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    July 31 Notes

    by , 08-01-2012 at 07:17 AM (264 Views)
    Well, I decided to mix up my routine a little bit and have my nightly juic, milk, and banana, AFTER basketball.

    8:30 - Go shoot hoops
    10:00 - Come back in and have OJ, Apple Juice, milk, and banana. Get ready for bed
    11:00 - Vitamins with glass of water
    11:15 - Go to bed with binaural beats
    2:30 - Wake up and begin second sleep cycle
    4:30 - Wake up again and get ready to start alarm... put in earbuds and fall asleep. *facepalm*
    8:00 - Get up

    So ya, I had a bunch of dreams in that time period where I SHOULD OF started the alarm, and it would of been an excellent opportunity for another WILD. Grrr... can't believe that happened. Oh well...

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