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    Twelfth Lucid Dream

    by , 10-16-2012 at 05:53 AM (518 Views)
    Well, although this dream wasn't exactly life-changing like the last one, it WAS lucid however so I feel it worthy of taking note.

    So, I was at this old hotel place and it was night. The atmosphere was very creepy in general, with the lights in the hotel having that sort of eerie, dim glow, even when switched on. Anyways, during the whole thing it was amost like watching a horror movie, with everything having that creepy green tint. Then... it got really wierd. I remember hearing a knock at the door (Ok I guess it was a motel, not a hotel. ) Anywho... in the dream I just had this dread that something bad was gonna happen and decided against answering. The knocking subsided, but then I realized... I had left the door UNLOCKED! I ran over to lock it when I heard more knocking. Then... someone started to try and open the door. I resisted with all my might but I was feeling strangely weak and was helpless.

    Then... the door burst open and this very scary looking horse type creature with pure black eyes and a satanic look on its face came charging into the room at me. Luckily... I managed to dodge it and escape out the window. I went running through the parking lot looking for help, but like all horror movies... even when there should be help around... of course there wasnt.

    After running till I could run no more.. I finally came to a house. Luckily... the guy inside was a cop so if I could just get his attention I would be home free! At this point I became fully lucid, and in control of my body. I was like... "Oh, wait... I'm dreaming! Before I work on my dream goals though... better take care of the problem at hand so as not to ruin the experience." So then... I proceeded to get the cop's attention so he could shoot this darned horse scary creature thing and I could get on with my experiments. However... as is the stereotypical cop.. he was glued to his tv watching football with coffee and a donut at the ready.

    Being a good citizen however, and always showing appreciation to our service-men, I politely knocked on his door. The strange thing was... despite having perfect control of myself, no matter how hard I knocked, I just couldn't get the door to make any noise! I tried yelling as well, but my efforts were all futile. At this point, the horse creature was right behind me but I simply asked it to wait for a moment until I could figure this out. Apparently I am finally overcoming my DC interference issues, because the creature obeyed as if it was my dog.

    Now... I had to come up with a creative solution to get the cop's attention. I happened to have a notepad with me so I wrote him a message. I then tried breaking a window to throw it to him, but I was unable to break the glass for some strange reason and instead, simply slid it under the door. However, then he got up from his chair because commercials came on. Although I was still unable to make a peep, I was able to exhibit some amazing control here. I simply willed him to come back downstairs and find the note. To my own amazement in the dream... this worked after only a matter of a few seconds. He came downstairs, read the note, got his gun, and that was that.

    Unfortunately at this point however... I can't remember ever getting to work in my dream goals because that is as far as I remember. Maybe he invited me in for donuts and coffee??? Hehe.
    Batch likes this.

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    lucid , nightmare


    1. Batch's Avatar
      That sounds like a fun one! I kind of like the lucid, but nothing will work, so have to find new methods of doing things bit ... kind of cool!
      SuperSonicFan likes this.
    2. SuperSonicFan's Avatar
      Ya same here. It is kinda fun though when you figure out an innovative way of getting something done.