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    Disney Land

    by , 06-12-2010 at 01:32 AM (407 Views)
    Disney Land

    Clearness : 7/10
    Lucid : No

    O M G. Tonight I've been dreaming alot and I'm HAPPY!!! =D =D I recalled 4 dreams actually!! This is my actual record! Since I decided to host a DJ in my room I really notice a improvement in my dream recall since I was recalling 1 dream each week/2weeks, so yeah it is a big improvement I guess. I've written down only 2 dreams out of 4 because the others are still fresh in my mind. So I'll start by these 2 and the other I'll post them later since I don't have much time =3. Enjoy!

    My friend and I were in some kind of a desert with mountains and bug craters, very beautifull. I can't remember why we were there but it was fun, so we were exploring the place and we found some hidden door inside the mountains and inside were elevator or so. So we climbed up the mountain with this elevator and we separate our way upside to explore the place a little bit more. After some search I found a kind of Delta Plane but smaller and looked like Bat wings. I put the "suit" on and jumped of the cliff of the mountain.

    I was flying around for a while, enjoying my ride, I finished inside a big crater and wasn't able to find a way to get up again. Btw I was able to jump relatively high if we compare to my normal jumping ability. So I was trying to go up the cliff but wasn't able until I found a kind of secret passage which led me to a circular room. There was nothing much inside so I got bored and get out.

    Once I got out I noticed that I was not at the same place, I was at Disney land! There was a bunch of my class friend. ( I actually did a trip with my science class to Disney land ) I told them I found some crazy activity to do and I tried to show them. So we searched for the same mountain but we didn't find anything until I saw this strange stand with the same "Delta plane" I used. I got inside and saw a big field with some strange launching pad ans alot of kids getting launch in the air with the strange equipment on their back. So I talked with the operator and he told me it was free, but he also told me to be careful because there was a child raper around. So as I was putting the equipment on myself I heard something inside the other room beside me, I got inside to beat the ass off the Raper, I jumped in screaming and trying to beat the guy inside, but I noticed it was only my history teacher, he was very friendly and all and he was actually repairing the launch pad, he even told me he was about to stab me with this screw driver because I scared him.

    So I was ready for the delta plane ride, the operator told me that almost no one have cleared the field with 1 launch, then he launched me. I was very high in the sky and my body ad changed into a kind of squirrel of something and I was spinning very fast but I was able to control my destination. So I was looking toward the field which was very beautiful and all. I was going very fast and it looked like I wasn't loosing altitude so I manage to go to the end of the field. It was upon a little cliff with a fire camp and a lovely waterfall. I get in the waterfall and found myself in a little lobby of a house, then I woke up =D.

    This dream was the best out of the 4, I guess. So I won't post the others right away cause I'm bored lol! Hope you enjoyed!!

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