Non-Lucid Dreams
First dream I was in some kind of a camp. There was my old friend. We were talking about SFML library and it's potential uses in my projects. Second dream With group of classmates and teacher we went into a military base. It was raining, there was mud and ground was slippery. I went back to our base to change my shoes, and went back to join with them. We walked around the base for a while, and then we entered a bus. Teacher gave us some kind of a pass, and after that we had to go for a stop. I went out of our bus, and entered another. There was my mother and my younger sister inside. We talked for a while, bus moved away from the stop in the meanwhile. When we stopped talking, I was on a road through forest, away from the stop. I left the bus, and moved around the forest road. It was nearing midnight. There was a fork. I wanted to go the right way first, but then moved back and tried another. I realised that I go the wrong way, and found the right way through the forest. I started to see a city, and a tall flat. A man walked out of it, and went closer to his car. I asked if he can drive me to bus stop. He agreed, but he had to repair something in his car. I had to choose: running there on foot, or waiting for the man to fix his car. I decided to stay with him, thinking "This must be a dream, they would search the area for me!" Though I doubted it, and haven't become lucid.
First dream - fragment I was in my old school, though with the current class. I walked crowded corridors, looking for a teacher. If she was absent, we could go back homes. Second dream It was dark, cold night. I was in a park with group of five dudes from my class. I had a backpack with two bottles of Coca Cola inside. They were drinking in park, one of them had a baby with him, and he had to change his diaper a few times. When the whole alcohol ended, they started to walk around the park, screaming and singing. This attracted two girls to join us - both brunette, one with short, and the other with long hair. I was the only one sober, so I had to lead them through the darkness to reach a bus stop. As we entered it, we got teleported to my barn. One of the guys - a tall, blonde dude tried to enrage me. I punched him a few times, and this made him really mad. He charged at me. We fell to the ground, though I managed to use the force and push him away. He bumped with his head into some heavy, metal object, which caused his instant death. I just standed up and went inside my home.
It was in a fort, and there were some kind of elections. There were lots of politicians, talking about something that I can't quite recall. We were sitting high above the ground. I had enough of their talking, so I made a super high jump to a roof in a nearby city, a roof in a chinese alley. Suddenly I heard a voice telling me about a tiger guardian.
I was in my home. My younger sister was working on her laptop. I was bored, so I took three bags out of a drawer and prepared for going to a forest, where I could collect bugs. Mother saw me, and asked where I'm going. I said "I'm bored, so I'm going to collect bugs for entomology project.
With group of friends we were going back from a party. It was late at night, but we could see everything. We were walking down the road leading nowhere. It was empty and silent, but we were in good moods. I looked to the left, and saw a huge power plant. It was newly built, but covered with smog already. I was sure that I'd suffocate if we had to go through it. Suddenly we were teleported to a forest, near a huge river. There was a ranger talking about some kind of mining works underneath the river. He also said that they don't really know what they are doing. We crossed the river by walking on water. Then we were back on the road. The power plant was still standing, though the smog was denser. We wandered for a while, and a friend got a call. He said to someone that we are going to a shop. It was a wooden hut, probably built with larch wood. We entered it, and got teleported into Bonehoard from Thief:Gold. It was a complex of catacombs and crypts, forgotten by everyone. We climbed down a rope, and got attacked by zombie, which in fact was my sister. I ran quickly past her, enduring scratch to an arm, and called friends to a shelter. The zombie ate one of us, and nearly killed another, but we escaped.
It was dark, cold winter night. Street lamps gave only dim and weak light. I left a tall building where people were gathered, there was probably a party. I moved through the darkness, walking down some kind of stairs and leaving roadsign that I couldn't read for some reason. I finally reached road that is better lit, and stood near a building with walls covered with brown plates. There was a plaque with 9-13 carved on it. I thought if this is the right place, or should I got somewhere else. I decided to cross the road. I heard a couple walking through park, laughing. I thought "Wait, I should go back to the plaque." I went back, and looked at it again. Still 9-13. I looked for the door, and found it in darkness, and moved up the dark stairwell. I finally found my room, and entered it. This was the only well lit place. I saw that I live with three another dudes, two of them I can't quite recall. The third one had short dark hair, gray sweatshirt and jeans trousers. I sat down on a sofa, and then someone entered the room. It was a man in his late forties. He asked us if we have a TV, which we replied that don't. He said that if we want to watch TV, we should go to local meeting hall.
I was watching a rocket starting, and flying hight into the outerspace. Then my sight followed the rocket and I was watching the solar system, planets and tiniest atoms in there. All of this while listening to someone talking about Pluto, who discovered it and why it's not fully classified as planet. Then I was lying in my bed, looking at the sky and thinking that I should get there one day.
Dolphin killers The whole world was flooded with sea water, and people had to built platforms in order to survive. I was swimming on my little raft, when I reached ruins of harbor city. There were only some small parts of platforms still standing, with some useful stuff on them, like food, fresh water and other resources. Suddenly my raft started to squeak and crack. Just before it fallen apart, I jumped on the farthest platform to the east. Thinking that I'm safe, I sat down and watched surroundings. There was nothing on the horizon, only endless ocean. I felt that something hit the platform from inside the water. I looked around, and managed to turn back just as a dolphin jumped out of the water, with intent to eat me. I slapped it in a head a few times, and then another dolphin jumped out of water to help his buddy. I slapped it too, and both of them squeaked in irritation. They stopped moving, and looked at the water expectantly. I leaned over the edge of platform, and then a huge orca jumped out of it, with open jaws. I quickly jumped back and slapped the orca while shouting with fear. After a few slaps or so, I just decided to run away. Both orca and dolphins jumped back to the ocean. I inspected other platforms, but found nothing of use besides food. Without my raft, I was stuck there. MILD - In a castle walls; wonderland I was inside of guest room in a castle. I inspected the room - the floor and furniture were made with exotic wood. There were expensive tapestries, a comfortable bed and some wardrobes. Suddenly I become lucid. For a while I thought what can I do this time, and looked around again. I saw a maid - a beautiful blonde lady in a green dress. With nothing better to do, I came closer and talked with her for a while. Then I persuaded her that we should have some fun, being alone in the room, and probably in the whole guest wing of the castle. I managed to keep the lucidity for quite some time, focusing on my intent and on the lady. Suddenly I just lost lucidity, without waking up. I was still in the guest room, maid nowhere to be found. When I wanted to leave the room, everything faded. I found myself on a cliff. There were some roadsigns and a grave without any plaque. I was standing in front doors to a tavern. There was a tunnel leading to deserts, and down the cliff there was a weird, eerie jungle. The tavern was surrounded with dense forests. I entered the building, and found myself in some kind of a museum. I wandered for a while, watching exhibitions, and suddenly founding myself back at the cliff, staring at the grave. For some reason, I took my phone out of my pocket, and took a photo of it. Bully I was in my old school, wandering the corridors. I decided to go back to classroom, and sat down. Teacher told us that it was free day, so we could do anything we want inside the classroom. I looked around and saw my friends playing some games. Suddenly a bully walked closer to me, and showed me a pack of chips. I said that I don't want to eat, but he insisted on, and spilled some on my desk. With nothing to do, I decided to just eat them. Later that day, bully told me to appear at fuel station with 1000000 dollars, or he'll beat me black and blue. Back in home, I thought about that, and about the fine hunting knife I received as a birthday gift. Next day with my family we were driving to a city, stopping by at fuel station. I told them that we had a free day at school, but I haven't mentioned the bully part. I saw that guy waiting for me there, but I wasn't going to meet him, and waited in car until we drove away.
Something horrible, sad and utterly wrong happened to the world and people had to seal themselves in old castles, buildings that seemingly survived everything. I was outside a cathedral surrounded by castle walls. With masses of people I was watching a politician jumping on top of a broken cross, and saying something about new elections. I decided to go away, and found group of people that had marks on their arms. I looked at my arm saw that I have it to: a red reversed pentagram. I told them that we should unite, gather force and leave the castle, to conquer the new world.
I was one of locators of a flat. I lived in a house on a 12th floor. One day people started to panick all around, and seal themselves in houses. I ran down to first floor, and asked what's going on, and heard that there is a dangerous vampire in our flat. I ran back to the 12th floor into my house, and looked around. It was a 60s style house, and someone already used all the furniture to seal itself in my bathroom. That person even took fridge with it. I thought that hiding is not a way, and decided that I should get to the rooftop, to have better chances of throwing the vampire out. I searched all around for a way to reach the rooftop, but the trapdoor was sealed. I turned around, and then I heard a strange noise. I turned back, and saw a young, bald man with a blonde woman in a jacuzzi. I immediately noticed that the man is a vampire. Upon noticing me, his skin turned grey, white hair grown quickly, eyes become glazed and claws started to grow. I had no chance of winning this battle, so I ran to nearby window and jumped out of the flat. Hovewer, the vampire chased me. I landed safely in front of my fathers carpentry workshop. The vampire burst through workshops roof and landed safely too. I didn't knew what to do. I ran into the workshop, and evaded all the vampires attacks. He punched, kicked, clawed, but I dodged all of his attacks, while avoiding to bump onto one of machines. Suddenly I saw a strange barrel. Thinking that there might be garlic inside, I threwn it at the vampire. The barrel broke, and a strange substance covered it entirely. It started to scream and moan horribly, his skin burning and falling dow, flesh rotting out and leaving only a pile of inanimate bones. Some of the substance spoilt on me, I wasn't hurt hovewer. It had a sweet taste and was similar to honey. I started to laugh - a single barrel of honey was enough to kill a powerfull vampire.
I was out of reach for ten days, without internet connection to update my dream journal. Now that I'm back I'll update it frequently. 01-07-2015 I was a terrorist in a port town. With another terrorist we tried to escape special forces. I went holding white flag in my hand, and we jumped onto a boat. After a while of sailing, rocket engines started to work. We flewn high in the sky, turning a few times in the air. I watched sky - it was beautiful, clowds leaving only a trail of clear sky, resembling my way to the top. 02-07-2015 Nothing recalled. 03-07-2015 Nothing in particular. 04-07-2015 1. FA - water splash I was lying in my bed. It was dark, but I managed to see a huge water splash coming at me from the corridor. 2. Porn star convent. I was sitting in my room and watching porn. After a while I heard people talking downstairs. I went to check what was going on, and saw that there was a porn star convent. Lots of film directors and stars were talking. I wandered there for a while, talking with people and tasting random dishes. I went to the street, and saw my brother driving this way, so I stopped him and entered his car. We drove to home of one of the girls I know, and after a while of sitting we droe back. I thought about that girl, lots of situations appeared in my mind. Then I saw her in bed with another girl. I wanted to film that, but they spotted me. I went back to porn star convent, thinking about that. 05-07-2015 I was in a city. With another dude we were trying to get a transportation to home. I even saw a bus coming. When I got to home I ate grapes, blueberries and other fruits. They were really sweet. Family told me to leave leftovers in a barn. I had a toothache later. 06-07-2015 I was in school cloakroom. There was my sister and her friends. I said "Hi", but another girl replied, as they really weren't there. I drove back home, and saw my old teacher, planting trees on my frontyard. After a while of wandering home, I saw that she lives with us. I used laptop for a while later. When night came I drove to a shop. I parked the car, entered the shop and realised that I don't remember what I have to buy. I called my mother after a while. 07-07-2015 I was in an old mansion. There was kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom. It was furnished with old, decaying furniture. There were cobwebs in corners. I was searching for clues of a murder, or tracking paranormal. People on place gave me only vague clues, and after a while of searching I found out that demons want to destroy the world. I even had a vision of an invasion. To stop that I needed money, so I called Demon of expensive buying to sell it some stuff. Next I recall that I was on a holiday camp, and one of guys was telling how his younger brother is always first. He said "My younger brother, even in shirt in long sleeve and stupid hat, was quicker on place than me, despite the fact that I started my journey first!" 08-07-2015 -First dream- I was in some kind of basement. My master told me to make a sandwich. I did it and ate it. Then I went to the upper floor. The corridor was devoid of people, but it had christmas ornaments. I checked kitchen and went back to corridor, to pee on a carpet. I felt that someone was coming, so I jumped through the window, and ran around front yard. Someone was watching me, and when he stopped I jumped back to pee again. -Second dream- I was inside a library connected with a national museum. I was an occult investigator, looking for tomes of knowledge. I searched through shelves of manuscripts, books and other stuff from all the ages. I was looking for stuff from 18th age, but I couldn't read age marks, so I went to exhibitions. There were knights stuff, medicine bags, and a fully working car automate. It was a black volkswagen car. I wanted to leave a book in antique shelf, but it was not accepted. -Third dream- I was watching a HoMM playthrough. Someone was exploring enemy territory with army of devils. 09-07-2015 I was in a city with rest of class. We were driving around to pick up random objects. We stopped in a house of one of the girls from class. We moved from a bus to the back yard of unfinished construction. We climbed up to the rooftop and looked for entrance. We found it, but instead entering a house, we broke into a government building. Walls were white and clean. We started on a platform of some kind. First it was quiet, but after a while of wandering the alarm started, and we had to escape shots of security. We ran around, trying to reach rooftop, but we had to jump over a huge pit. On the other side of pit, there were shops and restaurants. We tried a few times, and failed. We split up, and I ran to elevator shaft. I waited for a good moment to jump down, and did it. Then I waited for elevator to move down, and jumped inside it, killed mechanic and moved on, to basement. It was built with rock blocks and reinforced with wood. It was old, and corridors were tight. I had to run away from enemies, and reach surface. I did it and saw guys that were with me drugger. There was a boss of the site, which was my teacher. We were in a burning ghost town. The buildings behind us were destroyed. There was a barrel of burning liquid giving warmth and light. There was also a sofa, table and chairs. We talked about some kind of fish, and a research programme. When other guys wanted to go, I said that they were too drugged.
It was cold, autumn morning. I was in undiscovered ruins of ancient, Aztec like civilisation. There were other random people with me. Mistakenly, we touched an artifact that started a weird tournament. Elder god appeared, and told us that team that wins gets supernatural, godly powers. I teamed up with two other people, and we were running around the ruins. The only thing that was still standing in place, unchanged thorough the ages were pedestals made of white, weird stones. I realised that placing random rocks at all the pedestals would grant us victory. In the end, there was only one pedestal. It was a draw between us and another team. The temple with pedestal was on another side of the river. I thought myslef "Damn, I can't swim." But then I found another way to the temple, we ran to pedestal quickly. As the other team was about to place last rock, I took a small stone and thrown it on pedestal. It landed perfectly on the middle of it. All pedestals moved down then, and threwn the rocks down. I said "We won!"
I recall only some fragments. First, I was somewhere on a stadium, wearing sports outfit. We were preparing for a football match. Second fragment showed me surrounded by curtains, pissing on the floor for some reason.
Recall problems this night. I remember only bodies lying on a coach in a weird sotrage room, getting teleported to Xen borderworld from Half-Life.
First dream I was walking on a highway to a big city. It was warm, summer morning. I wanted to see a nuclear power plant, and an Eiffel's Tower that was a clone of the one in Paris. Second dream I was in school. It was dark and cold autumn afternoon. I went into the cloackroom, but after a while of trying to move in the crowded, tight room I realised that I have nothing to take from my locker. I went outside, leaving everyone back, and went to a bus stop. After a while a bus appeared. I watched as two girls were entering it. One sat down, and was laughing for no reason. The other went to buy a ticket. I stood there, waiting for another bus that had better route, but when the doors started to close, I stopped them and went inside. To the laughing girl I said: "Changed my mind in the last moment." The bus arrived at the city shortly. It was midnight. The bus stopped at a dark alley. I went out of the bus with one of the girls and an old woman, and then I went on my way. Alone. I walked so slow that I thought about a better transportation way, and then I got an idea. I started to slide as if I was on ice skates, previous ice skating experiences helped me with it. I moved on the sidewalk with high speed, slided through a tunnel that wasn't there before, and decided to slide back home instead of waiting for a bus. On the road I slided past a cyclist, but he catched up with me. We both drove into a cultists lair, avoiding fireballs and ligtning bolts shot at us. Then we drove away.