and they shortly go away.
    I fly back to the river area, looking around for something interesting, but after a while, suddenly, dream instantly changes the palette and instantly destabilizes, i rub hands but dream destabilizes again, time stops for a bit and it screws up my flight, so i end up falling to the ground.
    On the ground i look around, there's female DC right near me, looking at me. I ask her 'You again?' even though i didn't meet her before, but in dream i was pretty sure i did( ). Shortly dream fades out.

    I wake up and get distracted, because everyone is watching movies in my room for whatever reason. Shortly i wake up properly with some heavy hypnopompic hallucinations that someone is still watching movies in my room, which lasts for a few seconds, making me do a bunch of RCs.

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    Updated 03-31-2013 at 05:44 AM by 59854

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
