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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. (24th October) - 5 DEILD Chains and The Demons of the Mirror World

      by , 10-28-2021 at 04:03 PM (Orion's Dream Journal)
      I performed my usual routine . woke up after 3.5 hours of falling sleep , studied chemistry for 45 minutes , did Reality checks , read dreams and did some visualisation , relaxed by a breathing technique and performed 3 SSILD cycles in the next 15 minutes and then fell asleep while focusing on an anchor .

      though WILD didn't work outright and fell asleep , I had a false awakening in what seemed like minutes after performing the techniques and I just knew I was lucid . I walked out and it was nighttime . I went outside to see a great sunrise , one of the better ones I have seen in dreams . I went out of my house and started walking trying to find something of interest , suddenly a cop attacked me out of nowhere and the dream ended in panick . I felt the bed and was calm , I let images form in my head and one of them turned into another dream .

      I was in another room of my house and saw my parents leaving , I knew I was dreaming but did an RC anyway . I wanted to try something and tried to phase through the wall . I got stuck in middle and It was a bit uncomfortable , though I did it with a push but just as I did the dream faded , I was so preoccupied with the wall that I forgot to take the anchor out of my pocket
      . I woke up but tried to imagine a garden without moving . I saw a soft toy lying around and just as I touched it the visualisation became a full fledged dream .

      It was a wedding garden , I saw a lot of people and lets say.... dream characters aren't my strong suite . My dreams end quickly when I am near them and they are always up to some whacky non sense . I started walking and they started following me , I willed them to stop and go the other way but it didn't work . I wasn't really concerned so I just kept running , I focused on the feeling of my legs on the ground and it was rough but it helped maintain my Lucidity . I was panting actually and it felt good . It was quite dark and I thought I had lost them but no they were just behind me , the shock of seeing them made me fizzle out of Lucidity .

      I woke up again but I waited for images in my head to arise and they did . I was sitting at my study stable in the dream and then I saw a group of tiny birds above , a white one fell on my lap , then I saw a black one which didn't have an eye or a beak but just a black "shape" for a beak . I felt something was off and knew it was dream but confirmed it by nose pinch . I went to the mirror and the birds from earlier just disappeared without a trace .

      frustated from my previous dream , I wanted a place without dream characters . I had planned it beforehand and it was based on a cartoon called Doraemon I watched as a child . Basically he had a mirror , if you enter the mirror you will find a mirrored version of the world without any humans or animals . basically a sandbox . I tried doing this with my mirror . I tried to go through it , I pushed harder and found myself melting into it . I was on other side and It was like a mirrored version of my room ..... the only catch was that I saw my uncle there and he didn't look normal . He had a HUGE WIDE smile on his face but it looked as if it was "compressed" by his chin and by god his chin was pointed and really slim , he had no lips and it made him look terryfying . Then I saw my father and mother like that too , They advanced towards me . I normally don't feel strong emotions in my dreams so I wasn't scared a bit ( though it certainly was offputting ) but I didn't want the dream to end so I walked through the mirror again and then I just fizzled out of Lucidity .

      Today I had another LD and I went through the mirror again , they were still there . Seems like I have made some subconscious expectation that I will always find the entities when i enter the mirrors in my dreams and I really like this to be honest . Its so cool to have some consistency and persistence in a completely random dream world

      Updated 11-10-2021 at 05:29 AM by 98568

      lucid , false awakening