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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 24th Sep 2013 Dragon dreams

      by , 09-24-2013 at 10:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from WBTB/naps that i couldn't type here before due to DV plugin crash.

      Before actual dreams, three times i've almost managed to enter dream via WILD, but each time it was not stable enough and still felt like HH and faded once i moved. Two times i was at home and another on in some place with a windmill.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some story, some guy came to mountains and was visiting the place were dragons were, he talked alot to them, one of them was black color, another was purple. Can't recall most of talk but there was something about the leader and 'War that never happened'. After that guy went on traveling further and soon found the elder dragon, who was white/grey-ish and was guarding an egg, dragon didn't wanted to talk with him until he mentioned that he talked to others and knows about 'War that never happened'. Dragon was quite surprised and apparently transformed into smaller form then dream ended.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Something about dragons.
    2. 23rd Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-23-2013 at 11:14 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some video game and we were defending some place, there was something about zombies.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in some outdoor area with a team of people, there was something going on and we had to fight someone and soon we have reached some foresty area. Here we started chasing some pirate that was turning the place into minecraft-like gravel somehow.
    3. 22nd Sep 2013 Video game fragments

      by , 09-22-2013 at 11:36 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was playing some rts.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some shmup and was at final bosses, one of which was huge battleship that was also flying and had various attack patterns on different sides. Then there was some kind of core boss which turned into robotic girl apparently, attack patterns were tough but i apparently already knew good tactics and positioning vs them, also my ship was firing like Infernal Sabbath shot type from Hellsinker.
    4. 22nd Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-22-2013 at 02:25 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was on my PC and there was something about picture of a golden dragon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and i thought about doing RC, so i looked on my hands and they were rather normal. Dream faded out seconds after.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      Some stuff was going on at home again, also something with BSODs.

      Updated 09-22-2013 at 02:28 PM by 59854

      Tags: dragon, non-lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 21st Sep 2013 Fragments and short lucid

      by , 09-21-2013 at 02:43 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Slowly fixing schedule and breaking 3 day long dry spell i guess, so yay.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was playing some video game.

      Dream 2:

      I am doing some stuff on PC, then random hands suddenly appear under table, then i get distracted. Then back to PC, hands appear again, i think that i have seen that in dream before and then again, random hands, so i must be dreaming. I go to balcony door, which is closed, and prepare to phase through but dream fades out before i can do that and i wake up.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      Some story about a group of dragons defending a mountain and path to it.
    6. 20th Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-20-2013 at 11:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some platformer.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some rts that was like mix of warcraft 2 and starcraft, at one point

      Dream 3(fragments):

      There was something about getting out of some dungeon and opening doors using keys and some special ability that manipulated keys and positions.
    7. 20th Sep 2013 Various fragments

      by , 09-20-2013 at 02:49 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      Was talking to SilentEternity on skype.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was some story where some anime person entered some place, encountered a dragon and was about to attack, but then two small dragons appeared and prevented the fight.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing Akashicverse and it was apparently stage 4, but it was different and there were many enemies that were structured part by part, Hellsinker-style.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      Was talking to SilentEternity on skype again. Then we were playing Doom and at one point i've entered some square-ish room with red wolfenstein 3D-esque walls and four pillars and i had to fight four Cyberdemons which also could fire BFG9000 projectiles of all things. I've managed to dodge them though. I wake up and try to DEILD but can't get back to sleep, though i get brief vivid 1 second long HH(or maybe it was FA) where i am in the bed looking at hands and they are scaly.
    8. 19th Sep 2013 Some rts and castlevania inspired game i guess

      by , 09-20-2013 at 12:45 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Sleeping schedule = still not fixed

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some RTS where i had to defend the base and then attack enemies. I could summon units in groups and i had alot of electricity themed units like tesla tanks and lightning cannons. The level was supposed to be hard but i've built alot of stuff that sped up unit building progress, so i could use one elite group building option, which supposed to be long, but i've shortened it to like 30-40 seconds. It spawned the group of like 40 units including 2 super heavy tesla tanks. I've sent them at enemy bases to ruin them.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was something about YouTube.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some game coop with someone, we were apparently playing as overpowered vampires and we were fighting through lots of enemies in some castle. From room to room it was kinda switching between 2D and 3D. Then we have reached some room where we had to fight lots of flying enemies as an requirement to unlock some path, then we could not find two last ones so we went to tunnels to fight another group of enemies for different path unlock. Later we found 2 enemies from earlier and were done with them, then on the way back to unlocked door i've selected harder way and had to do jumping puzzle over lava. There was also this weird gimmick that occasionally weird modern civilian dudes appeared in the castle and we had to stay hidden from them.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      Some game, canyon, and there was some objective about "Uther's sore eyes"

      Updated 09-20-2013 at 02:49 PM by 59854

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 19th Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-19-2013 at 02:39 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Still need to fix schedule and waking up times(hopefully tomorrow) and was having some problem not being able to fall asleep for some time again so not many dreams... Hmmm...

      I was playing some video games about dragons and then i got distracted from PC and later went for nap, but before that i had to make some people leave room because they were distracting me. Then i had a chain of 5 really short false awakenings where i didn"t even had time to RC, and then i woke up properly after them.
    10. 18th Sep 2013 Video game fragments

      by , 09-19-2013 at 12:45 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about 3D platforming game with lizard-like main character.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some shmup and had to fight some damaged boss which had a name "Upgraded Black Heart mk2" but didn't looked like anything similar to 'non-upgraded' version at all, it was red colored spaceship. It had an attack that was 'shotgun' spread of beam projectiles. Also music from RefleX was playing.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in some video game in some group and we had to stealth through some weird outpost place. We were 'stealthing' using some huge vehicles and then one of us accidentally exploded something on the outpost, and guards completely ignored that. In the end we managed to use vehicles as platforms to get to the place above outpost and there we started discussing further plan.
    11. 18th Sep 2013 Minecraft, Miniature creeper and video game mix

      by , 09-18-2013 at 03:25 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some minecraft game and there were creepers attacking everyone, i felt one behind me but just ignored it, creeper didn't exploded and everyone else was panicking, haha. Then i was randomly in the bed in my room at home and that creeper turned into miniature creeper in my hand and was kinda cute, then it turned into some random object and i was back in minecraft and it was some race for wool level with sandcastles, we somehow managed to catapult chest from enemy side to our side using a lever and then there were lots of explosions to the left for some reason.
      Then i wake up again and room is different, i am about to realize that i am dreaming
      but i wake up properly before that.

      Dream 2:

      I was in some game that looked like Doom, i was going through some laboratory complex, fighting enemies and using panels to open doors. I was playing coop with SilentEternity and the complex was pretty mazey, also there were multiple levels and stairs, and some colorful liquids in tubes. Then as i reached some place that looked like made from nether brick from minecraft, but with multiple fire pits that looked like from spiral knights and huge central one. There was also gates like in spiral knights and i suddenly had 4 battle sprites at same time together with me, two of which were dragons. I've had to fight two bosses one of which was big brown wolf-like beast that could vanish and teleport and i was using firebolt which was really overpowered and was able to destroy bosses in 5 hits. Then i went back to lab area searching for SilentEternity since he said over chat that he found something. Though then i got a bit lost with some switch puzzle-operated doors until dream faded out. Then i woke up twice, and woke up once more, properly.
    12. 17th Sep 2013 The descent, story, massive mecha battle

      by , 09-18-2013 at 12:44 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      Something about dragons.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was on some kind of hot air baloon/zeppelin kind of vehicle with a team and there was one dude that was shouting on everyone. We were descending towards enemy base. We got attacked by a huge barrage of rockets and were trying to defend the vehicle, but ended up constantly getting hit whatever we did, some of crew were having some abilities, like forcefield, that temporarily stopped attacks. Soon though we didn't had anyone left but me and shouty dude, he started complaining about things and then i figured out that rockets can be easily shot down, i've started firing my rapid fire machine gun at them and holding off nearly whole barrage that way. I told dude to start doing things and he apparently got rapid fire rocket launcher of all things and started helping with barrage, that definitely stopped it.
      As we landed we had to deal with some enemies in some kind of small fort.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in some kind of multiplayer FPS game, the level was some kind of underground metallic complex and was pretty mazey. It was more or less classic team deathmatch except that there was some kind of crafting system for custom weapons/items. I ended up crafting bottle of some poisonous liquid at one point. Also there was one room housing the core of the complex which was kind of metallic thing and it was beating.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      There was some kind of story involving mechas, some 'high beings' and searching something, which ended up with the fight of massive mechas, they were extremely powerful and there were also striders from half-life 2 participating in the battle on our side, the problem for them was though that enemy mecha was alot more powerful than them and could down them in single hit. Also there was much huger strider, but it was damaged and just stood out of battle. The battle between two mechas was pretty epic, but then dream kinda switched to something about Gordon Freeman's mom exiting the house, she was invisible due to having no model. Then there was alot of talk between all characters and a dying 'high being' about some kind of truth or something.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      Yogscast were playing some game which was kinda FPS, they were fighting some robotic enemies through the level and it was pretty hard, especially in the end with big and powerful 'generator' enemies. They managed to 'skip' past them though and press end of level switch.
    13. 16th Sep 2013 Fragments

      by , 09-17-2013 at 12:18 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some video game and there was some railway place where we had to deal with undead.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some RTS, the level was kinda dark and there were alot of enemy bases.
    14. 16th Sep 2013 Various fragments and another MiniLD

      by , 09-16-2013 at 03:15 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps, still a bit of problem of not being able to fall asleep, and have to fix my schedule again...

      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about a dragon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I am in my room, everything starts fading and there's weird voice. Then i am suddenly sitting near table in some other room and i feel that i am dreaming, but it fades as i attempt to move, and i wake up.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching a battle between two groups of people with special powers, including ability to fly. One of them was shouting that he has ability to "stay on the sky".
    15. 15th Sep 2013 Various fragments

      by , 09-16-2013 at 12:45 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about some organization and protecting some cities, then i was controlling a plane and had to shoot down some enemy vehicles/planes using some kind of energy weaponry.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was with some group and we were going through some jungles, then temple and then we got attacked by a tribe of some furry creatures with spears and were fighting back.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      Something was going on in a large hall.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was with some group and we were traveling through some cities and were searching something, there was some talk about city named 'Greenies', which was the city full of money makers and scammers. Eventually after going through some other places we have reached it and on the way we also met anthro furry who told us more about Greenies. Apparently the most of the city was built of the same houses and there was some kind of scamming going on all over the place.
      Soon we have found some kind of house where people were trying to heal kids from some mental diseases but truly they were just making money and doing even worse, there was one girl that was trying to kill everyone. We have started planning to rescue everyone but then dream ended.
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