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    1. 25th to 31st March

      by , 03-31-2013 at 03:49 PM
      I have been away almost all week on this Easter holiday. Now today I got home, and I will write up my dreams and fragments I've had. Haven't had very great recalls and I kind of forgot about trying to get lucid. But, keeping dream journal I've done every day, as it's an habit.

      27th March
      Location: dads home
      Bedtime: 00:30
      Wakeup: ?? : ??
      Notes before bed: I dreaming!

      My sister and her iPhone camera hunted me (dream)

      I was hunted and I was running for my life.
      It was my sister who was hunting me as she had some apartment for sale etc.
      We were at the street where my dads house is at. She tried to kill me with an app on her iPhones camera.
      I started to run and she stood still for some moment as she had to start up the app or something.
      I turned in the end of the street, next to the other street, and turned the pathwalk down.
      As I knew/thought her app could track me or somehow "guess" where I gone. I shifted the direction and ran through the backyards of houses.

      That's it,

      28th March
      Location: Grandpa
      Bedtime: 23:30
      Wakeup: ?? : ??
      Notes before bed: I dreaming

      Random (fragments)
      Dad - Car
      Gave me ride to city
      Laptop were home
      Me and my friend was filming the creep

      29th March
      Location: Grandpa
      Bedtime: 23:30
      Wakeup: ?? : ??
      Notes before bed: Dream

      Old buddy Frank (fragment)
      I was looking for my old buddy Frank, who used to live not too far away from my grandpa.
      I tried to search him up on Facebook, his second name started with "SCH".
      I found a guy who was named just like my old buddy, but it wasn't him.

      That's it.
      Actually, I have no clue what his second name is. But it's not starting on "sch" I am quite sure of.

      31st March
      Location: gf's aparment
      Bedtime: 00:30
      First wakeup: 01:43 (by my gf's mum and some dude coming home)
      Second wakeup: 07:43
      Final Wakeup: 09:00

      Trailer (fragment)
      We were out driving with car with a trailer attached to it.

      Locker at gym (dream)
      The place I were in, must been some swimming hall and gym together. Like the gym Actic in my city almost.
      I were in the locker room area, I wasn't sure where I had put my stuffs. There was lots of kids around me, kids who had been swimming/playing or who will go swim/play. Anyway, I tried the key in a locker that I thought possible could be mine, and it worked, meaning it was my locker.
      Once it were open I see that I'd lots of stuffed animals in the locker, and also papers/drawings from the art in middle/high school.

      That's it.
    2. My day log - 26th March

      by , 03-26-2013 at 11:02 PM
      No dream recall today. Not a great recall of the week so far, 2 days without any recalls.

      Today was almost like yesterday except that I didn't go film anything.

      In very short this is what I did:
      1. Woke up and sat behind computer
      2. Ate breakfast (waffles I'd left)
      3. Walked to gym to workout (cardio today, 40 min total on bike).
      4. Internship from 9am to 4pm
      5. Went home (walked)

      Today me and my gf discussed about going to my grandpa (dads dad), as my dad will go there and I asked him if we can go for some week ago. But as I got this internship I thought I wouldn't be able. But tomorrow is last day at internship, then it's easter holiday and we will be back first at tuesday next week.
      So, my gf asked lots of stuffs today as she really want to know and be sure about when we're going there etc, where we gonna sleep and all. She have never been there at my grandpas place.

      We will probably be driving some snowmobile there etc. What kind of worries me is that my gf doesn't have any great clothes for cold weather with lots of snow (well, wont be that very cold, but anyway) and I know my dad very good. And he didn't look super happy when he asked me if we are going to be outside anything there.
      So, I hope my gf wont be freezing too much or get her cold worse.

      We also have no internet there, so I probably wont be able to write here until next week someday.

      Tomorrows plan is to go gym at morning, biceps, forearms, chin/pull ups and shoulders, possible something else too if I forgotten.
      The new scheldue wasn't that great really.. as I failed squats etc, and well, I think I will just create my own scheldue later when I got time next week. I will just go with the feeling and try prior the muscles I need for the test, which shall be legs, back and shoulders mostly.

      Well, I will see how everything goes. Each day I think about the test that's 25th April.
      I can't believe it's only 26th March today, days feels slow now sudden. And I guess it will be even slower after 25th April, because then I need wait for an answer, if I get in or not.

      Well, I will head off to bed soon maybe.
      side notes
    3. My day log - 25th March

      by , 03-25-2013 at 11:14 PM
      Today, woke up 6am or so by alarm. Had no recall. I had been sleeping for about 6-7 hours.
      Made two hamburgers, ate in front of the computer.
      Packed the gymbag, headed off to the gym. Worked out and tried to go after my new scheldue. Barbell squat I really hated because technique were total failure, I need to train without weights to get it right but I think I will just skip squats as I don't want to get injured before the test and I believe it wont be enough time to get right with the technique etc. I rather just spend that time on technique on deadlift that I think I've start to get better now.

      Anyway after gym, walked to the internship that I started today. It was quite alright in the beginning. My times are 9am to 4pm, with 45 mins lunch and 2 times 15 minutes coffee pause.
      The last two hours today were just super boring. The work itself must be so boring that I'll die. But, 22th April I hopefully will start work there and earn me about $1500 a month, for like 2 months. That will be some money atleast. And times will be 8am to 5pm, which is 2 hours more than this internship.

      So, after the internship, my dad picked me up with his car and we drove home and made waffles. As it's the waffles day today (well atleast dad said so).

      We made it, ate, made dishes and then I were on the computer some more time before dad drove me to the city to go on this place me and my friend were gonna film at. My friend however, lost the time (surprise suprise, I kind of knew something would happend that makes him not come, or come late. Because that's what often happends, he got bad luck?). Also he didn't have any car to get there once he were at home. If I had knew it just a 10-15 minutes before I went into city, I might could have told dad to drive to him and pick him up, then we would get some minutes late, but not too late for what we were about to film anyway.

      So after that filming was done and all, I walked to the busstation, waited like 21 minutes on the bus, went on the bus all way home.
      Once at home, I went straight to the computer with the memory card, put it into the computer, loaded over the huge video files, put them into Sony Vegas, started to edit it. Done editing and now it's rendering, the video is like 22 minutes long and it will take like 4 hours to render it, so I will just have on my computer during the night I guess, and in the morning I will send the video to that woman who wants it.

      The video I wasn't very proud or happy about, not superduper quality. Wasn't very light where they talked etc. Not very big spotlights that casts enough lights all over. It would be much better quality if she had been staying outside in middle of the day, even if it would be cloudy and all, it would be loooots better light and therefor so much better quality.
      Sound quality wasn't very great too but atleast you hear what she says and I reduced some noise too.

      And that's it. Now I am about to go brush my teeths, maybe first have some milk or something. Then brush teeths, drink some water, take this Listerine total care thing, and drink more water, and take my contact lenses off, and before all that also dishes my protein shake that I haven't had time to do yet since like 16 hours ago when I worked out at the gym.

      Had sooo much to do today, and tomorrow is muuuch to do again, except tomorrow I just have to wake up 6am (if not before that maybe), go to gym before 7am, and then go internship until 4pm, then maybe walk all way home, and home after 5pm, making dinner and eat, time will be like 6pm, and then I got like 4 hours to do something before I maybe shall go bed. Because tomorrow I should go earlier to bed, like 10pm maybe. So I get an 8 hour of sleep someday, and not 5-7 hours of sleep.

      So, today I will go bed like 00:00 maybe, in 45 minutes. Better start moving now and do what I need to do before bed.
      side notes
    4. My day log - 24th March

      by , 03-24-2013 at 10:15 PM
      I woke up today sometime after 9am at my gf's place. Sat behind the laptop a while, also visited bathroom etc.
      Some minutes later my gf came up too.
      I ate my quark with funlight in front of the computer. Took me over an hour to finish it I guess, I played some flash games and just chilled on the computer.

      After that, we cleaned her room, took us probably an hour almost.
      And then I packed everything and went home to dad.

      At dads house, time were probably about 4pm when I arrived.
      There was nobody home.
      I went to my room, unpacked the systemcamera to test out how long I can film for (as me and my friend gonna film tomorrow, not our own work but somebodys else). Figured out my camera is filled after about 20-22 minutes of filming. But that might be enough though.
      While testing out that and different settings I sat behind my computer. And after maybe an half hour somebody came into the house. It was my dads gf's son who got some pitbull dog. He is the 'gangsta' type guy with tattoos etc.

      Anyway, I were still on my computer and surfed around.
      Dad and his gf came home too, and an half hour after that I came out from my room, said hi and then I went off to store as I guessed they wouldn't do any food because they probably been eating. And really nothing here at home to eat.
      So I bought hamburgers and french fries.

      So I made dinner for myself.
      Sat behind the computer while eating, watched on videos of how to do some exercises etc. Because I'm starting a new scheldue tomorrow at the gym.
      I am very worried about it, I do want to succeed the 25th April on the test. I am afraid to get injured, but same time I feel like I need push harder and put on weights and do stronglift program. But that gives a much higher injure chance, and instead I might just practise more on the techniques so I am sure I am doing it all correct.
      If I get injured, I will be fkd for sure.

      Well, since then I been on the computer.
      I also made dishes. Put up the clean dishes from the machine and then put in my dishes etc.

      Now soon I think of going to bed and sleep. Latest 11pm (23:00), which is in like 55 minutes from now. Because tomorrow I will wake up about 6am. Because 9am I will be at that internship place (oh btw I will check on google street view of exactly where it is), and before this I will go gym.

      So tomorrow I will wake up 6am, make 2 hamburgers for breakfast maybe as I don't have anything else to eat I guess. Then I will prepare the gymbag with everything, be on the computer too maybe. And then latest 06:50 I will start walk to the gym.
      I will be then on the gym around 07:30, where I will workout for max 1 hour, to 08:30, and then take a shower and then walk to that place.

      I hope it wont be too long day, because I need to get home and back to the city, at 18:30 I need to be there with my friend and film for this EU project we're teaming up with.

      I HOPE my friend got to recharge his batteries etc, because they want it to be filmed, they said they else get somebody else who can film them (it's some speech they gonna do, some lecture or whatever called). And if my friend wouldn't have recharged batteries or anything, it all might just get FKD! Because my systemcamera got low memory compared to my friend, and I might not be able to film it all.
      So there I am a little bit worried.
      As I know things like that happened before with my friend. When going gym something comes up and he don't go and when me, him and my gf were gonna take photos on northen lights, the first evening his wheels on the car were broken. So we skipped that day. The other day (next day from that) we were gonna take photos of northen lights, but then his cameras battery were out. But luckily he recharged it, but we were late like 2 hours than when we were suppose to go.

      Oh well, I hope everything will be fine.
      I am mostly worried about this test on 25th April. And also, then I have to wait until between 10th July and 16th September or something like that, until I know if I even got in the basic military education. So will be months of worryness after the test anyway.

      I wish I just could speed up the time and let the days go until 25th April, then look what results I got, and then speed time to sometime after 10th July and see if I got in or not.

      If I don't get in, I'll have hard to choose, if I am gonna continue study and go for the film- and TV production one in another city that sure will be fun but might not be very great with jobs afterwards and will be owe lots of money.
      I might just be looking for jobs etc.
      side notes
    5. Road trip dream and Zuckerberg fragment- 24th March

      by , 03-24-2013 at 09:53 PM
      Well, now I name the topics to a short discription of what the dream were about, to make it more interesting and to later get to find the dreams when searching.
      Location: gf's apartment

      Bedtime: 00:00
      First wakeup: 02:22 (by gf's phone)
      Final wakeup: 09:40

      Road trip (dream)
      I was in a housebus (husbuss in Swedish) with about 6 other people. We were on our way to Italy. It was a road trip I assume and we were half way there, it would take us 16 days to get there and so far we'd been doing 8 days.

      There was a girl with black hair that was with us. She were interested in me and kind of wanted me. She was hot, and she seemed to want to 'do it', but as I wasn't single she didn't want to.

      It was dark outside, probably midnight time and where we drove it was snow and ice outside.
      The driver was driving quite crazy. In the curves there were like ramps made of ice, so he drove in high speed up on these ice-ramps and I thought we were going to crash and die, but we didn't.

      The girl with black hair were very interested and she sat on me while I laid down. Really felt like she teased me. She also almost made out with me, but it didn't happend.

      That's the dream.

      Mark Zuckerberg (fragment)
      I met Mark Zuckerberg at a grocery store with my friend. I was about to go ask him for a autograph, but he were too busy as he started to walk towards the checkout. And he seemed to ignore me too.

      That's it.
    6. My day log - 23th March

      by , 03-23-2013 at 10:10 PM
      Today, woke up at my gf's apartment. Went to the laptop, got me a 500g quark with funlight for breakfast as I were on the computer for like a 20 minutes.
      Packed my gymbag and went off to the gym. I had some pain in my back and legs, from the previous workouts yesterday I guess, so I was taking it easy on the gym, lifted lighter weight and made sure so I do the right form, because I'm afraid of getting hurt very bad now before I get to the test, because I really want to get into this education.

      After gym, walked back to my gf's apartment. My gf were having a rest/sleep, but woke up just some minutes after I'd come there.
      I emptied the dishwashing machine and then we were at the computers quite a lot.

      My gf's mum came home (she'd been away somewhere at day), and they made dinner. Meat and french fries.
      When final dinner were done (took like 1,5 hour, the meat had to be in owen for over an hour). Me and my gf ate in her bed and watched on a movie. The movie Piggy or whatever it was called, it was a quite new movie I think.
      However, the movie wasn't very great, we watched like an half hour if not more and not much had happened. So we switched and watched "Silver Linings Playbook". It was quite good.

      After that we, uKnowWuth and well now I'm in front of the computer again and it's now 10pm. Just had a small pizza, might take one more soon.
      Tomorrow I got nothing to do in morning, it's rest day from gym unless I go there for cardio though.
      But tomorrow I'm getting home in the afternoon, and Monday I start internship that might lead to summerjob.

      Feels like this post been quite small described, not much detail but well I kind of already forgot what I done all day.

      Oh, I also got this phone game app from the Swedish army force (that's I want a job at, which this education is), where in this game you make missions. It comes up a mission and you gonna solve it, some small game on phone or something else. I got one crazy one where I had to go outside and it used my GPS, and I had to walk a path to succeed, and this was not showing map over where I were, so I simply had to figure out how I would walk to get it all right, because there's lots of buildings here. I jogged so much and tried figure it out. Would be so much easier if there was no buildings or something, but I succeeded after 8 minutes of jogging around, and time limit were 10 minutes.
      It's quite a funny game but will be hard to do when I'm on internship. Because sometimes you get up a text when your next mission is, lets say like 16:00, like I got yesterday, then I got like 1 hour on me to start this mission or it will fail (and when it fail, it just gives me 1 point to the failure tab). And sometime it probably can come up that I need to do it in the night, or now when internship starts, it probably will come up something there and then I wont be able to really do it.

      Well, I will now have some more coca cola zero and maybe pizza too. Then be awake for an hour more or so before bed I guess.
      Btw, I had no recalls today. I went bed around 00:00 (quite exactly I remember, just some minutes before), and woke up almost exactly 09:00, so had a 9 hours sleep.
    7. My day log - 22th March

      by , 03-22-2013 at 07:52 PM
      Feel tired to write right now. I will make a short description of the day.

      I woke up sometime in morning. I was on the computer.
      Then I walked to the gym, worked out, and then walked to my gf.
      Once at gf's place, I were on the computer. Then we also ate chicken, cucumber and some feta cheese. AND cashew nuts too.

      Then we went with gf's mums friend to some guy who fixed my gfs mums car because it broke a few days ago. We drove to the part of the city where my dad lives, because my gf think of getting a dog that looks like a sheep almost.
      The dog is 1 year old and named Gizmo or something like that. He barked a lot, seemed to be aggressive etc.
      The people that were gonna lend us him (they give us him a year and we only need pay food, and then maybe we get the dog), was not able to have the dog anymore because the dog was jealous and pee'd on the kids stuffs etc, lol.
      Well, my gf is unsure if she gonna get the dog, as it seemed so angry and wasn't very nice as it bit her hand too, with the whole mouth.

      Well, then we went away from there and picked up my gfs mums sister who lives in Stockholm (capital of Sweden, like 900km south) but she have come up here to visit.
      We went home to my gf.
      My gf and her mums sister (whatever called), went away again, as they were going to make tattoos at some dude we know. My gf got a couple of tattoos she been doing the past half year, she was just gonna fill in some tattoo alittle while her mums sister were going to do some tattoo.

      That's kinda everything in quite short details.
      No idea if we will eat anything soon again. I ate 500g quark with funlight for an hour ago as I were hungry.
      side notes
    8. 2 dreams, 1 fragment - 22th March

      by , 03-22-2013 at 09:17 AM
      Location: dads home

      Bedtime: 01:45
      Final wakeup: 07:58

      Notes before bed: Dreamviews.

      Jealous and suspicious me (dream)
      My gf had gotten a new phone, an Xperia V.
      Me, my friend Mattias and my gf were at my gf's apartment, in her room.
      My gf was sending text messages to a guy (Adam or so) all the time. She said that she were going to sleep over at his place.
      I started to get moody about it and didn't think there were a good idea to sleep over at his place. Both me and my friend thought it sounded strange that my gf sleeps over at another guys house, sounded not right and suspect.
      But my gf said it's normal.
      We got kind of mad on eachother and she left the room.

      Later we were at my old highschool (7-9th grade). We were near the woodwork room. My gf were going to a lesson or meeting, and as she had walked away, I noticed on the bench that she had forgotten her phone.
      I sneaked to it and picked it up, walked to the woodwork room to hide in case she walks back. I go to the conversation of the guy who she been texting all morning, and went on top to start there. I read the text that she had read up or me some days earlier, just some normal text.
      I continued to read on. I walked out from the woodwork room and walked to some other place, while walking I tried to read the text messages.
      Didn't find any sign on that they're in love with eachother or so, but then I hadn't read enough much to get down to the place where he had suggested her to come over to him and sleep.

      C-S 1.6 again (fragment)
      I was in the game counter-strike 1.6 once again, it was the map surf_ski, or well, a familiar map to it. Either I had cheats or it was a mod, cus I could use the mods like morph etc, I simply ran faster, could get any weapon etc.

      Bought youtube views (dream)
      I was in my room at my dads house. It was evening and I had just bought youtube views and on my bed it was a counter on the video I had ordered views to. It was around 5000 views I had ordered.
      The views was showing on my bed and it changed very fast from just a few views up to a couple of houndreds or maybe it was thousands views.

      Okey. The first dream. My gf got her phone (Xperia s) back from the repairing service yesterday and she had wrote on Facebook she needs people calling and texting her as she got no numbers left.
      That must have triggered the things about the phone. But that I suspected her and that she were gonna sleep over at a guys place? no idea where it comes from.

      The fragment, was maybe triggered when I yesterday watched a few C-S stickman videos on YouTube, and I told my friend that I felt like playing the game again just a little bit, because I haven't played it for over years or so. Now at morning, I don't feel like playing it at all though.

      The dream about youtube views. I see why it came up. Because before I went to bed, I had uploaded another video. And previous time I tested buy Youtube views, got very overdelivered, with over houndred thousands views (well unless they all were real though lol). And well, I just thought why not try it again and see if they can give a large amount still. It's great and cheap for advertising. I used it on the video I edited yesterday. So a 30k+ views it´s supposed to get.
    9. My day log - 21th March

      by , 03-21-2013 at 11:59 PM
      Today I've been happy and angry!

      Happy: I got the letter about the basic military education, and I am going to be tested 25th April! I hope I will success the test, which I believe I will. But I will know if I will be able to start the education first sometime after 10th July.

      Angry: The young blonde woman/girl who was at the checkout in the store, weight my sweets wrong and made me pay $2 more. I was surprised that it weight so much but she said it does weight it so I believed, but when got home, I detect she weight it wrong. She said it was 0.45 kg, but it actually were 0.25 kg.. Oh well.

      Alright, here's the whole day, I will try keep it more short.

      I woke up at morning, 06:50. Went on the computer for an half hour, then I were packing my gymbag, but I went back to the computer and were there a while, also loaded in some more musics to the iPod.
      Time were about 08:30 before I went off to the gym.
      At 09:10 I was in the city, I shot a photo with my phone of the market that started today, and posted it on my fanpage about my city where I got some thousands of likes.
      Then I went into the gym, worked out for about 1,5 hour almost. Had about 1 hour strength exercises and then about 20 minutes cardio, but shower on that etc adds it over 1,5 hour.

      When done at the gym, time was like 11:00 almost.
      I walked to the library to go to the bathroom first, and then I tried go on the wireless network but it didn't work very well.
      Looked at books, books about psychology etc. About how to erase stress and all that kind of stuffs, and also books about meditation, dreams etc, which I been looking at before and also read some book a while ago.
      However, didn't find any book even though I thought quite much to lend a book as some seems to be great with those titles "how to make your life better", "if you're stuck in life" and familiar books that maybe can help of what path to go in life and get some tips. But well, I didn't lend anything for now.

      After I been at the library, I were walking towards home.
      On the way home, I had in mind to buy me dr pepper for the pizza I was going to do for lunch.
      Once at the store, I kind of felt like having some sweets too, but not so much. I picked it (bulk candy or whatever called in English).
      Went to the cashout, which was a blonde woman in my age (there is very many young people that works on this store).
      She said 50 kr after she had scanned the dr pepper etc.
      I was quite surprised and said how can it be that much?
      She answered that it is, that it's weight 0.4 kg, I was quite unsure but I said alright.
      I picked it up after I had paid and tried to weight it in my arm and wondered is this really 0.4 kg? it feels more like 0.2 kg.
      I was thinking to let her weight it again, but somehow it sounded so untrusty or weird, and besides I had just worked out and who know if I just been pumped up and stronger and therefor it feels lighter?

      I walked home, thinking about if she really weight it correct, if she accidently (or maybe not even accidently?) hold her hand down or if the dr pepper hadn't pass through the scale while she weight the sweets (as they just swipe pass the products fast).

      Once at home, I detected I had post, lots of letters, all to dad except the one for me, that was from the Recruit Agency.
      I was thinking that I will rage out and walk back to store if I don't get to make the test on the military education (as the answered were in the envelope), and that if I get in, I will just forget that store incident.

      I went to bathroom first as I had to do my needings. Then I started the laptop, took a picture of the envelope and loaded it up on Facebook.
      I opened the envelope and got happy to read what it said.
      Though I left negative comment on the stores Facebook page, that is completely dead (they got 10 likes, and haven't written anything in many months since they started it up), so doesn't matter anyway any much.
      Nothing I anyway could do really about it, more than hate the store and avoid going there anymore.

      Anyway, I then made my pizza, ate it. And then been on the computer like all afternoon and evening.

      Right now I've edited the world record video I shot last weekend, when my city made world record in largest Facebook thumb using humans to form it. We were about 2493 people or so.
      And well I don't bother edit it that perfectly, I made a fast 3D intro in Cinema 4D that took me about 10 minutes total of creating, as I also added it into After effects to add an optical flare. Rendnering time in Cinema 4D took time though.
      Then I put it into sony vegas where I just put it all together.

      Well that's it. Soon time is 00:00 and I will maybe brush my teeths soon, drink some water and then go bed.
      Atleast before 1am I will try.
      Tomorrow morning/day I go gym, and before 3pm my gf want me to be there to meet some dog that looks like a sheep that she thinks of taking care of and possible get..
      So I don't know if I will maybe sleep to like 8-10am and then wake up, go to gym and directly from gym I walk to my gf. I probably do that. But sleeping a 6-8 hours first.

      Updated 03-22-2013 at 12:02 AM by 49844

      side notes
    10. 1 dream - 21th March

      by , 03-21-2013 at 11:21 PM
      Location: dads home

      Bedtime: around 00:00
      Final wakeup: 06:50

      Notes before bed: Dream. I'm dreaming. I'm lucid dreaming.
      Made two V-WILD attempts

      Made a forum thread (dream)
      I was on a forum I'm on everyday, a Swedish forum.
      I was writing a new forum thread about that I'm getting mistreated.
      There was lots of text where I'd explained that my parents doesn't care about me at all.
      I were writing all these on the small bathroom/toilet at my dads house where I'd locked myself in after some incident had happened that I suspected me, my gf and some other man had 3-some together.
      Also in the text I wrote that my dream was to be a pilot, but that I didn't believe in it because I thought it was a hard job to get.

      All this were wroten on a green colored milk carton when I posted it to the forum.
      Then I looked on all sides of the carton but I didn't find the text that I just posted.
      However, somebody answered in the thread that he had found the text.
      But when more people came in to the thread they said that there is no text in the link that I'd sent them (I sent them the milk carton..), and they said it was virus.

      That's it. Quite so weird dream, as always.
    11. My day log - 20th March

      by , 03-20-2013 at 10:15 PM
      I woke up like 11:20 this morning. As always, sat behind the computer in the morning.
      After an hour I really started to get hungry, and well I had nothing to eat, because I hadn't bought anything for myself.

      As I were getting dressed to go store, my old mobilephone was ringing, I didn't get time to answer before it stopped. But I called back and it was the employment service that wanted me to get there as fast possible or atleast before 3pm, because I needed to get some information about an internship I'll start on Monday. This internship though doesn't seem to be like the ones I'd before that was total useless, this one is for a job in the summer that I might get if I do it good on the internship. It's some simple IT job that probably retarded persons would even succeed. And they needed lots of people.

      So, hungry as fk I were going to take bus to the city. I walked outdoor and shortly after my dad opened the balcony door and asked me where I am going. I said I'm going to the employment service and he asked me if I want a ride because he is going to his work soon. So I said alright.
      He dropped me off in front of the employment service, I walked in and went into the room. The old woman who I've as 'officer' or whatever to call it, said I was very quick.

      She talked and gave me paper about the internship, about where and when it starts.
      25th March to 10th April I will be there slaving like I've done massive of times before. This though look more bright in my eyes.
      But I wasn't very happy anyway, and she was quite surprised of that as she know I've been trying hard to get a job.
      What I kind of got angry on is that this internship is on the days where me, my gf, dad and his gf were going to my dads dad for some days.
      Even though, my dad in car told me that it might not be off anyway, because his girlfriend wants to stay home and enjoy time with her oldest son etc.
      And also, this ain't 100% sure I will even get a job, and I remember there is like 3 places where they gonna put us, and I don't want to work like 500km away from here, like where the fk do I'm gonna live. If I will go bus to and from the job, I will not earn more than if I just would be without job like I'm now. Because I guess the salary will be sh-t.

      Well, after the meeting I walked to the library, was getting on the WiFi network and surfed around on my phone. Did that for like a 15 minutes, then got bored and started walk home.
      On my way home I passed by a store, bought a dr pepper, pizza doughbottom (or whatever spelled and called), and all other stuffs I need for make a glutenfree pizza. Also bought some chips and cheese dip I wanted try out (they don't have the cheese dip I been eating for over a year ago, the very best one, sux that all stores seems to be removing it).

      Anyway, once I came home. Went on the computer, noticide I were banned from the girly sh-tty website me and my gf use to be on. I noticied my IP were banned because no user did work to login to. So I first tried use a IP proxy through the webbrowsers network settings, but it didn't work. So I used TOR webbrowser and there I got into another account. But my main account were total gone. And I don't even know why really.
      But, I don't care any much. My gf though noticied it some hours after and she thought I had deleted my account there until I explained that I'm banned.

      Anyway, short after I been on the computer for some minutes, I started to make my pizza, took me like 30 minutes in total.
      Then I ate it, was tasting great.

      After that, I've been on the computer like all afternoon and evening.
      I plan to go bed soon, time is 10:12pm right now (22:12). I probably are in my bed atleast 23:00, in a 3/4 hour (45 minutes).

      My plan for tomorrow is to get up early, I will maybe put alarm at like 7am, maybe even 6am, not sure. I shall sleep a 7-8 hours atleast. Then I will wake up, pack my gymbag and head off to gym and try to be there before 9am. Then I will just walk back home later and really no idea what to do rest of all day tomorrow.

      Now I will go have some water and sit behind the computer some more minutes before I go bed.
      side notes
    12. 1 dream - 20th March

      by , 03-20-2013 at 12:13 PM
      Location: dads home

      Bedtime: 04:00
      Final wakeup: 11:20

      Notes before bed: Reality check

      gSM (dream)
      I was at that site made for girls mostly, the one my gf use to be at, and me too for that (but I mostly just trying to find ways to earn lots of cash inside the game using glitches etc, and also to do graphic design to some profile magazine that thousands of members been buying).
      Anyway, a moderator was needing help there to publish her magazin newspaper.
      It was needed to be a guy to publish it because she had forgotten the gymcard and therefor couldn't access, but that guys can access always without needing a card.
      I had to pay like 2 diamonds and some other stuffs on the site, which I did have and didn't care any much about.
      Before I published it for her though, I noticed that she had a video in her magazine, that was filmed quite so nice. I was asking her if she had used a GoPro camera, but she never answered me.
      Anyway I published it in order to write her username and more stuffs and clicked the button.
      But in the end, it did not work.

      That's it.
      Yesterday I was on this girly site quite much looking around. And I messaged a moderator asking her something I cannot remember now, but I never got any answer back. Which may be of that part in the dream.
      And also I was at the gym yesterday, very late. And in our gym they got a "girl gym" where only girls can go in (it's in their dressing room), so they need their membership card in order to enter. We guys though don't need any card to get into our dressing room, only time it's needed is when entering the gym building and leaving it.
    13. My day log - 19th March

      by , 03-20-2013 at 02:18 AM
      Right now, it's 20th March, 2am in the night. But I'm now going to write about the day that passed by for over 2 hours ago.

      I woke up in the morning, sometime after 9am, wrote down dream I had. I was alittle tired even though I had slept for 8 hours. So I thought I will just keep sleeping a while.
      Woke up sometime after 11am, thought time passed by so fast and didn't expect myself to sleep 2 more hours, I had a guess I only would sleep 30 minutes to 1 hour or so.
      I went up, started the computer, went to the bathroom.
      Checked the fridge, nothing to eat. Sat down behind my computer while drinked some milk.
      My dad and his girlfriend left the house a couple of minutes later. About one hour of sitting behind my computer I went to the store to buy something to eat. I felt like drinking some dr pepper and some chips and pizza and all food that ain't very good.
      I bought me a small pizza, one named burning pepper that I like alot, and I bought an coca cola (this store seems to be out of dr pepper so often), and some onion rings (didn't buy chips).
      Went back home and ate the pizza and drinked coca cola behind the computer. Ate some onion rings as well.
      At the computer I surfed around, didn't do any much. Viewed Facebook, chatted some, read on forums, news, watched YouTube videos etc.

      Time passed by.
      When time was 7pm, my friend told me he cannot go gym today as we had decided since yesterday. Not surprised, as it happened mulitple of times before that when we are going to gym in the evenings (as he either use to sleep all morning/day or having school all morning/day). I prefer going gym in morning/day time. So if I really knew that he wouldn't go gym today I probably would have gone on the day possible.
      Anyway, I was though wondering where dad and his girlfriend went, as they had been away for over 7 hours.
      I also started to feel hungry, so I made macaroni, while I made the dinner my dad and his girlfriend came back home.
      I ate in front of my computer, continued to do what I done all day.
      Then around 9pm I packed my gymbag and started to walk towards the gym.
      Arrived a gym around 10pm. Made a 6 min warmup on the bike, and then strength workout for like 1 hour.
      Those exercises:
      - Barbell bench press (chest)
      - Pec fly machine (chest)
      - Ez bar curls (biceps)
      - Zottman curls (biceps + forearms)
      - Wrist curls (forearms)
      - Barbell shoulder pull up (or whatever it's called. Shoulders)
      - Pull up and chin up (no idea what muscles really..)

      Did mostly 4-5 sets for each exercise.

      After that I got on the bike and did quite intense cardio for 10 minutes.

      That done, I drinked my Whey FX proteindrink, took a shower and then walked back home that took me a 50 minutes.
      When home, time was about 1am. Went instantly to the bathroom for a pee as I had hold in for a 20 minutes.
      Then I brushed my teeth, packed up the gymbag (well, only the towel and the shaker as I'm lazy now).
      And then I sat behind my computer again, where I am right now.

      I will be on the computer some more time, maybe I go sleep in a 30-45 minutes from now. Time's like 02:18 now, so it been taking me like 20 minutes to write this all.
      I need to write a mail now about the teamwork with an EU project that me and my friend was meeting the Monday that was.
      side notes
    14. 1 dream - 19th March

      by , 03-19-2013 at 07:11 PM
      Location: dads home

      Bedtime: 01:15
      First wakeup: 09:30
      Final wakeup: 11 : ??

      Notes before bed: I dreaming

      Ride to the meeting (dream)
      Me and my gf were gonna go to a meeting in the city. I hadn't noticed the time, so I only had 20 minutes to get there. And I knew it would take me atleast 50 minutes by walking there.
      I asked my dad if he could drive me there, but he didn't have time he said. Instead he gave me cash, lots of coins and some bills/papermoney. Total it was maybe around 200 SEK ($30 maybe). So I thought I may just take the bus then (1 ride costs like $2), and I might be in time.

      That's it.

      Thought I might start write why I think the dream recall came up, because it always have some reason, or often.

      Yesterday me and my friend went to a meeting in the city, about our association that we might team up with an EU project. And well we got some paper to fill in etc.

      And that was probably because of the dream, except that in this dream it was with my gf instead.

      Updated 03-19-2013 at 07:16 PM by 49844

    15. 1 dream - 18th March

      by , 03-18-2013 at 10:19 PM
      Haven't had any recalls this weekend, been quite busy and didn't keep dream journal near my bed for 3 nights.
      But today I had a dream recall.

      Location: gf's moms apartment

      Bedtime: 00:00
      Final wakeup: 08:57 (3 min before alarm were set)
      No notes before bed were written down.

      Dad as babysitter (dream)
      I was at some kind of school, somethjing that looked like a library. We had computers and books there.
      I picked up my "new" phone (well, it's display was like an old phone, small and bent out alittle). I saw my dad had texted me sometime after 10am and 11am. Suddenly a new text came, time was 01:02pm (or 13:02). He wrote that he need tips of how he can teach the kid that were about 6 years old, to not touch knifes etc. He was babysitting his girlfriends child or something like that.
      However, I couldn't answer him with any tips because I had no knowledges or experiences with that.

      That's it.
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