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    Doing Coke!

    by , 06-12-2010 at 01:32 AM (433 Views)
    Doing Coke!

    Clearness: 6/10
    Lucid : No

    Sorry guys I haven't been dreaming much more for the past week and none of my dreams worthed to be here. But this night I dreamt about an incredible one and I wanted to share it with you! So have fun!

    I'm at my grandmothers house with a couple of my friends, the house looks like my condominium a bit but at the same time like my grand mother's house. I can recognize it very clearly. So me and my friends are around the table and there is a big pile of white powder in the center of the table. My cousin told us it was Coke and that we shall snort it. I was like "Wtf?" but I still did it for the kick. (I never used such drugs, I only smoked weed about 6-7 times in my life) So I did it with 3 other friends on mine.

    After we snort alot my cousin said I took to much and I'll probably feel VERY strange so she told me to drink water. She told me I'd firstly feel my legs very heavy and smooth, so as I climb the stairs to get some water I feel my legs very strange. After taking some water I get down the stair and I start feeling energized, put my hand on my heart and notice that my heart is going Waaaaay to fast, but I don't bother that much. So we are tripin for awhile and making noise, then I though about my parents which are sleeping right beside us and I was very afraid of us to hear us, so I asked to go outside.

    It was raining and we were obviously in the middle of the night but still not very dark. One of my friend came across with some of if football team members we were now about 15 chilling right beside my grand mother's house. I can't tell ya if they were sober or not but they were acting weird. Anyway I was totaly wasted at this time and I saw one of my friends lying on the back on the grass. I though "WOW SUCH A GREAT IDEA" then I did like him.

    So the 3 of us were lying on the back on the ground feeling the rain falling on our face and we were totally amazed. It was like a lasers firing at us but the effect was all gentle and soft. As we experience this incredible feeling another one of my friend said, "LOOK! There are cats over there!!", and there were cats actually, but they were acting really strange. He took one and ask me to touch it, I did. It was sooooooo soft!! I took a whole cat for me and used it as a pillow...then I woke up!

    Hope you liked it lol

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