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    1. Did a RC but didn't notice anything wrong

      by , 03-19-2013 at 01:53 PM
      Last night I dreamed of being back in school with friends. I was sitting at a desk at an after school program where we play games. We were running around a gym. There was something about race involved in the game, like only people from one race would run at a time.

      Then all of a sudden I see my friend Daichi, he's staying at my house. My parents go to walk our dog outside. I tell Daichi "I don't know what's real anymore", as I do a RC. I somehow didn't catch it was a dream though and thought it was real. I need to work on doing a better RC. Anyway Daichi and I were just moving his stuff around using a rolling platform when we saw spiders on it and they jumped on me. Scary stuff. Then me and Daichi were at one of those gaming restaurants like Dave and Busters, we were in a pit of change and we loaded it all into a box and struggled to get it out of the pit, when we did everyone cheered.

      Then I woke up.
    2. Did a RC but didn't notice anything wrong

      by , 03-19-2013 at 01:52 PM
      This dream is from last night, I forgot to do my DJ.

      I was in a river of shit with Walt and Sky from breaking bad. Sky was behind a fence and Walt was throwing her some keys. Next thing I know I'm on a bridge above the river and a dragon hologram appears. A voice a says "If you accept it will change your life forever". I enter the dragon and a white light appears. I start floating around being shown different things. Then I'm in a french club wearing a horizontal striped black and white shirt, an air tube shoots me up to the second floor. I'm dancing like mad when I see girls there, and I can see sweat everywhere. The club ends and I go to a girl "You know where I want to end up", or something like that. We start going to her place, climbing over a sculpture. She says "France gets 2-6 week pay ahead of time". I slide down the sculpture, she sits back with me, then I see images of someone using human flesh for a pumpkin heater.
