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    12/14/22 - candy fight / boss fight / boat death

    by , 12-14-2022 at 06:29 PM (148 Views)

    Im in a grocery store hiding and ducking behind shelves. Im dodging candy bullets from the opposite side while trying to sneak in a few shots at my opponents with my own candy bullets. At one point I shoot at an opponent but the small chocolate candies don't reach him. My team gets mad at me for giving the other team ammo by shooting so much and missing, since now they can just pick up my candies off the floor and shoot us with them.

    ... dont remember the transition ...

    Im below a set of stairs on a cliff and I leave a pink flower on a cranny as a symbol to somebody Im waiting for.


    i have to get past this guy by beating him in a video game. The game has the style and characters of kingdom hearts but is more like a american ninja warrior game where you jump between platforms. at the end of each platform is a '>>>' speed powerup. After this guy, i had to beat another boss ut this time the game i had to play was a boss fight (again like KH). I lost and then had to write something in korean '음국' (not a real word- maybe food land, music land, negative land, yin land). the guy is getting annoyed that im taking so long to write it. There are now a bunch of people in the space with us including a guy i met in physics class and my husband. all of us are on white bean bags except the boss. i start to fall asleep but I keep my left eye half open. people check if im asleep yet or not. Im awake and I ask my husband if he feels better yet. he says no. I tell him it will be ok since im almost done with school.

    ...thinking about what to do about school...

    im in an hotel room with my mom. I see a large steam boat out the window coming out of the sky and going to crash into us. At first it looks like its going to miss, but then the boat flips and hits us with its side.

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