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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Zombies, level editors and breakfast - dream fragment

      by , 02-28-2015 at 09:31 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was in some kind of soviet bunker. I was with a group of scavengers. There were zombies all around. One of our people went to a chamber, which closed right after he entered. There were lots of zombies inside. He was some kind of chosen one, but I decided to just go away to my base. Looking at security camera I saw him fighting. Then I saw this from his perspective. I shoat a few zombies, but in the end they have killed me and... My perspective was brought back to my body in my home. I was working on a new level for some kind of game. Next day I was eating sandwiches for breakfast. It tasted great. I saw my brother came back from work in Switzerland. We were playing on xbox later that day. Next day I was again working on a level for that game, and played it for a while. I came back to my base, and started managing work orders on survivors.
    2. Looney Tunes, Funeral House

      by , 02-27-2015 at 03:27 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Characters from looney tunes came to reality. For over twenty years they had a factory of bottled water, but when the crisis came there was only one bottle left, and they couldn't produce anyone. I watched the Daffy Ducks retrospection, where he promised to the original founder of the factory that he'll keep the last bottle it'll ever produce safe. The time has come. Daffy was going throuh weird transformations. There was even his clone compposed of pure water. He went to Bugs bunny to talk about the bottle. Daffy was changing rapidly, and he had additional pair of hands. Bugs asked him about that, but he got no answer. The next day everyone was shocked, someone stolen the last bottle of water. I saw the police securing the area of the factory. I was writng a report from action, and signed it "detective Rupert Black".

      Second dream

      I was an owner of funeral house. I received a call from a client, and waited for him outside. He drove to me in a new, black BMW car. He went out - tall man with brown, long hair. He was wearing black suit, and weird black hat. I took him inside the coffin makers workshop. He took out his laptop - same as mine. I said It seems that we're both using the same equipment. He replied I'm using it since a few years. Then we talked about our business.
    3. Bad recall

      by , 02-26-2015 at 05:18 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up and moved quite violently, thus most of the details were forgotten. I can reacall that I was in home, and drove to school with my sister in her car. I was working on technical lessons. When I came back home I was writing some kind of story with someone.
    4. Socks

      by , 02-25-2015 at 06:40 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was in the morning. I was preparing to go to school. I was ready to go, but then I looked at my feet, and saw that I have no socks. I was running madly around the house, and arguing with my mother and siblings about the socks. I ran to my room, and started to search through socks to find a pair of my liking.
      Tags: argue, socks
    5. ToTM and a bunch of non lucids

      by , 02-24-2015 at 04:52 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      [DILD] ToTM

      Warm evening. Sun gave ererything a bright orange glow. I was in Warsaw. I was waiting on a bus stop. The bus appeared and I went inside. I took off my sweater, as it was really hot. I grabbed the handrails as there were no free sitting places, and the bus drove. Suddenly I realise that it's a dream. As an RC I pressed my fingers on the handrails, and they went through the cold, yellow coloured metal. I saw a small boy walking in the bus. He was making a nose plug RC and smiling to me. I also mad a nose plug RC. Next with slight hesitation, as I was still afraid that this could be reality, I jumped, and phased through the bus's window. I landed on me stomach, on the road. Everything weas darker, but it was still warm. I looked around and saw a mother walking with her son on the sidewalk. Suddenly I saw a car driving straight into me, but it avoided me in the last moment. I somehow couldn't stand up, so I tried to scramble to the sidewalk. Then a blonde woman parked the car right in front of me. She told me that she was looking for me. Then I told her "It's not me! It was that boy! He walked over there!" She then entered the car quickly and drove after that boy. I could stand up finally, so I decided to make another task. I jumped to the rooftops, looking at the sky. It was dark, grim and overcast. I started to fly. When I was halfway to the height of clouds I focused on summoning storm clouds. They quickly covered the whole sky. I summoned the storm cloud in the air, but losing focus on flying made me unable to fly to them. I tried to land somewhere and made it. I have flewn from Warsaw to my home, in the other edge of Poland in few seconds! I landed on the rooftop of my garage. I looked down. There was my father pushing the lift. He said "Come here, and help me push the lift!" I then pointed at it with my index finger, and moved my hand to the entrance of barn. The lift moved as it was in drag-n-drop game. Father immediately went for the lift. He haven't told me where to move it, so I assumed it was right position. I looked at the sky again. The storm clouds disappeared, and the ovarcast, grim sky came back. I tried to summon the clouds again and fly to them. When I was halfway to the clouds I woke up.

      My friend is a bus driver

      With my friend we took a bus to the other village. We came to the front of the bus, and I saw that my another friend was a driver. We drove to my home village. I got out of the bus, but the bus stop was in the edge of a stadium, with river just behind it's edge. I went out of bus, and grabbed handrails. My friend walked through the river, as it was only ankle deep. I saw other people I saw in school, and even some classmates there. It was some kind of a party. Everyone was standing on a small hill. The slope was so high that I couldn't release the handrails, yet no other person gathered there was holding them.

      Sleeping in the bathroom

      I was lying on the floor in the bathroom, and trying to fall asleep. When I couldn't I saw that some clothes appeared there. I listened to a story a weird voice told about a man whose those clothes were. I stood up, and got out of the bathroom.

      Some fragments

      I recall some fragments, but nothing special.
    6. Stealing a car, a boy in a hospital

      by , 02-22-2015 at 10:15 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I went out of school with classmates, and we took my sisters car. I was a passenger while one of them was driving. He barely missed all those cars on the road, and police quickly reacted, and stopped our car. Then we were interrogated. The policeman was reading our notebooks from school, and asking questions from them. When it came to my turn I, quietly as always, said:

      - Amsterdam is a capital of Amsterdam!

      Then the policeman said:

      - I thought that it was a capital of Austria!

      Then another policeman came. They both were taunting us. I jumped mad, and told them that I have some random spinal malformation. I then said: Surprised!? They both nodded their heads simultaneously.

      Second dream

      It was in a hospice. Art exhibition was arranged there. Ill kids were making their own art, which later would be shown in another exhibition. Visitors were allowed to contribute in their art. After a small walk, I decided to take a pencil and draw some darker shades on one of the works. They were fitting to the composition, but the kid painting it was dissapointed. A few months later we drove with siblings to another hospice, where that kid was placed after the exhibition. My sisters were touched by the look of this small, ill child. I stood expresionless, even when the child was staring at me and crying. I was visiting it through the whole years, and he became some kind of brother to me. I was giving him advices, and telling him what awaits him beyond the walls of the hospice.
    7. Downloading

      by , 02-21-2015 at 09:48 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Evening. I was lying in my bed and watching TV. It was during some kind of holiday. I went to the sisters room, turned up PC and started downloading something from torrent files. I had to download 612 MB of data. I can't recall what I was downloading. I turned on the radio in the kitchen. The song I heard was familiar to me, but I can't recall the title. I turned on my laptop and started downloading it on my laptop, with considerably higher download speed. Then my siblings appeared with random dishes. I finished the downloading, turned off the laptop and went to take a bath.
    8. Messed up dream

      by , 02-20-2015 at 10:50 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in the middle of the night. It was dark all around, but I managed to open the door and go outside. Where should I go? I thought. Then everything changed. I saw myself running on the desert from top-down view. I was avoiding spike traps and boulders rolling down from hills in my direction. I barely escaped when almost all the place was filled with traps. My point of view changed, and I saw my moves like it was a side-scrolling game. In the middle of an underground cavern I found an entrance to a forgotten city. When I tried to enter it I was attacked by hordes of small weasels weilding bows. I ran deeper into the caverns while escaping from flying arrows. I saw an entrance to a dwarven fortress. I jumped into the moat under the drawbridge, and climbed up that bridge. When I was climbing I felt the weird structure of the drawbridge. It was somehow soft and slimy. I entered the dwarven settlement. It was made of dark-gray rock. Dwarven masons were the best I've ever seen, I was in awe and wanted to share my thoughts with two dwarves standing nearby. It was a king and his advisor. We haven't talked about anything in particular, but then the king mentioned that he wants to make a wedding of me and the princess. We talked about that wedding while we were going down strange stairs - a maze of handrails without steps. We had to climb the handrails to go down. When I appeared in a chamber below the entrance the dwarves disappeared. I saw a group of adventurers standing there. They told me that their quest is to help me marry the princess. We moved from the chamber to a tunnel. I saw gigantic set of stairs carved in rock. The stairs were reaching high up to the surface. One of the adventurers told And now we have to go up these stairs?! I told him Don't worry. These stairs have over two hundred ad twenty steps!. We moved up. I had troubles with climbing the stairs, but we've reached the surface. Rainy afternoon. It was cold, the dense fog was covering the horizon. I could feel the water flowing on the road with my bare feet. I was wearing only my underwear. The stairs led to the street. I looked back and saw that the entrance to the tunnel with stairs was a phone booth. The street was empty, and I saw only a few persons there. A man wearing gray hoodie and glasses. He had dark gray beard and was smoking a cigarette. When I looked at him I knew that he was on of the adventurers, making a distraction so I could enter a nearby palace. It was high building made of white marble, ornamented with exotic wood, silver and gold. Near the gate made of finest steel I saw a couple. A man wearing black trechcoat, glasses and black fedora hat. The woman was wearing a white, long gown. She had dark-brown hair and blue eyes. I saw them from the distance, they were kissing. When I came closer I saw that the woman was lying in a stroller and eating chips, and the man was kissing a barbie doll resembling the woman. They were also making a distraction for me. I entered the palace without much trouble. Inside I saw a dwarven king sitting on a throne. The place was made of white marble and granite; and random ornaments were made of exotic wood, silver and gold. There was no trace of his advisor. He had someone different instead. A president of Poland was one of his most loyal servants. The president was wearing dark-orange sweater, glasses and blue jeans trousers. I asked the king about my wedding with his daughter. Then the princess appeared. A yound girl in light-blue gown. She had light-brown hair, pale skin and green eyes. She came closer to me and told me that she wants to escape with me. Her father was mad after hearing this, and swore that he'll stop this by any means necessary. I ran to the street, and head for a barn standing on the north side of the street, west of the palace. The rain was getting stronger. The water was slowly gathering inside buildings. I entered the barn. There was a wooden plank leaning over the old wooden wall. I took it and placed it on the ground, so I could sit down on it. I looked around the building. It was divided into two parts. A storage area filled to the brim with wood and hay. There were also other object. A metal drill to make holes in the ground, and a some shelves. There was also a garage part, which I was sitting in. I took a small pebble from the ground, and tried to make a fire, so I could warm myself up. I was unable to do it. I sat alone in the cold, dark barn wearing only my underwear. After a while I decided to go back to the palace. This time however I avoided the main entrance, and went to the backyard. There I sneaked into the dining room through the kitchen. It was a large chamber. There was a long table in the middle of the room with a set of chairs standing there. They were made of exotic wood, and standing on a red carpet with a golden outline. The corners of the carpet were ornamented with gold. The dwarven king was sitting near the table and waiting. After a while the president appeared. He was carrying a silver platter, and was happy. He thought that the king would enjoy the meal made by him. The king was mad, he was still thinking about me and the princess. I came closer to the dwarf, but he pushed me away. I escaped to the street. I looked to the right, and saw a TV reporter talking about mercenaries hired by dwarves to kill civillians. For a while I seen the reporter from cameras point of view. She was a woman in her late twenties, wearing a trenchcoat. She had dark-red hair, pale skin and brown eyes. I seen again from my point of view. I looked to the right, and saw SEALS soldiers waiting for something or someone. I decided to run for it, and ran to the barn. I get there without any action from their side. I sat down on the plank, and tried to make a fire again. It was vain. I thought the end this madness. I got out of barn, and walked straight the treet. I entered my home. It was early evening. I thought about taking a bath. Then my father appeared and told me that he's going to take a bath first. I agreed and went to the living room. I sat on a couch, and was wondering if I left something in the barn. Suddenly I saw a glass of tea, and fire set up by someone. Then I felt strong, piercing pain in my index finger. I looked at it, and saw a huge, dirty nail sticking out of my flesh.
    9. School trip

      by , 02-18-2015 at 09:12 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was left in school after the lessons, and had to clean the whole classroom. I also had to make a list of persons driving on a school trip to Warsaw. The next day our teacher asked me about the list, and I said that I presumed that all the persons I wrote down would be going. Next I was walking up the stairs of a castle, and waited on a square for rest of the group. I told them that it would be our meeting spot. Tacher told me then to go on, as I was their guide.

      *There was also another dream, which I can't recall now. I'll write it here when I'll recall it.
    10. A few of non lucids, and short DILD

      by , 02-17-2015 at 05:24 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Due to troubles with internet connection I haven't updated my DJ. I've noted the dream I had that night with todays post.


      Hotel in the school

      I was in my old school. The building was changed into the hotel for students. I was following group of my friends. We had to meet in one of the rooms there. On the way I stopped by into the toilet. I was going in circles all around the corridor, stopping only to enter the toilet a few more times. Then I saw my friend leaving cafeteria and going upstairs. I thought that I should eat something and meet with him later. I entered the room, and the cook asked if everybody got its meal. I told them that I haven't so they gave me a meal. Potatoes and meat with some salad. I took fork and knife, and when I was just about to eat, I woke up.


      Obstacle course and swimming

      I was at the beach with my older sister and my brothers friend. We were having fun the free time. When we got closer to the ocean, we were running towards the pier. My brothers friend was first, I was second and my sister was just behind me. We had to jump over the benches, and we have finally reached the pier. We have immediately jumped into the warm, crystal clear water. Suddenly I realised that I can't swim, but somehow I did it. Then the friend asked if I left my clothes on the land. I looked at myself, and saw that I did left them, but they disappeared. Next we got out of the water, and drove to my eldest sisters home. The place was changed. The rooms were furnished with antique furniture. There were ornaments from rare kinds of wood and from marble. Lights gave the rooms moody feeling. The rooms together formed a cross. I was sitting on the sofa in my underwear still wet from swimming, and was preparing to drive back to my home. I changed my clothes, and went to a shop. I haven't bought anything, and went back to sisters house quickly.

      Smashed by car - DILD

      I was in a big city. To save some money government changed regular busses into vans with trailers. I was standing on a trailer. The "bus" was slowing down, to pick people from the bus stop. The dream was very vivid. I could see smallest pollution on the road, smallest details in faces of people standing all around, and the blue van in front of me was very detailed. Suddenly I realised that it's a dream. I thought to myself And the last thing I'd want would be falling from the trailer and getting smashed by a car.... Then the van stopped voilently. The trailer I was standing on disengaged from the van, and I've fallen on the road, close to the car. I landed on my knees, and when standing up the car started to move back quickly. I hitted the van with my hand to alarm the driver, but it was vain. I tried to phase through the car, but somehow I couldn't do it. Usually it works, but this time it was different. The van was moving quickly. It hit me and I hit the trailer with my back. Then the car moved a bit forward, and then backwards, smashing me. I woke up.
    11. New year, vending machine

      by , 02-15-2015 at 09:51 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream - fragment

      I was in a big city with my older sister. It was new years eve, and we were going through the city at night. We were going to a big festival, but we've ended up in a disco. My younger sisters friends were partying there, I was drinking wine. After a while we've went out of there.

      Second dream

      It was in the flat house of my eldest sister. I was standing on a balcony with my older sister. She was surfing the net, and suddenly she told me that the flat standing in front of us belongs to different developer than the one we're in. Then she told me that our neighbor wants to know if our wending machine works. We turned round and looked at huge, yellow vending machine. She pulled the coin inside it, and it opened. She grabbed one pack of cookies, and I told her that she can take two.
    12. Coding, hospital

      by , 02-14-2015 at 09:22 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in my room. I was coding something in C++, and playing some roguelike games during the work of compiler.

      Second dream

      I was an old man. I had troubles with heart, and my family drove me to hospital. A few days later they have come to visit me. We were talking about my time in hospital. Apparently I had irritating room mates. They were also old. A nurse was coming through the room, and I quickly hidden something behind my back. It was a hip-flask. The room mates were laughing from me. Next day I was taken to another room. I got out of my bed in search of the toilet. It was evening by then. The hospital was dimly lit and corridors were buzzing with activity albeit the late hour. I looked at the labels showing the way, but couldn't find the toilet.
    13. Steam powered bus, tunnel ,game development

      by , 02-13-2015 at 10:03 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in Warsaw with my older sister. We were waiting for a bus to home. In the meanwhile I wanted to get a PC game, but I couldn't find it anywhere. After a while the bus appeared, and the drvier was a biology teacher from my old school. He was sitting in an armchair on the bus's roof, and steering it. We went inside the bus. It looked like a submarine inside.

      Second dream

      I was going for a walk from my home. I was wearing sport trousers, a hoodie and sport shoes. I walked from my backyard into a tunnel carved in ground. It was just a few steps and I've found myself in the suburb. I decided to go back. I met my brother and my pal in the backyard. It was midnight then. We were watching TV show on gigantic TV screen, it was taller and wider than my home.

      Third dream

      I was lying on my bed, when my younger sister entered the room and said I want to make a video game! I replied Uhm.... OK. What would you name it? She said I don't know. I quickly told And what about the games theme? She didn't replied so I started to help her. Maybe Rivers of Fire, or Rivers of Gold would fit? She was considering those names for a while and said No, we would need a different name. I asked about the genre and she said First person shooter. Suddenly my perspective changed, and I saw an arabian investor that wanted to develop his game. He ran into some kind of government building, and started shooting with shotgun from one of the windows shouting That's how my game would look like! It all happened as a weird guy was writing down all the ideas for the game.
    14. Explosion, night osbservations

      by , 02-12-2015 at 09:34 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was walking down the street in a business sector of the city. Near one of skyscrapers was alley locked with gate protected by key code. No one knew the key code, even owners of the skyscraper. I decided to somehow break it down, and I did it. The alley led to industrial area, into a house of some family preparing for the end of the world. I went out and took a bus back to home. In the midnight I went out with my younger sister. We were watching the night sky, looking at the stars and observating the area surrounding our home. Next day I drove to the same plac, and saw construction workers planting explosives at the gate. Owners of skyscraper wanted to know what's beyond that gate. When the workers ran to safety zone and detonated explosives. The fire was raging. I ran closer to the gate and gave a horrifying scream. This brought their attention, one of the workers shouted The margins are burning! They all ran there to stop the fire.
    15. Father and son, driving to home

      by , 02-11-2015 at 05:09 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was in a big city. My father was an owner of a big corporation, where I was office worker. It was during time of some kind of holliday. My father was preparing for a big party, and I told him that I want to stay at work. I felt that there was a conflict between both of us. We wanted to enter a car. It was a miniature version of jeep. There were already four persons inside, and we had to somehow fit inside. In the end there were nine persons. My aunt was hurt, and she had nails stuck inside her toes. We were driving towards home through the forest.
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