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    One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy

    0/3 Sun: Clocks and Calendars

    by , 09-27-2010 at 08:05 PM (533 Views)
    0513: D. Dreaming of lying in bed trying to sleep. Maybe a little INRALD feeling at the very end but woke up.

    Too Many Clocks
    0852: D. Again, dreaming of lying in bed trying to sleep. I hear Lance's voice as he's trying to have a conversation with me. I don't say anything. I sit up. It's dark. I look at my Zeo which is now hooked up to another alarm clock. I also see my cell phone in its dock. That's three clocks beside my bed. The Zeo has "hacked" the other alarm clock to show the same brainwave data on it's display. I have a pre-lucid moment of thinking that is weird. But dream ends.

    Calendar, Closet
    1014: C. I'm in a familiar house, probably Daisetta. I'm in my bedroom closet looking for a pair of underwear, but all the ones I find aren't the style that I like. My sister beckons me to come out to the living room. We have cousins in town. In the entryway, there's a giant calendar drawn on an big whiteboard mounted to the wall. Apparently, I drew it as a scheduling tool for the family. (I used this "visual management" device at work about a year ago) My family and cousins are praising me for how effective this calendar is. They ask how they should add something. Apparently the cousins are in town for a funeral and they want to note the day that the person died. I suggest that they draw a colored symbol like a star or circle on that day instead of writing words.

    I return to the closet in my bedroom. It's a walk-in, like my current closet, but it shouldn't be for this house. Now I sense that I'm just visiting home but I don't live here. My mother is going to move out of this house soon so I should clean out my closet. I start collecting old pairs of shoes to throw away. On a shelf, I see a rotting box with a trail of ants crawling into it.

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    1. Serenity's Avatar
      Dreaming of lying in bed trying to sleep. Maybe a little INRALD feeling at the very end but woke up.
      They're so hard to catch, some days!!